Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 Readme.txt File (322733)

This article was previously published under Q322733


This article contains a copy of the information from the Readme.txt file that is included with Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0.


          Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Services for UNIX 3.0
                         Release Notes
                           May 2002
        (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

Read the following important information before you install 
and use Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0

Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0 combines the powerful 
connectivity services of Windows Services for UNIX version 2.0 with
the UNIX-compatibility features of Microsoft Interix. For information
about features and utilities added to the Interix subsystem since 
Microsoft Interix version 2.2, see the section titled 


For more information about Windows Services for UNIX, please refer 
to the white papers and technical information on 


Windows Services for UNIX includes certain components licensed to 
Microsoft from third parties (each, a "Component Product"). A 
Component Product can contain its own license agreement, copyright 
notice, or both (each, a "Component Agreement").  The Component 
Agreements are located on the Product media in cpyright.txt, gpl.txt
and lgpl.txt in the Docs folder. The end-user license agreement (EULA)
for Windows Services for UNIX can be found on the Windows Services for 
UNIX CD-ROM in Eula.doc located in the Docs folder. If there are 
inconsistencies between this EULA and any Component Agreement, the 
terms of the Component Agreement shall control solely with respect to 
that Component Product.

Links in Windows Services for UNIX Help to the EULA do not actually
display the contents of the EULA. To read the EULA, open Eula.doc in
the Docs folder on the Windows Services for UNIX CD-ROM.




* You can install Windows Services for UNIX on computers running 
  Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 with 
  Service Pack 6a or later. If you have an earlier version of 
  Windows NT, you must upgrade your system before you install 
  Windows Services for UNIX.

* Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and Server require Service Pack 6a or 
  later and Active Directory Client Extension (DSClient) for 
  Windows NT 4.0. For information on installing DSClient, see:
* Active Directory Client Extension is not supported on Windows NT 4.0
  Terminal Server Edition (TSE) platform; hence, this release of 
  Windows Services for UNIX is not supported on Windows NT 4.0 
  Terminal Server Edition (TSE).

* Be sure to install this software in a directory that does not 
  include a space in any part of the path. If you do install this 
  software in a directory that has a space in its name, some shortcuts 
  will not work correctly. In addition, you might experience problems 
  with Network File System (NFS), some UNIX utilities, and scripts. 

* Windows Services for UNIX requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
  or later. If you have an earlier version of Internet Explorer, you 
  must upgrade before you install Windows Services for UNIX. 
  Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later is strongly recommended if 
  you intend to run the NIS Server Migration Wizard.

* If you already have a non-Microsoft Telnet server installed on your 
  computer, you must remove it before installing the version of 
  Telnet Server provided with Microsoft Windows Services for 

* Double-byte character set (DBCS) characters are not supported in 
  computer names, domain names, host names, share names, and user 
  names, except in User Name Mapping, where DBCS characters are 
  allowed in user names. DBCS is the character set used for languages
  such as Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

* If you upgrade your computer to Windows 2000 after installing
  Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0, files required for the proper
  functioning of the Interix subsystem might be replaced by 
  Windows 2000 Setup. If this occurs, after upgrading to Windows 2000, 
  run \setup\psxreins.exe from the Windows Services for UNIX 
  installation CD-ROM to restore these files.

* The path to the installation directory of Windows Services for UNIX
  is saved in the %SFUDIR% environment variable.  Many utilities are 
  installed in the %SFUDIR%\common directory. Note that the path name
  %SFUDIR%\common is appended to the end of %PATH% environment 
  variable. This means that utilities in the %SFUDIR%\common directory
  will be executed only if a utility with the same name is not found 
  in any other directory prior to this directory in the %PATH%
  environment variable. For instance, the find.exe provided by Windows
  Services for UNIX will probably not be executed because there exists 
  the %WINDIR%\system32\find.exe utility, and %WINDIR%\system32 
  precedes %SFUDIR\common in the %PATH% environment variable. To run 
  a specific version of a utility when multiple versions exist in the
  directories specified in the %PATH% environment variable, supply the
  path of the utility on the command line. For example, to run the
  Windows Services for UNIX version of find.exe, at a command prompt,
  type %SFUDIR%\common\find.exe followed by the command's options and

You can install Windows Services for UNIX from Windows or from a 
command line. For more information, see install.htm in the root 
directory of the product CD-ROM.

Before You Install 

* Before you install Server for NIS, make sure you are logged on as a 
  member of the Schema Admins group. This will ensure that Windows 
  Services for UNIX Setup can modify the Active Directory schema with 
  Network Information Service (NIS)-specific information. Otherwise, 
  the schema upgrade will fail.

  For a single-domain enterprise, the domain administrator is a member
  of the Schema Admins group. For a domain tree, only the root-level
  domain administrator will be the member of the Schema Admins group.
Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Windows Services for UNIX
or Interix

* You can upgrade to Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 from 
  Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX version 2.0 or 
  Microsoft Interix 2.2. You cannot upgrade from earlier versions of 
  either product. You must uninstall earlier versions of these 
  products before installing Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0.

* If you have upgraded an earlier version of Windows to Windows XP 
  and are attempting to upgrade to Windows Services for UNIX 3.0
  you should use the Express Upgrade option. There is a known issue 
  that will prevent you from performing a Custom Upgrade in this 
  scenario. This happens because Telnet components are updated 
  during the Windows Operating System upgrade.

* Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 uses a different method for storing
  passwords for the Cron and Remote Shell services. Consequently, 
  if you install Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 as an upgrade to a
  previous version, Cron and Remote Shell users must reenter their
  passwords for these services using the crontab -p command or the 
  rshpswd command.

Installing Windows Services for UNIX on Windows NT 4.0 Domain 

To ensure consistent synchronization of domain passwords with UNIX 
passwords, you must install Password Synchronization only on the 
primary domain controller in a Windows NT 4.0 domain. In a
Windows 2000 (Active Directory) domain, you must install Password 
Synchronization on all domain controllers.

For further details see the "Best Practices" section for Password 
Synchronization in Windows Services for UNIX Help.

Restoring Telnet After Uninstalling Windows Services for UNIX

When you uninstall Windows Services for UNIX from a computer running
Windows 2000, Setup attempts to restore the original Windows 2000 
Telnet files. If it is unsuccessful, an error results. In that case, 
restore the Telnet files from the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. 

For example, here are the commands you would use to restore the 
required files if C:\WINNT is the system folder and D: is the 
drive containing the Windows 2000 installation CD-ROM: 

   C:\>copy D:\I386\telnet.exe C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32
   C:\>expand -r D:\I386\tlntsvr.ex_ C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32
   C:\>expand -r D:\I386\tlntsvrp.dl_ C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32
   C:\>expand -r D:\I386\tlntsess.ex_ C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32

Installing the Windows Services for UNIX Version of Telnet on 
Windows XP

Windows XP Professional features a Telnet client and a Telnet server 
that are nearly identical to the version provided by Windows Services 
for UNIX. For this reason, Windows Services for UNIX Setup does not 
install Windows Services for UNIX Telnet Client or Telnet Server on
computers running Windows XP Professional. You can use Services for
UNIX Administration to manage the Windows XP Telnet server, however.

If you want to install the Windows Services for UNIX Telnet Client and
Telnet Server on a computer running Windows XP, insert the Windows 
Services for UNIX CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and then, at a command 
prompt, type:

   net stop telnet
   cd /d %windir%\system32
   .\tlntsvr /unregserver
   mkdir <telnet_path>
   copy <cd_drive>:\telnet <telnet_path>
   cd /d <telnet_path>
   .\tlntsvr /service
   net start telnet
where <telnet_path> is the fully qualified path of the directory where
you want the Telnet program files to be placed and <cd_drive> is the 
letter of the CD-ROM drive.

Installing UNIX Perl as part of a Custom Installation

If you select UNIX Perl while performing a Custom installation, you
must also select GNU Utilities. If you do not install GNU utilities,
UNIX Perl will fail because it cannot find a required shared library.
UNIX Perl and GNU Utilities are both installed if you perform a 
Standard installation.

Windows Installer Starts Up When Using Windows Services for UNIX
When using the product on some computers, Windows Installer might 
start in order to configure some components. You will be asked to 
insert the product CD-ROM or enter the path of the network share from 
where the product was installed. In all of these cases, insert the CD
or enter the path of the network share and let Windows Installer 
complete the installation.

Install on First Option Appears in Maintenance Wizard
In unusual circumstances, the Install on First Use option can appear 
for some components in the Windows Services for UNIX Maintenance 
Wizard. No components can be installed in this fashion. To install the
component, click the component name and select Will Be Installed on 
the Hard Drive. Otherwise, click the component name and select Entire
Feature Will Not Be Available.

Uninstall Fails with "Insufficient privileges to access file..." error
When you attempt to uninstall Windows Services for UNIX after changing
the permissions that protect certain files installed as part of 
Windows Services for UNIX, Setup might fail. If this happens, run the
fixperms.exe utility located in the \setup folder on the Windows 
Services for UNIX CD-ROM, and then rerun Setup to uninstall Windows 
Services for UNIX.


* Starting with this release, the default value of the anonymous 
  group identifier (GID) has been changed to -2 from -1. The default 
  value of the anonymous user identifier (UID) is unchanged since the 
  last release; that is, it is still -2.

* Server for NFS events can be logged in the event log, or to a file
  on disk, or to both.  If you choose to log Server for NFS events 
  in the event log, note that the string corresponding to the file 
  name could be truncated because of a system limitation. A work-
  around for this problem is to log the events to a file.

  On a cluster, logging in the event log is recommended because of
  event log replication across nodes in the cluster.  In this scenario,
  logging to a file in addition to the event log can help associate

  complete file names with a particular log entry.

* Server for NFS gives administrators the ability to configure 
  whether inherited access control entries (ACEs) should apply to 
  newly created files/directories over NFS. 

  This is controlled by the value of the following registry entry: 

  HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Server for NFS\CurrentVersion\ 

  This registry value is 0 by default, which means that newly created
  files and directories on NFS shares will not inherit ACEs from their
  parent directory. For example, if an administrator wants to be able
  to read and write every file and directory created in a hierarchy, 
  the administrator should set this value to 1 and set an inheritable
  read/write ACE at the root of the hierarchy. 

  * Setting this value to 1 might affect how the permissions will be 
    mapped to UNIX permission mode bits because of the additional 
    inherited ACEs.

  * This feature is somewhat similar to the functionality provided by 
    the AugmentDACL registry setting in Windows Services for UNIX 
    2.0; however, these two features are not exactly the same. 
    The AugmentDACL key is deprecated in this release.


Minimum encryption key length increased to 16

Starting with this release, the minimum length of the key used to 
encrypt passwords is 16 characters. If you are upgrading an earlier
version of Password Synchronization to version 3.0 and were using a 
shorter encryption key, Password Synchronization will no longer work 
after the upgrade. You must change the encryption key to be 16 
characters or longer on both the Windows computer and on UNIX hosts.


Server for NIS Does Not Support YPXFRD
Server for NIS does not support YPXFRD, which might cause some UNIX 
subordinate (slave) Network Information Service (NIS) servers to 
display warning messages. The warning messages originate in YPINIT 
and do not indicate errors. Some UNIX subordinate NIS servers use 
YPXFRD running on the master NIS server to replicate NIS maps. If 
they fail to connect to YPXFRD, they obtain copies of NIS maps 
using yp_all.  

Upgrading Version 2.0 and Netgroup Data
Windows Services for UNIX Setup upgrades the Active Directory schema
when you upgrade version 2.0 to version 3.0. Netgroup map data is not 
preserved in the updated schema, however. After upgrading Server for 
NIS to version 3.0, you must use the NIS Server Migration Wizard to 
migrate the netgroup map data from the map source file you used 
originally to migrate the data.

In Network with Multiple Domain Controllers, Upgrade Schema Before 
Installing Server for NIS

Before installing Server for NIS in an environment with multiple 
domain controllers in a forest, you must first upgrade the schema on  
the Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) schema-master domain 
controller and then allow the upgraded schema to be replicated to 
other domain controllers in the forest. After the schema has been 
replicated to all other domain controllers, you can install Server 
for NIS. The amount of time to wait before you can install Server for
NIS will depend on your network's latency for schema replication.

To upgrade the schema, run Sfusch.exe in the \Nis folder on the
Windows Services for UNIX Setup CD-ROM.


* This release of Windows Services for UNIX contains two Telnet 
  servers. The stand-alone Telnet server runs as a native Windows 
  service. When connecting through this service, the Windows command 
  prompt, cmd.exe, is the default login shell.

  The second Telnet server, telnetd, can be run under the control of 
  the Interix inetd daemon.  When connecting through this server, an 
  Interix shell is the login shell. For information about running the
  telnetd daemon, see The Interix Subsystem in Windows Services for 
  UNIX Help.

* VTNT is a special terminal type provided by the Windows stand-alone 
  Telnet server for use by the Windows Telnet client.

* When using Telnet to connect to the Windows stand-alone Telnet 
  server and attempting to run Interix utilities that use termcap and 
  terminfo settings (such as vi), set the TERM environment 
  variable to "interix".  To do this, after logging in, type the 
  following at the command prompt in the telnet session:
     set TERM=interix

Support for the Euro Symbol Over Telnet

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 supports the Euro symbol if 
Service Pack 4 is installed on both the server and the client. To use
the Euro symbol, Telnet users must use a TrueType font, such as 
Lucida Console, during their Telnet sessions.

Before starting Telnet, change the code page to 1252 by typing 
chcp 1252 at the command prompt. After you connect to the remote 
Windows NT computer, use chcp 1252 to set the code page of the remote
session to 1252. 

Other Issues

* Windows Services for UNIX does not support Input Method Editor 
  (IME) on Telnet Server. As a result, most 16-bit applications
  will not accept Japanese input.


The .maphosts File Is Now Required to Support Remote Computers

User Name Mapping in this version of Windows Services for UNIX 
requires you to configure the .maphosts file to specify the computers
that can access User Name Mapping. Unlike previous versions, this 
version of User Name Mapping requires .maphosts to be present to 
function, and the file must specify the remote computers that can 
access User Name Mapping. If the host list is empty, only the 
computer running User Name Mapping can access User Name Mapping. 

Default Map Refresh Interval is One Day
By default, User Name Mapping synchronizes user and group names from
NIS or PCNFS sources once each day, not once each hour as indicated in
the User Name Mapping Troubleshooting topic in Windows Services for 
UNIX Help.


Remote Administration

You can use Services for UNIX Administration to administer components 
on remote computers. Some administration features for Server for PCNFS
(passwd and group files) might not work, however.

Microsoft Office 2000 Installer Appears When Starting 
Windows Services for UNIX Administration

If you install Microsoft Office 2000 on a computer, and you then 
install Windows Services for UNIX, the Microsoft Office 2000 installer 
might appear when you try to start Windows Services for UNIX 
Administration while logged on as a user other than the one who 
installed Microsoft Office 2000. This is because Microsoft Office 2000
must complete the installation for the new user. 

To prevent this problem, the first time you log on as a user other
than the one who installed Microsoft Office 2000, open a Microsoft 
Office 2000 application first and allow Microsoft Office 2000 to 
complete its setup. From then on, you will be able to start 
Windows Services for UNIX  Administration without the 
Microsoft Office 2000 installer appearing. 

Index and Search for Windows Services for UNIX Help Does Not Appear 
Within Microsoft Management Console on Windows NT 4.0

When you use Windows Services for UNIX on a computer that is running
Windows NT 4.0, the index and search features of Windows Services for
UNIX Help will not appear when you open Help through Windows Services
for UNIX Administration. To view the Help index and search features on
Windows NT 4.0, open Help from the Windows Services for UNIX program 


The Mortice Kern System (MKS) utilities are no longer a part of 
Windows Services for UNIX. These utilities have been replaced by 
utilities built by Microsoft. The MKS Korn shell has been replaced by
the Interix ksh. There are differences in the behavior of these two 


New features that were not in Interix 2.2 that are showcased in 
this distribution include:
     - Single-rooted file system. 
     - Availability of symbolic links. 
     - Access to network drives through the /net directory. 
     - UNIX Domain Sockets.
     - Smaller numeric process IDs.
     - There is now a notion of a "principal domain name."  
     - Dynamic shared libraries (for example,,
     - Gcc and ld support to create dynamic shared
     - New application programming interfaces (APIs). 
     - New commands

  Notes on New Features

Single-Rooted File System

This release contains a single-rooted file system. The root 
directory, /, is a directory that is treated specially. The contents 
of the Windows Services for UNIX installation directory are also 
mapped into this root directory. The root directory also contains 
some special entries such as the directories /dev, /net, /proc. 
File partitions are accessible as /dev/fs/<drive_letter>. For example,
in previous releases of Interix, the TEMP directory on the C: drive 
was accessible using the Interix path name //C/TEMP. Now it is 

Symbolic Links

Symbolic links are now supported. You can now create them using the -s
option of the ln(1) command. The implementation of symbolic links in 
this release is based on the XPG4 version 2 specification (Single 
UNIX Specification).

Note that only Interix applications will recognize symbolic links. 
Windows applications do not recognize symbolic links created by the 
ln command or the symlink() interface.

Access to Network Drives

A new directory, /net/, is a mechanism for accessing remote network 
file systems. It behaves much like Windows Universal Naming 
Convention (UNC) path names. Instead of the \\<hostname>\<sharename> 
syntax, the syntax on Interix is /net/<hostname>/<sharename>.

For example, the Interix equivalent to the Windows path name 
\\thor\usr\bob is /net/thor/usr/bob. The systems and drives accessible
through /net depend upon the Windows NT networking at your site.

For instance, if you have Client for NFS installed, the host names of 
computers that have exported NFS shares might be visible in /net. 
(This behavior depends upon the actual drivers, so not all possible 
combinations have been investigated.)

Principal Domain Name

There is now a notion of a "principal domain name." User/group names 
returned by getpw*() and getgr*() family of application programming 
interfaces (APIs) no longer contain 
this principal domain name as a prefix. (For example, if your computer 
is a member of the domain named OLIVER, names are in the form "User1" 
instead of "OLIVER+User1"). If your computer is a member of a domain, 
the principal domain name is the name of this domain.  If your 
computer is not a member of a domain, the principal domain name is the
name of the computer itself.

The principal domain name can be explicitly set using the registry 
entry HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Services For UNIX\PrincipalDomain. 

If you set or modify this value, you must restart the computer for 
the change to take effect.

New APIs

      The following are some of the new APIs in this release:

          chpass()             seekdir()
          getgrent()           setgrent()
          getgrent_nomembers() setpriority()
          getpdomain()         setpwent()
          getpriority()        socketpair()
          getpwent()           symlink()
          lchown()             telldir()
          lstat()              unixpath2win()
          mknod()              vfork()
          readlink()           winpath2unix()

New Libraries

      The following are some of the new libraries in this release:


New Utilities

      The following are some of the new utilities in this version:

        addr              chsh            column
        chroot            ex              host
        mpack             munpack         m4
        named             passwd          pdomain         
        popper            rpcgen          sendmail        
        su                sdiff           tip
        tzselect          time            unixpath2win
        vi                winpath2unix

Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 includes the sendmail package of 
utilities (version 8.11.6) as part of the base utilities. The primary 
purpose of including sendmail is to support scripting applications in 
which e-mail is sent by UNIX scripts built using the tools included 
in Windows Services for UNIX 3.0.

Microsoft will support the use of sendmail only as an e-mail transport
agent and not as a primary e-mail server.  If you need an e-mail 
server, it is recommended that you use Microsoft Exchange Server.

NFS Integration
The Interix UNIX utilities have been enhanced to work with Client for 
NFS. It is possible to create symbolic links through Client for NFS 
on NFS servers that support symbolic links.

User-specific cron Services Not Upgraded
If you install Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 as an upgrade of 
Interix 2.2, user-specific cron services created by Interix 2.2 are 
not modified or upgraded to work with Windows Services for UNIX 3.0.

To list user-specific cron services, at an Interix shell prompt, type
the following command:

	/bin/service list

The names of user-specific cron services will be listed similar to the


where <domain> is the name of the user's domain and <user> is the 
user's logon name.

After identifying these services, you should remove them by typing the 
following command at an Interix shell prompt for each service:

	/bin/service remove <service_name>

where <service_name> is the name of the service to be removed.

After the service has been removed, the user who owned the service
should reinstall the user's crontab file by typing the following
command at an Interix shell prompt:

	crontab -e

Finally, the user must register the user's password by typing the
following command at an Interix shell prompt:

	crontab -p

The user's crontab file is usually located in the usr/lib/cron/user
directory in the Interix 2.2 installation directory. The crontab file
will have the same name as the user's fully qualified domain name


The following is a list of known issues with the current release
version of Windows Services for UNIX.

* When upgrading Windows Services for UNIX from version 2.0 to 
  version 3.0 on a Windows NT 4.0 computer, the existing Telnet 
  client program file is not replaced with the new version.    
  Instead, the Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 Telnet Client program
  file is copied to the %windir%\system32 directory and is 
  named telnetc.exe. If you want to run version 3.0 Telnet 
  Client, a system administrator can delete the existing 
  telnet.exe in the %windir%\system32 directory and then rename 
  telnetc.exe to telnet.exe.

* Moving a symbolic link across directories from a UNIX client 
  on a Windows Services for UNIX NFS mount will make the link invalid.

* When the Interix exec() family of functions is called to run a 
  Win32 program, command-line arguments can be truncated if the 
  arguments exceed 32KB in size and the environment exceeds 30KB.

* The following features are not available in this release:
  * fcntl(3) support of the O_SYNC flag.
  * Complete support of Distributed File System (DFS) and reparse 
    points. Some operations might work, but anything that relies 
    on proper inodes will fail.
  * Sending SIGSTOP and SIGCONT signals to Win32 processes is not
    supported on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000. This is supported 
    on Windows XP. Sending SIGTSTP to Win32 processes is not 
    supported on any Windows platform.

* Additional notes for the Windows Services for UNIX Help section 
  entitled - "Creating a user for inetd"
    For Interix daemons (like rlogind and telned) that are started
    by the Interix inetd program to run properly, the inetd process 
    must be executed by a user account that is a member of the 
    Administrators group on the local computer.


* The following environment variables and registry keys are being
  deprecated and will be eliminated in a future release of the product.
  Applications should no longer assume that these will be available,
  even though they are supported in the current release for backward

  Deprecated Environment variables:  

  Deprecated Registry Keys:
    *  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Softway Systems

* The following utilities/files that were included in the 
  Microsoft Interix 2.2 product have been removed in this release:
    *  atrun   
    *  cronadmin
    *  openntreg
    *  licensetool

* The following APIs that were included in the Microsoft Interix 2.2 
  product have been removed in this release:
    *  _ntpath2posix()
    *  ntpath2posix()
    *  posixpath2nt()

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 2/28/2006
Keywords: kbinfo kbreadme KB322733