During the development of Pocket PC 2002, Microsoft added
functionality to Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer and corrected problems that
were found in Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC. This introduced some
behavioral differences between Pocket PC 2000 and Pocket PC 2002, which should
be noted when you design Web content and JScript scripts that target these
Although there are many differences between Pocket Internet
Explorer and Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, this document focuses on
the differences between Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC and Pocket PC
For more information about the new features in Pocket Internet
Explorer on Pocket PC 2002, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
The sections that follow briefly summarize the differences that
appear to be issues with Internet Explorer on Pocket PC 2002 that Web
developers and users have experienced.
Web Page Is Slow to Render
If a Web page has a lot of unformatted text or a lot of JScript
functions, Pocket Internet Explorer may take noticeably more time to load the
page than in the previous version.
Workaround or Resolution
This bug was corrected in End User
Update 2 (EUU2).
The document.write Method Refreshes the Web Page
If JScript script that appends text to a Web page by calling
document.write multiple times, the behavior differs between Pocket PC and Pocket
PC 2002. On Pocket PC,
document.write behaves similar to a
printf statement by concatenating the text onto the page. On Pocket PC
2002, for each call to
document.write, the page is refreshed with the new contents of the parameter to
Workaround or Resolution
For JScript script that must concatenate text together and
display the text on a page, use a variable, and then call
document.write one time.
Pocket Internet Explorer Requires That the IObjectSafety Interface Is Implemented in ActiveX Objects
In Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC, you receive a warning
message that an object is about to be created that is not safe. After you tap
OK, Pocket Internet Explorer loads the object. In the same situation
with Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC 2002, Pocket Internet Explorer does
not load the ActiveX object, and you do not receive an error message.
Workaround or Resolution
In both cases,
IObjectSafety must be implemented to either avoid the error message or to allow
the ActiveX object to be loaded. For more information, see the following topics
in the Pocket PC 2002 Software Development Kit (SDK) documentation:
- Pocket PC 2002 SDK
- Writing Applications for Pocket PC 2002
- Technical Articles
- Creating ActiveX Controls for Pocket Internet
- Declaring Your Control as "Safe for
Each Link Tap Does Not Generate an HTTP GET Request
This affects Active Server Pages (ASP) pages that are designed so
that a user can tap the same link multiple times to obtain updated information
from the server. In Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC 2002, this feature is
optimized to not send the HTTP GET request of a link that has been tapped
multiple times consecutively.
Workaround or Resolution
Implement JScript script so that the location href is set for the
window to force the HTTP GET request to be sent. For example:
<script language="jscript">
<!--function changelink(strLink)
{ var myhref;
myhref = "http://myserver/test.asp?Test=" + strLink;
window.parent.frames(1).location = myhref;
<A HREF="test.htm" onclick="changelink('Next')" >Simulate Next</A><br>
<A HREF="test.htm" onclick="changelink('Prev')">Simulate Prev</A><br>
Pocket Internet Explorer Does Not Include the "Bypass proxy for local addresses" Check Box
Pocket Internet Explorer for Pocket PC includes a
proxy for local addresses check box. Some users rely on the control of
this option to implement a custom proxy that processes requests for internal
Web pages. Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC 2002 no longer has this check
box. Instead, Pocket Internet Explorer on Pocket PC 2002 assumes that any
domain name without a period (.) is local and always bypasses the configured
proxy in Connection Manager.
TAB Key Does Not Change Edit Field Focus on the Form
In Pocket Internet Explorer for Pocket PC, the VK_TAB key code
changes the window focus from one edit field to another field in a form on the
Web page that is currently displayed. In Pocket Internet Explorer for Pocket PC
2002, this key code is modified to only toggle the focus between the address
bar and the window that displays the content.
This typically affects
developers who customize devices so that user input is sent through bar code
scanners and so that the focus automatically changes for each scan.
First Line of Text Does Not Appear
If Web pages do not include the <BODY> tag but include the
<TITLE> tag, the first line of text does not appear.
Workaround or Resolution
Make sure that Web pages include the <BODY> tag. For
first line of text<br>
second line of text<br>
Table Alignment Is Supported on Pocket PC 2002
Pocket Internet Explorer for Pocket PC ignores the
align property in an HTML table. If the
align property is set to
right ("align=right") in a Web page, items in the table are still
left-aligned. When view the table in Pocket Internet Explorer for Pocket PC
2002, items in the table are right-aligned.
Workaround or Resolution
Remove the
align property from the HTML table, or set it explicitly to
left ("align=left").
HTMLView Control Does Not Clear the Page After You Call the form.submit Method
When you use the
form.submit method in JScript, the HTML Viewer control (HTMLView) does not
clear controls on the form. This problem occurs only with the HTML Viewer
control on Pocket PC 2002 and does not occur with Pocket PC. Additionally, this
problem occurs in the HTML Viewer control on Pocket PC 2002 and not in Pocket
Internet Explorer. This problem occurs because of how the DTM_CLEAR message is
handled in the HTML Viewer control.
Workaround or Resolution
To work around this problem, use the
PostMessage function for the DTM_ADDTEXTW and the DTM_ENDOFSOURCE messages
after you send the DTM_CLEAR message by calling the
SendMessage function.
Pocket Internet Explorer Requires That You Specify the charset Property in an HTML Page
The East Asian versions of Pocket PC do not require that you have
a <META> tag that includes the
charset property. For content to be displayed correctly on East Asian
versions of Pocket PC 2002, you must specify the <META> tag with the
charset property.
Language Encoding Option May Cause Duplicate HTTP GET Requests
If the language encoding option in Pocket Internet Explorer for
Pocket PC 2002 differs from the language encoding on the HTML page in the
charset property of the <META> tag, Pocket Internet Explorer sends
the GET request two times.
ENTER Key on an HTML Form Does Not Submit the Form
If the user taps the ENTER key in the Soft Input Panel (SIP) when
the focus is on a field of an HTML form that is displayed in Pocket Internet
Explorer on Pocket PC, Pocket Internet Explorer submits the form. On Pocket PC
2002, Pocket Internet Explorer does not submit the form.
Workaround or Resolution
Make sure that the HTML form includes a
Submit button so that the user can tap the
Submit button.