System requirements for the .NET Managed Provider for Oracle
Before you run Setup to install the Microsoft .NET Framework
Managed Provider for Oracle, the following items must be installed on the
computer to which you are downloading the provider:
- Microsoft .NET Framework
- Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or later
(Microsoft recommends MDAC 2.7)
- Oracle 8i Client Release 3 (8.1.7) or later
Supported Oracle servers
The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle is built on version 8.1.7 of
the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) application programming interface (API). The
.NET Managed Provider for Oracle is developed and fully tested against the
Oracle 8.1.7 Server. The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle has also been tested
against Oracle 8.1.6. Microsoft will only address and support issues that occur
against Oracle 8.1.6 or Oracle 8.1.7 servers and Oracle 9i. The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle 2.0 was tested against Oracle 9i Release 2, Oracle 10g Release 1, and Oracle 10g Release 2.
Supported data types
The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle supports the Oracle
8i-specific data types such as CLOB, BLOB, NCLOB, and Bfile. The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle 2.0 does not support the Oracle 9i XML data type or the Oracle 10g data types Binary Float and Binary Double.
Parameter support for Ref Cursors
The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle supports a parameter of
OracleType.Cursor. You can use this parameter to return a Ref_Cursor from
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to call Oracle stored procedures in Visual Basic .NET with the Microsoft Oracle Managed Provider
ODBC escape syntax
The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle no longer supports the Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC) escape syntax that is used with the Microsoft OLE
DB Provider and the ODBC driver. This includes the output parameter arrays that
are used to return Ref_Cursors, for example:
{resultset 0, Cursor}
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to retrieve ADO Recordset from Oracle through ASP using REF CURSORS
Ref_Cursors as output parameters only
The .NET Managed Provider for Oracle supports binding Ref_cursors
as output parameters only. There is no support for Ref_cursors as an input
CLOBs are Unicode only
CLOB and NCLOBs are always returned in Unicode characters,
regardless of the storage format.
PL/SQL Table data type
The PL/SQL Table data type is not supported with the .NET Managed
Provider for Oracle. Ref_cursors are more efficient. If you must use the Table
type, use the .NET managed Provider for OLE DB with the Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for Oracle.
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to retrieve Recordsets from Oracle stored procedures using ADO
NLS_LANG settings
NCHAR/NVARCHAR2/NCLOB types function correctly only when you set
NLS_LANG to correctly match the NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET on the server.
Microsoft does not support the use of Oracle8i clients against Oracle9i servers
that are configured with AL16UTF16 as the NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET.
For more information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Limitations of Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver and OLEDB Provider
308071 How to access an Oracle database by using the OleDbDataReader and Visual Basic .NET
321715 How to retrieve multiple Ref_cursors from an Oracle stored procedure by using the .NET Managed Provider for Oracle