The SQL Server Agent service will not start after you attach the
msdb database from a server that is running SQL Server 7.0 to a server that is running SQL Server 2000. The following error is recorded in the SQLAgent log:
SQLServerAgent cannot start because the instance of the server () is not the expected instance (instanceName)
For the default instance, the instanceName is MSSQLServer. For the named instance, the instanceName is the actual instance name.
You might also receive the error when you upgrade SQL Server 7.0 to SQL Server 2000, if the program cannot upgrade the
msdb database.
NOTE: The SQL Server 7.0 system databases are not compatible with SQL Server 2000. Do not try to back up or restore, or to attach and detach procedures on the SQL Server 7.0
msdb or
distribution databases to SQL Server 2000.
This article is useful, if you have already mistakenly attached a SQL Server 7.0
msdb database to a SQL 2000 server, and you cannot start SQL Server 2000.
For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
224071 INF: Moving SQL Server Databases to a New Location with Detach/Attach