In Windows 2000 Server, the configuration data for the default SMTP virtual server is stored in the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) metabase. After you install Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, Exchange 2000 Server extends a default configuration of the SMTP service.
Configuration information for the Exchange 2000 Server SMTP service is stored in Active Directory. The IIS metabase replicates this information from Active Directory, but not vice versa. To edit the configuration, you must change some parameters of the default SMTP virtual server in Active Directory.
To access the container where the default SMTP virtual server configuration is stored, use the following distinguished name:
CN=1, CN=SMTP, CN=Protocols,CN=<Exchange Server Name>, CN=Servers, CN=<Administrative Group Name>, CN=Administrative Groups,
CN=<Exchange Organization Name>, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=Services, CN=Configuration, DC=<Domain name>, DC=com
By default, the default SMTP virtual server configuration is set to these values:
msExchAccessSSLFlags = 0
msExchAuthenticationFlags = 7
msExchIncomingConnectionTimeout = 1500
msExchLogType = 0
msExchMaxIncomingConnections = 2000000000
msExchNTAuthenticationProviders = GSSAPI,NTLM
msExchServerAutoStart = TRUE
msExchServerBindings = :25:
msExchSmtpBadMailDirectory = C:\Exchange Install Directory\Mailroot\vsi 1\BadMail
msExchSmtpDoMasquerade = FALSE
msExchSmtpFullyQualifiedDomainName = server name.domain
msExchSmtpInboundCommandSupportOptions = 7697601
msExchSmtpLocalQueueDelayNotification = 720
msExchSmtpLocalQueueExpirationTimeout = 2880
msExchSmtpMaxHopCount = 15
msExchSmtpMaxMessageSize = 0
msExchSmtpMaxOutboundMsgPerDomain = 20
msExchSmtpMaxOutgoingConnections = 1000
msExchSmtpMaxOutgoingConnectionsPerDomain = 100
msExchSmtpMaxRecipients = 64000
msExchSmtpMaxSessionSize = 0
msExchSmtpOutboundSecurityFlag = 0
msExchSmtpOutgoingConnectionTimeout = 600
msExchSmtpOutgoingPort = 25
msExchSmtpOutgoingSecurePort = 465
msExchSmtpPerformReverseDnsLookup = FALSE
msExchSmtpPickupDirectory = C:\Exchange Install Directory\Mailroot\vsi 1\PickUp
msExchSmtpQueueDirectory = C:\Exchange Install Directory\Mailroot\vsi 1\Queue
msExchSmtpRelayForAuth = TRUE
msExchSmtpRemoteQueueDelayNotification = 720
msExchSmtpRemoteQueueExpirationTimeout = 2880
msExchSmtpRemoteQueueRetries = 10,10,10,15
msExchSmtpSendBadmailTo = Postmaster
msExchSmtpSmartHostType = 0
Code Sample
To access and to work with objects in Active Directory, you can use the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI), which supports a rich set of interfaces. Use the
IADs interface to define basic object features (that is, properties and methods of any ADSI object).
The following Visual Basic code sample demonstrates how to change the Incoming Connection Timeout settings of the default SMTP virtual server:
Dim objSMTPVirtualServer As IADs
Set objSMTPVirtualServer = GetObject("LDAP://,CN=SMTP,CN=Protocols,CN=SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=My Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com")
'Restore the default value of Incoming Connection Timeout.
objSMTPVirtualServer.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "msExchIncomingConnectionTimeout", "1500"
'Update object properties cache.
In this sample code, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is "" Additionally, the installed Exchange Server is named "Server" and has default installation names of Organization ("My Organization") and Administrative Group ("First Administrative Group").
Based on this sample and the information in this article about the default settings of the default SMTP virtual server, you can write your own scripts to work with the SMTP virtual server configuration.