When you try to install an Office update, you may
receive an error message similar to the following:
Error -- Reserved error (-1601)
The Windows Installer service could
not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that the Windows
Installer service is properly registered.
The log file for this error
message is similar to the following:
Applying patches to product {90280409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}
Microsoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage
Applying patch
Command line:
The update ended with status code: 1601.
Finished processing the update on 6/28/2001 at 11:41:26.
Encountered error 1601 while updating.
The Windows Installer log file is similar to the
Calling process: C:\DOCUME~1\branber\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP001.TMP\ohotfix.exe ===
MSI (c) (F4:90): Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (F4:90): Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (F4:90): ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {90280409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (F4:90): Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (F4:90): Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (F4:90): Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (F4:90): Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after
increment: 0
MSI (c) (F4:90): Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0,
shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (F4:90): MainEngineThread is returning 1601
To resolve this problem, shut down the Windows Installer
service and then re-register it. This makes sure that the Windows Installer
engine functions properly. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click Run.
- In the Open box, type msiexec /unreg, and then click OK.
- When this process is complete, click Start, and then click Run.
- In the Open box, type msiexec /regserver, and then
click OK.
- When this process is complete, reinstall the