HOW TO: Write a Visual Basic .NET Application Integration Component for BizTalk Server (320850)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002

This article was previously published under Q320850


This article explains how to create a simple Application Integration Component (AIC) for BizTalk Server by using Visual Basic .NET. This AIC writes the information about the document that it is processing to the BizTalk Server Temp folder, which, by default, is \WINNT\Temp. This article primarily describes how to implement the BizTalk AIC interfaces in a .NET assembly.

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Create the Interop DLLs and Load Them into the Global Assembly Cache

NOTE: In the following procedures, you run several commands from the Visual Studio .NET command prompt, which is a command prompt with the Visual Studio .NET environment variables loaded. To open the Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt window: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, point to Visual Studio .NET Tools, and then click Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt.
  1. Create the Interop DLLs for MSCSCorelib.dll and BTSComplib.dll:
    1. Open a Visual Studio .NET command prompt. Change directories to \Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies\.
    2. Create the strong name for the Interop DLL of PipeCompLib.tlb by running the following command from the Microsoft .NET command prompt:

      sn -k Interop_PipeComplib.snk

    3. Create the strong name for the Interop DLL of MSCSCore.dll by running the following command from the Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

      sn -k Interop_MSCSCore.snk

    4. Use the Type Library to .NET Assembly Converter to create a Primary Interop Assembly Wrapper for PipeCompLib.tlb by running the following command from the Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

      tlbimp "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Enterprise Servers\Commerce\PipeComplib.tlb"
      /out:Interop_PipeComplib.dll /namespace:Interop_PipeComplib
      /asmversion:1.0 /keyfile:Interop_PipeComplib.snk /primary

    5. Use the Type Library to .NET Assembly Converter to create a Primary Interop Assembly Wrapper for MscsCore.dll by running the following command from the Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

      tlbimp "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Enterprise Servers\Commerce\MscsCore.dll"
      /out:Interop_MscsCore.dll /namespace:Interop_MscsCore
      /asmversion:1.0 /keyfile:Interop_MSCSCore.snk /primary

  2. Load the Interop DLLs into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC):
    • Load the Interop DLLs into the GAC by running the following commands from the Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

      gacutil /i Interop_MscsCore.dll


      gacutil /i Interop_PipeComplib.dll

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Write the Code for the Application Integration Component

  1. Start Visual Studio .NET, and then create a new Visual Basic project by using the Class Library Template. For Location, type C:\AIC, and then for Name, type AICPipeline.
  2. Paste the following code into the class for the Project, which, by default, is class1.vb:
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.IO
    Imports Interop_PipeComplib
    Imports Interop_MscsCore
    Public Class AICPipeline
        Implements IPipelineComponentAdmin
        Implements IPipelineComponent
        Const E_NOTIMPL = &H80004001
        Private Const E_FAIL = &H80004005
        Private m_strFileLocation As String
        Private m_strLogFileLocation As String
        Private Sub IPipelineComponent_EnableDesign(ByVal fEnable As Integer) Implements IPipelineComponent.EnableDesign
            'Do Nothing
        End Sub 'IPipelineComponent_EnableDesign
        Private Function IPipelineComponent_Execute(ByVal dictTransport As Object, _
            ByVal pdispContext As Object, _
            ByVal lFlags As Integer) As Integer Implements IPipelineComponent.Execute
            On Error GoTo ExecuteError
            EventLog.WriteEntry("AIC", "Starting AIC Test (BizTalk AIC)", EventLogEntryType.Information)
            'Overwrite configuration defaults with any values passed in
            If Not pdispContext Is Nothing Then
            End If
            ' Log the string values supplied by the server for all AICs
            ' Src_ID_Type: The type of identifier used for the source organization.
            LogToFile(m_strLogFileLocation, True, dictTransport("Src_ID_Type"))
            ' Src_ID_Value: The value of the source organization identifier.
            LogToFile(m_strLogFileLocation, False, dictTransport("Src_ID_Value"))
            ' Dest_ID_Type: The type of identifier used for the destination organization.
            LogToFile(m_strLogFileLocation, False, dictTransport("Dest_ID_Type"))
            ' Dest_ID_Value: The value of the destination organization identifier.
            LogToFile(m_strLogFileLocation, False, dictTransport("Dest_ID_Value"))
            ' Document_Name: The name of the inbound document definition.
            LogToFile(m_strLogFileLocation, False, dictTransport("Document_Name"))
            ' Tracking_ID: A key value that is based on the GUID and used for tracking.
            LogToFile(m_strLogFileLocation, False, dictTransport("Tracking_ID"))
            ' Log working_data
            LogToFile(m_strFileLocation, True, dictTransport("working_data"))
            EventLog.WriteEntry("AIC", "Ending AIC Test (BizTalk AIC)", EventLogEntryType.Information)
            'return success
            IPipelineComponent_Execute = 0
            Exit Function
            IPipelineComponent_Execute = 2 'Serious Error Occurred
            LogFail("The following Error was encountered: " + Err.Description)
        End Function 'IPipelineComponent_Execute
        Private Function IPipelineComponentAdmin_GetConfigData() As Object Implements IPipelineComponentAdmin.GetConfigData
            Dim objectConfig As New CDictionary()
            objectConfig.Value("File_Location") = m_strFileLocation
            objectConfig.Value("LogFile_Location") = m_strLogFileLocation
            IPipelineComponentAdmin_GetConfigData = objectConfig
        End Function 'IPipelineComponentAdmin_GetConfigData
        Private Sub IPipelineComponentAdmin_SetConfigData(ByVal pDict As Object) Implements IPipelineComponentAdmin.SetConfigData
            ' set m_strFileLocation
            If Not IsDBNull(pDict("File_Location")) Then
                m_strFileLocation = CStr(pDict("File_Location"))
            End If
            If m_strFileLocation = "" Then
                m_strFileLocation = Environ$("Temp") + "\BTSSamples_pipe.out"
            End If
            ' set m_strLogFileLocation
            If Not IsDBNull(pDict("LogFile_Location")) Then
                m_strLogFileLocation = CStr(pDict("LogFile_Location"))
            End If
            If m_strLogFileLocation = "" Then
                m_strLogFileLocation = Environ$("Temp") + "\BTSSamples.log"
            End If
        End Sub 'IPipelineComponentAdmin_SetConfigData
        Private Sub LogFail(ByVal strFail As String)
            Dim lFileHandle As Long
            'On Error Resume Next
            lFileHandle = FreeFile()
            If m_strLogFileLocation = "" Then
                FileOpen(1, "c:\temp\BTSSamples.LOG", OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)
                FileOpen(1, m_strLogFileLocation, OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)
            End If
            Print(1, "[FAIL] " & strFail)
        End Sub
        Private Sub LogSuccess(ByVal strSuccess As String)
            Dim lFileHandle As Long
            On Error Resume Next
            lFileHandle = FreeFile()
            If m_strLogFileLocation = "" Then
                FileOpen(1, "c:\temp\BTSSamples.LOG", OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)
                FileOpen(1, m_strLogFileLocation, OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)
            End If
            Print(1, "[PASS] " & strSuccess)
        End Sub
        Private Sub LogInfo(ByVal strInfo As String)
            Dim lFileHandle As Long
            On Error Resume Next
            lFileHandle = FreeFile()
            If m_strLogFileLocation = "" Then
                FileOpen(1, "c:\temp\BTSSamples.LOG", OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)
                FileOpen(1, m_strLogFileLocation, OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)
            End If
            Print(1, "[INFO] " & strInfo)
        End Sub
        Private Sub LogToFile(ByVal FileLocation As String, ByVal OverwriteFile As Boolean, ByVal DatatoWrite As String)
            Dim lFileHandle As Long
            lFileHandle = FreeFile()
            If OverwriteFile Then
                FileOpen(1, FileLocation, OpenMode.Binary)
                FilePut(1, DatatoWrite)
                FileOpen(1, FileLocation, OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.Default)
                Write(1, DatatoWrite)
            End If
        End Sub
        <ComRegisterFunction()> Public Shared Sub RegisterFunction(ByVal t As Type)
                Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("CLSID\\{" + t.GUID.ToString().ToUpper() + "}\\Implemented Categories\\{5C6C30E7-C66D-40E3-889D-08C5C3099E52}")
                Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("CLSID\\{" + t.GUID.ToString().ToUpper() + "}\\Implemented Categories\\{BD193E1D-D7DC-4B7C-B9D2-92AE0344C836}")
            End Try
        End Sub
        <ComUnregisterFunction()> Public Shared Sub UnregisterFunction(ByVal t As Type)
                Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.DeleteSubKey("CLSID\\{" + t.GUID.ToString().ToUpper() + "}\\Implemented Categories\\{5C6C30E7-C66D-40E3-889D-08C5C3099E52}")
                Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.DeleteSubKey("CLSID\\{" + t.GUID.ToString().ToUpper() + "}\\Implemented Categories\\{BD193E1D-D7DC-4B7C-B9D2-92AE0344C836}")
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Class
  3. Add references for Interop_MscsCore.dll and Interop_PipeComplib.dll to the project:
    1. Right-click the AicPipeline project in Solution Explorer, and then click Add Reference.
    2. Click the Browse button, and then locate the \Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies\ folder.
    3. Select Interop_MscsCore.dll and Interop_PipeComplib.dll, and then click Open.
    4. Under Component Name, click System.EnterpiseServices. Click Select, and then click OK.
  4. Create the strong name for the AIC assembly by running the following command from the Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

    NOTE: Change directories to the C:\AIC folder before you run this command to create the .snk file in the C:\AIC folder.

    sn -k BTSAIC.snk

  5. Right-click AssemblyInfo.vb, and then click View Code. Add the following Assembly attribute to the list of assembly entries in AssemblyInfo.vb:
    <Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("C:\AIC\BTSAIC.snk")>
  6. Save, and then compile the project.
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Register the Assembly

Run the following command from a Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

regasm /tlb "C:\AIC\AICPipeline\bin\AICPipeline.dll"

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Load the Assembly into the Global Assembly Cache

Run the following command from a Visual Studio .NET command prompt:

gacutil /i "C:\AIC\AICPipeline\bin\AICPipeline.dll"

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Process a Document with AIC in BizTalk Server

  1. The AIC component is displayed in the Select a Component dialog box when you select Application Integration Component as the transport type when you configure a messaging port.
  2. Create a messaging port, click Application Integration Component from the drop-down box, click Browse, select AicPipeline.AICPipeline, and then click OK.
  3. Bind a channel to this port, and then submit a document to this channel. To easily submit a document to a channel, use the DirectIntegration SDK sample, which you can run from the following location:

    \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\DirectIntegration\EXE\DirectIntegration.exe

  4. When this AIC processes documents, it creates two files in the BizTalk Server Temp folder: BTSSamples.txt and BTSSamples_pipe.out. BTSSamples.txt contains information about the organization that is used and the tracking ID for the document. BTSSamples_pipe.out contains the document itself.
  5. After you successfully invoke the AIC, it writes entries to the BizTalk Server Application log that are similar to the following:
       Event Type:     Information
       Event Source:   AIC
       Event Category: None
       Event ID:       0
       Date:           5/31/2002
       Time:           6:46:51 PM
       User:           N/A
       Computer:       BIZTALKSERVER
       Starting AIC Test (BizTalk AIC) 
       Event Type:     Information
       Event Source:   AIC
       Event Category: None
       Event ID:       0
       Date:           5/31/2002
       Time:           6:46:51 PM
       User:           N/A
       Computer:       BIZTALKSERVER
       Ending AIC Test (BizTalk AIC)

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/14/2003
Keywords:kbhowto kbHOWTOmaster KB320850 kbAudDeveloper