How to program the SQL Snapshot and SQL Distribution control by using Visual Basic .NET (319648)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (all editions)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 64 bit (all editions)
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2002)
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2003)

This article was previously published under Q319648


You can use the SQL Server 2000 Replication ActiveX controls to embed replication functionality inside custom applications. This article describes how to program the SQL Snapshot and SQL Distribution controls by using Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

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Before you insert the sample code

Before you insert the sample code in a Visual Basic .NET project, follow these steps:
  1. Make sure to properly configure the publisher, the distributor, and the subscriber and that they are all SQL Server 2000.
  2. Create a snapshot publication called "SampleSnapshotPublication"; the publishing database is Northwind.
  3. After you create the publication, view its properties.
  4. On the Subscription Options tab, click the following options:
    • Use a Distribution Agent that is independent of other publications from this database
    • Snapshot files are always available to initialize new subscriptions immediately
  5. Click OK to close the Publication Properties dialog box.
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Insert the sample code

Use the following sample code to generate a snapshot by using the SQL Snapshot Control. The SQL Distribution Control will create the Northwind_replica subscription database (make sure that it does not exist before you execute the sample code). After the creation of the subscription database, the SQL Distribution Control creates a pull subscription in the Northwind_replica database, and then the snapshot is applied at the subscriber.

Inside the Visual Basic .NET project, add references to the Microsoft SQL Snapshot Control 8.0 and Microsoft SQL Distribution Control 8.0 COM objects, and then insert the following code:

'This class demonstrates using the SQL Server Snapshot and Distribution Agent replication controls. 
Module SnapshotApp

    Sub Main()

        '	Prior to running this code, replication needs to be setup as follows:
        '		Create a snapshot publication called "SampleSnapshotPublication" and configure it to allow pull
        '		subscriptions. 
        '		The following subscription options must also be set for the publication:
        '			-Use a distribution agent that is independent of other publications from this database. 
        '			-Snapshot files are always available to initialize new subscriptions. 
        '	This code will first generate the snapshot using the SQLSnapshotClass object. Then the subscription database
        '	and pull subscription will be created through code. Then the snapshot will be applied at the subscriber using
        '	the SQLDistributionClass object. 
        '	You will also need to set references to the following COM dll's:
        '		-Microsoft SQL Snapshot Control 8.0
        '		-Microsoft SQL Distribution Control 8.0		 

        Dim strPublisher As String
        Dim strDistributor As String
        Dim strSubscriber As String
        Dim strPublisherDatabase As String
        Dim subscriberDatabase As String
        Dim strPublication As String
        Dim oSnap As SQLSnapshotClass
        Dim oDist As SQLDistributionClass

        strPublisher = "PUBLISHER"   'change to the name of your publisher
        strDistributor = "DISTRIBUTOR" 'change to the name of your distributor
        strSubscriber = "SUBSCRIBER"  'change to the name of your subscriber
        strPublication = "SampleSnapshotPublication"
        strPublisherDatabase = "Northwind"
        subscriberDatabase = "Northwind_replica"

        oSnap = New SQLSnapshotClass()

        'Set up the Publisher.
        oSnap.Publisher = strPublisher
        oSnap.PublisherDatabase = strPublisherDatabase
        oSnap.Publication = strPublication

        'Set up the strDistributor.
        oSnap.Distributor = strDistributor
        oSnap.DistributorSecurityMode = SQLINITXLib.SECURITY_TYPE.NT_AUTHENTICATION

        'Generate the snapshot.
        Console.WriteLine("Generating snapshot...")
        Console.WriteLine("Snapshot generated.")

        'Now that the snapshot is created, use the distribution agent control to apply the snapshot at the strSubscriber. 

        oDist = New SQLDistributionClass()

        'Set up the strPublisher.
        oDist.Publisher = strPublisher
        oDist.PublisherDatabase = strPublisherDatabase
        oDist.Publication = strPublication

        'Set up the strDistributor.
        oDist.Distributor = strDistributor
        oDist.DistributorSecurityMode = SQLDISTXLib.SECURITY_TYPE.NT_AUTHENTICATION

        'Set up the strSubscriber.
        oDist.Subscriber = strSubscriber
        oDist.SubscriberDatabase = subscriberDatabase
        oDist.SubscriberSecurityMode = SQLDISTXLib.SECURITY_TYPE.NT_AUTHENTICATION

        'Set up the subscription.
        oDist.SubscriptionType = SQLDISTXLib.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.PULL
        oDist.SubscriptionName = "PullSnapshotSubscription"

        'Create the database and subscription.

        'Synchronize the subscription.
        Console.WriteLine("Running distribution agent...")
        Console.WriteLine("Distribution agent completed.")
    End Sub

End Module
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For a Microsoft Visual C# .NET version of this article, see 319649.

For samples that are written in earlier versions of Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual C++, see the following SQL Server Books Online topics: back to the top

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/1/2004
Keywords:kbHOWTOmaster KB319648 kbAudDeveloper