When you attempt to install Application Center 2000, you may receive the following error message:
"Internal Error 2744. SetCLBIdentity, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\, "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\SetCLBIdentity.exe" The program experienced an internal error. If this condition persists, restart the application or contact your support personnel."
The setup log (\WINNT\AC_Setup.log) may contain the following information:
Action 12:40:51: SetCLBIdentity.
MSI (s) (9C:2C): Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=SetCLBIdentity,ActionType=1058,
Source=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\,
Target="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\SetCLBIdentity.exe",)
MSI (s) (9C:2C): Note: 1: 2744 2: SetCLBIdentity 3: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\
4: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\SetCLBIdentity.exe"
Internal Error 2835. ErrorIcon, SetupError The program experienced an internal error.
If this condition persists, restart the application or contact your support personnel.
Internal Error 2744. SetCLBIdentity, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\,
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Center\SetCLBIdentity.exe"
The program experienced an internal error. If this condition persists,
restart the application or contact your support personnel.
Action ended 12:45:05: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
A DBMon trace (if recorded) may contain the following information:
2164: 1128, SetCLBIdentity.exe, setclbidentity.cpp, (180),
[12:40:52] [0x80110414] wmain - Could not save changes for LocalComputer collection.