To resolve the problem, use the following methods in the order in which they are presented.
Selective Startup
Follow the appropriate steps for your version of Microsoft Windows, and then attempt to install the software again.
Microsoft Windows XP
For additional information about how to clean boot your computer, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
310353 How to Perform a Clean Boot in Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
- Click Start, click Run, type msconfig in the Open box, and then click OK.
- On the General tab, click Selective startup.
- Click to clear all of the check boxes under Selective startup.
- On the Startup tab, click to select the *StateMgr check box.
- Click OK. When you are prompted to restart your computer, click Yes. After the computer restarts, click Start, click Run, type msconfig in the Open box, and then click OK.
IMPORTANT: Look closely at the General tab to ensure that the check boxes that you cleared are still cleared. If none of the check boxes are selected, proceed to the next method. If you see a selected, unavailable check box (it appears dimmed and has a check mark in it), your computer is not truly "clean-booted" and you may need assistance from the manufacturer of the program that is listed next to the selected, unavailable check box.
NOTE: To restore your original Startup options, click
Normal Startup on the
General tab in the System Configuration Utility tool.
Microsoft Windows 98
- Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Information.
- On the Tools menu, click System Configuration Utility.
- On the General tab, click Selective Startup, and then click to clear the following check boxes:
- Process Config.sys file
- Process Autoexec.bat file
- Process Winstart.bat file (if available)
- Load Startup group items
- Click OK. When you are prompted to restart the computer, do so.
NOTE: To restore your original Startup options, click
Normal Startup on the
General tab in the System Configuration Utility tool.
Microsoft Windows 95
- Restart the computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the F8 key, and then select Step By Step Confirmation on the Startup menu.
- Press Y each time that you are prompted, except for the following two questions. At the following two questions, press N:
- Process your startup device driver (CONFIG.SYS) [Enter=Y, Esc=N]?
- Process your startup command file (AUTOEXEC.BAT) [Enter=Y, Esc=N]?
- Disable any antivirus or disk tool programs that are installed on the computer. For information about how to disable these programs, see the printed or online documentation for the program.
- Quit all running programs except Windows Explorer and Systray. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click the program that you want to quit, and then click End Task.
- If you receive a message that states that the program is busy or not responding, click End Task again.
Repeat this step until you have quit all programs except Windows Explorer and Systray.
NOTE: To restore your original Startup options, restart the computer normally, and then enable any antivirus or disk tool programs
installed on the computer. For information about how to enable these programs, see the printed or online documentation for the program.
Clean Disc
Clean the compact disc. To do this, use a disc cleaning kit, or gently wipe the silver side of the disc with a soft, lint-free cotton cloth. Do not use paper cloth, which can scratch the plastic and leave streaks. When you clean the disc, wipe from the center of the disc outward. Do not use a circular motion. Attempt to install the program with the clean disc.
If the issue continues to occur, clean the disc with a damp cloth or a
commercial CD cleaning solution or DVD cleaning solution. Dry the disc thoroughly before you insert it into the drive.
Verify That 32-bit Drivers Are Enabled
Verify the protected mode (32-bit) drivers for all of your storage devices are enabled. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click System.
- On the Performance tab, note the status on the File System line.
If the status on the File System line is 32-bit, all of the storage devices installed in your computer are using protected mode (32-bit) drivers. If this is the case, click OK until you return to Control Panel, and then close Control Panel. Proceed to the next method.
If the status on the File System line is Some drives are using MS-DOS compatibility mode, one or more of the storage devices installed in your computer are using real mode (16-bit) drivers. If this is the case, follow these steps:- Click File System.
- On the Troubleshooting tab, click to clear the Disable all 32-bit protected-mode drivers check box.
NOTE: If the Disable all 32-bit protected-mode drivers check box is not selected, you may need to troubleshoot the Windows file system.
For additional information about how to do this, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
130179 Troubleshooting MS-DOS Compatibility Mode on Hard Disks
Test CD
Try to copy the Setup folder from the CD to the Desktop. To do this, follow these steps:
- Insert the SideWinder CD into the CD-ROM drive.
- Click Cancel, and then click Yes.
- On the desktop, double-click My Computer.
- Right-click the CD-ROM drive, and then click Explore.
- Click the SETUP folder, and drag the folder to the desktop.
If the folder cannot be copied, the drive may be not working correctly or the disc may be damaged. If your computer has multiple CD-ROM, CD-R, CD/RW or DVD drives, attempt to install the software with the disc in the other drive. If the disc works in this test, the problem may be that the original drive does not read the disc properly. Please seek help from your computer or disc drive manufacturer.
Inspect the disc for visible deformation or substantial scratches. If the disc is damaged, see the section "Obtaining a Replacement Disc" below.
Obtain a Replacement Disc
If you bought the program in the last 30 days, you may be able to return it to the store where you bought it to obtain a replacement under the Microsoft 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Check the packaging for information on the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Alternatively, to obtain a replacement disc call the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561 and request a replacement for your damaged disc. If you are outside the United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area. To locate your subsidiary, see the Microsoft World Wide Offices Web page at: