If you run the IMailboxStore::CreateMailbox() method or the IMailboxStore::MoveMailbox() method from CDO for Exchange Management (CDOEXM), and you are using an account that does not use the same security context as the Exchange 2000 server, the CreateMailbox() or the MoveMailbox() method may fail.
In the following code sample, the ADS code succeeds:
' ADS code succeeds
Dim objUser As IADsUser
Set objUser = objOpenDSO.OpenDSObject(sUsersDN, "domain1\Administrator", "password",ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION)
Then the IMailboxStore interface on the same object fails:
' IMailboxStore interface on the same object fails
Dim objMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore
Set objMailbox = objUser
The CreateMailbox() method fails with an access denied error when the application is not run under the domain/Exchange Administrator account.
The CreateMailbox() member function does a security check against the Exchange 2000 security settings. This security check should succeed because objUser was created using the Administrator credentials.