This step-by-step article describes how to use the
Microsoft SQL Server READTEXT and UPDATETEXT statements to read and write data
from BLOB (LongVarBinary) columns in a database table.
Unlike with
ADO 2.6 and later, ADO.NET does not support reading and writing BLOB objects by
Stream objects. ADO.NET data providers do not have
GetChunk and
AppendChunk methods available to the Data Access Object (DAO) and ActiveX
Data Objects (ADO)
Recordset objects. To read a BLOB field for in-memory manipulation, you can
use a
DataReader object to select the row, or you can cache the data in a
However, if you want to stream the data to a
different medium, such as disk or Web response, then you can read the BLOB from
the server in smaller chunks to minimize the amount of memory that the process
consumes. This is especially important in Web Forms applications, where you may
have multiple concurrent applications running at the same time and you want to
conserve memory resources.
- Examples are shown for both the SqlClient .NET Data
Provider and the OLE DB .NET Data Provider. The only differences, apart from
class names, are the connection strings and the declaration of SQL parameters.
The fundamental technique to retrieve the READTEXT and UPDATETEXT statements is
the same.
- The Test record in the Categories table of the Northwind sample database does not exist. You must use the Server Explorer
or another tool to add a record with the CategoryName "Test".
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Read Chunks from a BLOB Column
The following functions use the SQL Server READTEXT statement and
DataReader object to retrieve a portion of the BLOB value in a single-row,
single-column rowset. Two commands perform this task: the first command
retrieves the size of the BLOB field and a pointer to its location; the second
command executes the READTEXT command, which retrieves the chunk of data into a
Byte array, and then increments an
Offset. The
System.IO.Filesream object writes the
Byte array to disk.
NOTE: In Visual Basic, you must subtract 1 from the
BUFFER_LENGTH when declaring the
Byte array because Visual Basic declares the upper bound of the array
as opposed to the length. In other languages, such as C# or JScript, use the
length without subtracting 1. Also, make sure that you modify your connection
string for your environment.
Private Sub SqlChunkBLOB2File(ByVal DestFilePath As String)
Dim PictureCol As Integer = 0 ' position of Picture column in DataReader
Dim BUFFER_LENGTH As Integer = 32768 ' chunk size
Dim cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=mySQLServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind;")
' Make sure that Photo is non-NULL and return TEXTPTR to it.
Dim cmdGetPointer As New SqlCommand("SELECT @Pointer=TEXTPTR(Picture), @Length=DataLength(Picture) FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName='Test'", cn)
Dim PointerOutParam As SqlParameter = cmdGetPointer.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", SqlDbType.VarBinary, 100)
PointerOutParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim LengthOutParam As SqlParameter = cmdGetPointer.Parameters.Add("@Length", SqlDbType.Int)
LengthOutParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
If PointerOutParam.Value Is DBNull.Value Then
' Add code to deal with NULL BLOB.
Exit Sub
End If
' Set up READTEXT command, parameters, and open BinaryReader.
Dim cmdReadBinary As New SqlCommand("READTEXT Categories.Picture @Pointer @Offset @Size HOLDLOCK", cn)
Dim PointerParam As SqlParameter = cmdReadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", SqlDbType.Binary, 16)
Dim OffsetParam As SqlParameter = cmdReadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Offset", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim SizeParam As SqlParameter = cmdReadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Size", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(DestFilePath, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
Dim Offset As Integer = 0
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
Dim Buffer(BUFFER_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
' Read buffer full of data and write to the file stream.
PointerParam.Value = PointerOutParam.Value
' Calculate the buffer size - may be less than BUFFER_LENGTH for the last block.
If Offset + BUFFER_LENGTH >= LengthOutParam.Value Then
SizeParam.Value = LengthOutParam.Value - Offset
SizeParam.Value = BUFFER_LENGTH
End If
dr = cmdReadBinary.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult)
dr.GetBytes(PictureCol, 0, Buffer, 0, SizeParam.Value)
fs.Write(Buffer, 0, SizeParam.Value)
Offset += SizeParam.Value
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
Loop Until Offset >= LengthOutParam.Value
End Sub
Private Sub OleDbChunkBLOB2File(ByVal DestFilePath As String)
Dim PictureCol As Integer = 0 ' position of picture column in DataReader
Dim BUFFER_LENGTH As Integer = 32768 ' chunk size
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=mySQLServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind;")
' Make sure that Photo is non-NULL and return TEXTPTR to it.
Dim cmdGetPointer As New OleDbCommand("SELECT ?=TEXTPTR(Picture), ?=DataLength(Picture) FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName='Test'", cn)
Dim PointerOutParam As OleDbParameter = cmdGetPointer.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", OleDbType.VarBinary, 100)
PointerOutParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim LengthOutParam As OleDbParameter = cmdGetPointer.Parameters.Add("@Length", OleDbType.Integer)
LengthOutParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
If PointerOutParam.Value Is DBNull.Value Then
' Add code to deal with NULL BLOB.
Exit Sub
End If
' Set up READTEXT command, parameters, and open BinaryReader.
Dim cmdReadBinary As New OleDbCommand("READTEXT Categories.Picture ? ? ? HOLDLOCK", cn)
Dim PointerParam As OleDbParameter = cmdReadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", OleDbType.Binary, 16)
Dim OffsetParam As OleDbParameter = cmdReadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Offset", OleDbType.Integer)
Dim SizeParam As OleDbParameter = cmdReadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Size", OleDbType.Integer)
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(DestFilePath, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
Dim Offset As Integer = 0
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
Dim Buffer(BUFFER_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
' Read buffer full of data and write to the file stream.
PointerParam.Value = PointerOutParam.Value
' Calculate buffer size - may be less than BUFFER_LENGTH for the last block.
If Offset + BUFFER_LENGTH >= LengthOutParam.Value Then
SizeParam.Value = LengthOutParam.Value - Offset
SizeParam.Value = BUFFER_LENGTH
End If
dr = cmdReadBinary.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult)
dr.GetBytes(PictureCol, 0, Buffer, 0, SizeParam.Value)
fs.Write(Buffer, 0, SizeParam.Value)
Offset += SizeParam.Value
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
Loop Until Offset >= LengthOutParam.Value
End Sub
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Write Chunks to a BLOB Column
The following functions use the
Command object, the
Parameter object, and the SQL Server UPDATETEXT statement to write chunks
of data from a
Byte array to a BLOB column. The BLOB column cannot be
null with this method, therefore a single byte is assigned to the
column before the function retrieves the TEXTPTR.
On the first
execution of the UPDATETEXT statement, the
DeleteParam.Value is set to
1 to delete the existing byte from the column before the function
inserts the chunk. This assignment prevents extraneous data from being appended
to the BLOB. The UPDATETEXT statement is executed multiple times, and the
offset increments with the size of the buffer after each call.
NOTE: In Visual Basic, you must subtract 1 from the length of the file
when declaring the
Byte array because Visual Basic declares the upper bound of the array
as opposed to the length. In other languages, such as C# or JScript, use the
length without subtracting 1. Also, make sure that you modify your connection
string for your environment.
Private Sub ChunkFile2SqlBLOB(ByVal SourceFilepath As String)
Dim BUFFER_LENGTH As Integer = 32768 ' chunk size
Dim cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=mySQLServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind;")
' Make sure that Photo is non-NULL and return TEXTPTR to it.
Dim cmdGetPointer As New SqlCommand("SET NOCOUNT ON;UPDATE Categories SET Picture = 0x0 WHERE CategoryName='Test';" & _
"SELECT @Pointer=TEXTPTR(Picture) FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName='Test'", cn)
Dim PointerOutParam As SqlParameter = cmdGetPointer.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", SqlDbType.VarBinary, 100)
PointerOutParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
' Set up UPDATETEXT command, parameters, and open BinaryReader.
Dim cmdUploadBinary As New SqlCommand("UPDATETEXT Categories.Picture @Pointer @Offset @Delete WITH LOG @Bytes", cn)
Dim PointerParam As SqlParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", SqlDbType.Binary, 16)
Dim OffsetParam As SqlParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Offset", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim DeleteParam As SqlParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Delete", SqlDbType.Int)
DeleteParam.Value = 1 ' delete 0x0 character
Dim BytesParam As SqlParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Bytes", SqlDbType.Binary, BUFFER_LENGTH)
Dim fs As New IO.FileStream(SourceFilePath, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
Dim br As New IO.BinaryReader(fs)
Dim Offset As Integer = 0
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
' Read buffer full of data and execute the UPDATETEXT statement.
Dim Buffer() As Byte = br.ReadBytes(BUFFER_LENGTH)
Do While Buffer.Length > 0
PointerParam.Value = PointerOutParam.Value
BytesParam.Value = Buffer
DeleteParam.Value = 0 ' don't delete any other data
Offset += Buffer.Length
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
Buffer = br.ReadBytes(BUFFER_LENGTH)
End Sub
Private Sub ChunkFile2OleDbBLOB(ByVal SourceFilePath As String)
Dim BUFFER_LENGTH As Integer = 32768 ' chunk size
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=mySQLServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind;")
' Make sure that Photo is non-NULL and return TEXTPTR to it.
Dim cmdGetPointer As New OleDbCommand("SET NOCOUNT ON;UPDATE Categories SET Picture = 0x0 WHERE CategoryName='Test';" & _
"SELECT ?=TEXTPTR(Picture) FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName='Test'", cn)
Dim PointerOutParam As OleDbParameter = cmdGetPointer.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", OleDbType.VarBinary, 100)
PointerOutParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
' Set up UPDATETEXT command, parameters, and open BinaryReader.
Dim cmdUploadBinary As New OleDbCommand("UPDATETEXT Categories.Picture ? ? ? WITH LOG ?", cn)
Dim PointerParam As OleDbParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", OleDbType.Binary, 16)
Dim OffsetParam As OleDbParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Offset", OleDbType.Integer)
Dim DeleteParam As OleDbParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Delete", OleDbType.Integer)
DeleteParam.Value = 1 ' delete 0x0 character
Dim BytesParam As OleDbParameter = cmdUploadBinary.Parameters.Add("@Bytes", OleDbType.Binary, BUFFER_LENGTH)
Dim fs As New IO.FileStream(SourceFilePath, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
Dim br As New IO.BinaryReader(fs)
Dim Offset As Integer = 0
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
' Read buffer full of data and execute the UPDATETEXT statement.
Dim Buffer() As Byte = br.ReadBytes(BUFFER_LENGTH)
Do While Buffer.Length > 0
PointerParam.Value = PointerOutParam.Value
BytesParam.Value = Buffer
DeleteParam.Value = 0 ' don't delete any other data
Offset += Buffer.Length
OffsetParam.Value = Offset
Buffer = br.ReadBytes(BUFFER_LENGTH)
End Sub
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Create the Sample Application
The following sample application demonstrates how to use the
SqlClient .NET Data Provider versions of the functions presented previously in
this article.
- Start Visual Studio .NET, and use the Server Explorer or
use another database tool of your choice. Connect to your Northwind database. Open the Categories table and then add a new record with a CategoryName of "Test."
- Create a new Visual Basic .NET Windows Form application.
Add two Button controls with the following properties to the form:
Name: btnLoadFromFile
Text: Load from file
Name: btnSaveToFile
Text: Save to file
- Switch to Code view, and then add the following Imports declaration at the top of the Code window:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
- Add the following sample code to the Click event handler for the Load button:
'ChunkFile2OleDbBLOB("C:\test.dat") ' uncomment to use OLEDB
NOTE: Change the source file path to point to the data file that you
want to copy into the SQL Server table.
- Change the source file path to point to the data file that
you want to copy into the SQL Server table. Add the following sample code to
the Click event handler for the Load button:
'OleDbChunkBLOB2File("C:\copyoftestfileoledb.dat") ' uncomment to use OLEDB
NOTE: You may want to change the destination file name to one that
does not exist on your computer.
- Change the source file path to point to the data file that
you want to copy into the SQL Server table. Paste the ChunkFile2SqlBLOB and SqlChunkBLOB2File procedures from the article text into your form code.
- Change the source file path to point to the data file that
you want to copy into the SQL Server table. Run the application. Click Load, and then click Save. You should see a new file on your hard disk that is identical to
the source file.
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