This article contains an example of how to create a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package by using Microsoft Visual C++. This is useful when you need to create a DTS package programmatically.
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DTS Visual C++ Programming Example
The following DTS programming sample demonstrates how to create a package that will transfer one column
au_fname in the
pubs..authors table from SQL Server 2000 to a flat file.
NOTE: Please verify that the DTS package name and file name do not exist.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <io.h>
#undef EOF
// Provide the correct path for Dtspkg.dll.
#import "C:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\dtspkg.dll" no_namespace
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
struct _finddata_t dir;
long hFile;
// Create Package Object
_PackagePtr pkg(__uuidof(Package));
// Create Connection Source Object
ConnectionPtr connectionSource;
connectionSource = pkg->Connections->New("SQLOLEDB");
connectionSource->Name = "Pubs";
connectionSource->ID = 1;
// Replace the . with your server name.
connectionSource->DataSource = ".";
// Replace the pubs database name with yours.
connectionSource->Catalog ="pubs";
connectionSource->UseTrustedConnection = TRUE;
// Add Connection to Package
// Create the Connection Target Object
ConnectionPtr connectionTarget;
connectionTarget = pkg->Connections->New("DTSFlatFile");
// Add Properties
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Row Delimiter")->PutValue("\r\n");
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("File Format")->PutValue (_variant_t((long)1));
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Column Lengths")->PutValue (_variant_t((long)20));
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Column Delimiter")->PutValue(",");
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("File Type")->PutValue (_variant_t((long)1));
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Skip Rows")->PutValue (_variant_t((long)0));
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Text Qualifier")->PutValue ("\"");
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("First Row Column Name")->PutValue (VARIANT_TRUE);
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Column Names")->PutValue ("au_fname");
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Number of Column")->PutValue (_variant_t((long)1));
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Text Qualifier Col Mask: 0=no, 1=yes, e.g. 0101")->PutValue("1");
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Max characters per delimited column")->PutValue(_variant_t((long)255));
connectionTarget->ConnectionProperties->Item("Blob Col Mask: 0=no, 1=yes, e.g. 0101")->PutValue ("0");
connectionTarget->Name = "myTest";
connectionTarget->ID = 2;
// Replace a directory and file name in the following statements.
connectionTarget->DataSource = "C:\\temp\\createDTS.txt";
if ((hFile = _findfirst("C:\\temp\\*", &dir )) == -1L) {
cout << "The directory is invalid!!!\n" << "Please verify the path.\n\n";
return 0;
connectionTarget->UseTrustedConnection = FALSE;
// Add the Connection Target to the Connection Source
pkg->Name = "myDTSTest";
// Create the Step Object
StepPtr myStep;
myStep = pkg->Steps->New();
myStep->Name = "DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1";
myStep->Description = "Copy Data to File";
myStep->TaskName = "DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1";
// Add the Step Object to a package
// Create Task Object
TaskPtr myTask;
myTask = pkg->Tasks->New("DTSDataPumpTask");
myTask->Name = "DTSDataPumpTask";
myTask->Description = "Transform Data Task";
// Add Database query to the task
DataPumpTaskPtr myDataPumpTask;
myDataPumpTask = myTask->CustomTask;
myDataPumpTask->Name = "DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1";
myDataPumpTask->Description = "Copy Data Pump Task";
myDataPumpTask->SourceConnectionID = 1;
myDataPumpTask->SourceSQLStatement = "select au_fname from pubs.dbo.authors";
myDataPumpTask->DestinationConnectionID = 2;
// Transformations - All the fields must be defined.
PropertiesPtr myProperty;
TransformationPtr myTrans;
myTrans = myDataPumpTask->Transformations->New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy");
myTrans->Name = "DTSTransformation__1";
ColumnPtr sourceColumn1, destinationColumn1;
sourceColumn1 = myTrans->SourceColumns->New("au_fname", 1);
destinationColumn1 = myTrans->DestinationColumns->New("au_fname",1);
myProperty = myTrans->Properties;
// Add the Task to the Package
// Execute the Package
// Save the Package to SQL Server<BR/>
// Replace the . with your server name.
pkg->SaveToSQLServer(connectionSource->DataSource, "", "", DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, "", "", "", NULL, TRUE);
catch (_com_error& e)
cout << "Source : " << e.Source() << endl;
cout << "Error : [" << e.Error() << "] " << endl;
cout << "Description: " << e.Description() << endl ;
return 0;
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For additional information about how to schedule a package, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
316799 HOW TO Schedule a Package With VC++ and Programming Example
You can also refer to the SQL Server Books Online topic "Creating a DTS Package."
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