This article demonstrates how to use Visual Basic. NET or Visual Basic 2005 to
access the registry. To do this, you write your own registry accessing
functions by using the Base Class Libraries.
Limitations of the GetSetting and SaveSetting Functions
Visual Basic .NET provides the
GetSetting and
SaveSetting functions to access the registry. These functions have the
following limitations:
- You can access only the registry keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings.
- You must be logged on to the system, because you perform
the modification under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key. This key is not active until the user is logged on
to the system.
NOTE: If the key setting cannot be saved for any reason, an error
message appears.
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Using the Registry and RegistryKey Classes
To access the registry without the constraints of the
GetSetting and
SaveSetting functions, use the
Registry and
RegistryKey classes in the
Microsoft.Win32 namespace. The
Registry class supplies the base registry keys to access values and
subkeys in the registry. It has static (shared) fields, such as
CurrentUser, to represent the root registry key.
RegistryKey class represents a key level node in the Windows registry. This
class is a registry encapsulation that enables read and write permissions to
the registry through the
GetValue and
SetValue methods of the
RegistryKey class.
To create a console project to read and write to
the registry by using the
Registry and
RegistryKey classes, follow these steps:
- Open Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
- On the File menu, click New Project.
- Select Visual Basic Projects in the TreeView on the left, and then select Console Application in the ListView on the right.
Note In Visual Studio 2005, select Visual Basic in the Project types on the left, and then select Console Application in the Templates on the right. - Import the following namespaces to the project:
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Microsoft.Win32
- Add the following code to the Module1:
Sub WriteRegistry(ByVal ParentKey As RegistryKey, ByVal SubKey As String, _
ByVal ValueName As String, ByVal Value As Object)
Dim Key As RegistryKey
'Open the registry key.
Key = ParentKey.OpenSubKey(SubKey, True)
If Key Is Nothing Then 'if the key doesn't exist.
Key = ParentKey.CreateSubKey(SubKey)
End If
'Set the value.
Key.SetValue(ValueName, Value)
Console.WriteLine("Value:{0} for {1} is successfully written.", Value, ValueName)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error occurs in WriteRegistry" & e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Sub ReadRegistry(ByVal ParentKey As RegistryKey, ByVal SubKey As String, _
ByVal ValueName As String, ByRef Value As Object)
Dim Key As RegistryKey
'Open the registry key.
Key = ParentKey.OpenSubKey(SubKey, True)
If Key Is Nothing Then 'if the key doesn't exist
Throw New Exception("The registry key doesn't exist")
End If
'Get the value.
Value = Key.GetValue(ValueName)
Console.WriteLine("Value:{0} for {1} is successfully retrieved.", Value, ValueName)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error occurs in ReadRegistry" & e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
- Copy and paste the following code to replace the Sub Main
that is generated by Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005:
Sub Main()
WriteRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, "Software\MySoftware", "Count", 123)
Dim Value As Object
ReadRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, "Software\MySoftware", "Count", Value)
End Sub
- Press F5 to run the application.
NOTE: This procedure creates a registry key named
MySoftware under the subkey
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software. And it creates a DWORD value named Count with the value 123
under the
MySoftware key.
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For additional information about the classes and namespaces used
in this article, visit the following Microsoft Web sites:
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