CD-ROM: Update Required For SQL Server 2000 Evaluation
The SQL Server 2000 Evaluation software packaged with this book must be updated to prevent susceptibility to the recently discovered Slammer virus. An update has been made available from Microsoft.
Immediately after installing the evaluation software, please download the appropriate update for your environment. The updates can be found at the following URL:
Further information on this virus and vulnerabilities to it can be found at:
Page 244: Corrections To Steps 4 and 7
On page 244, steps 4 and 7 are incorrect.
"4. In the Select A Document Definition dialog box, click Customer Energy Usage Summary, and then click OK.
7. In the Select A Document Definition dialog box, click Customer Energy Usage, and then click OK."
"4. In the Select A Document Definition dialog box, click Customer Energy Usage, and then click OK.
7. In the Select A Document Definition dialog box, click Customer Energy Usage Summary, and then click OK."
Page 246: Correction To Step 7
On page 246, in step 7, change:
"Customer Energy"
"Customer Energy Usage Summary"
Pages 310 And 601: IBTSCustom Should Be IBTSCustomProcess
On pages 310 and 601, in question 10,
"D. IBTSCustom"
"D. IBTSCustomProcess"
Page 341: Missing Shape
On page 341, in the last paragraph,
"Orchestration designer uses nine Flowchart shapes: Begin, End, Abort, Decision, While, Fork, Join and Transaction."
"Orchestration designer uses nine Flowchart shapes: Action, Begin, End, Abort, Decision, While, Fork, Join and Transaction."
Page 495: Correction To A Link
On page 495, in the third paragraph,
Page 505: Correction To Number Of Receive Function Threads Allowed
On page 505, in the last paragraph,
"The value for this setting is between 1 and 4. The existence of too few or too many receive function threads can negatively affect performance. The default value for this parameter is 4, the maximum allowed, so that the I/O ports don't cause performance problems"
"The value for this setting is between 1 and 128. The existence of too few or too many receive function threads can negatively affect performance."
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.