This step-by-step article describes how to use Microsoft
Word to open a document that was created in Microsoft Works 6.0. Two methods
are presented for doing this.
In the first method, you create a
document in Microsoft Works and save it as a Word document (*.doc). Then you
can open the document directly in Microsoft Word.
In the second
method, you create the document in Microsoft Works, as you usually do, and then
save the document as a Works word-processing document (*.wps). To open the
document in Microsoft Word, verify that the Works 6.0 Converter is installed on
your computer, and then open the document (*.wps) in Microsoft
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Method 1: Use the File Format (*.doc) for Word Documents
Use this method if you have access to both Microsoft Works 6.0
and Microsoft Word. To easily convert a Works 6.0 word-processing document to
Microsoft Word, save the document in Works as a Word document, and then open
the document directly in Word.
In Microsoft Works
To convert a Microsoft Works 6.0 word-processing document so that
you can open it easily in Microsoft Word, save the document as a Word document.
To do this, follow these steps:
- In Microsoft Works 6.0, open the document that you want to
open in Microsoft Word.
- On the File menu, click Save As.
- In the Save As dialog box, follow these steps:
- Change the Save in box to the location
where you want to save the Word-format version of your document.
- In the File name box, type a new name
(if needed) for the Word version of your document.
- In the Save as type box, select
Word 97-2002 & 6.0/95 - RTF (*.doc), and then click Save.
- On the File menu, click Close to close the document before you attempt to open the document in
Microsoft Word.
In Microsoft Word
To use Microsoft Word to open a Microsoft Works 6.0
word-processing document that was saved as a Word document, follow these steps:
- Start Microsoft Word.
- On the File menu, click Open.
- In the Open dialog box, follow these steps:
- Change the Look in box to the location
of the Word document that you want to open.
- In the Files of type box, click Word Documents (*.doc).
- Select the Word document (*.doc) that you want to open,
and then click Open.
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Method 2: Use the Format (*.wps) for a Works Word-Processing File
To use Microsoft Word to open a Works 6.0 word-processing
document, save the document the way that you usually do in the Works (*.wps)
file format, install the Works 6.0 Converter in Word, and then open the
document directly in Word.
In Microsoft Works
Create and save your Works 6.0 word-processing document the way
that you usually do, in the Works word-processing document file format (*.wps).
No further action is required in Microsoft Works.
In Microsoft Word
To use Microsoft Word to open a Microsoft Works word-processing
document (*.wps), you must verify that the Works 6.0 Converter is installed on
your computer. After you install the converter, you can open the Works
word-processing document directly in Word.
If Microsoft Works 6.0 Is Installed on Same Computer as Microsoft Word If you installed Microsoft Works 6.0 on the same
computer where Microsoft Word is installed, the Works 6.0 Converter already is
installed. The installation occurs during the Setup of Microsoft Works 6.0. No
further action is required, except to open the Works 6.0 document in Microsoft
To open a Microsoft Works 6.0 word-processing document in
Microsoft Word, follow these steps:
- Start Microsoft Word.
- On the File menu, click Open.
- In the Open dialog box, follow these steps:
- Change the Look in box to the location
of your Works 6.0 word-processing document.
- In the Files of type box, click Works 6.0.
- Select the Works word-processing document (*.wps) that
you want to open, and then click Open.
If Microsoft Works 6.0 Is Not Installed on Same Computer as Microsoft
Word You must install the Works 6.0 Converter on the
computer where Microsoft Word is installed. To do this, follow these steps:
- In your Web browser, browse to the following Microsoft Web
- Read the information about the Works 6.0 Converter, and
then click Download Now.
- In the File Download dialog box, click Open. The Wp6rtf.exe file is now downloaded to your
- Click Yes to the following message:
Are you sure you want to install the Works 6.0 converter?
- Click Yes to accept the Microsoft License Agreement. If you click No, the Works 6.0 Converter Setup ends, and the Works 6.0 Converter
is not installed on your computer.
- The Works 6.0 Converter Setup now extracts and installs the
Works 6.0 Converter (Works632.cnv) on your computer.
To open a Microsoft Works 6.0 word-processing document in
Microsoft Word, follow these steps:
- Start Microsoft Word.
- On the File menu, click Open.
- In the Open dialog box, follow these steps:
- Change the Look in box to the location
of your Works 6.0 word-processing document.
- In the Files of type box, click Works 6.0.
- Select the Works word-processing document (*.wps) that
you want to open, and then click Open.
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