ASP.NET can be used together with Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) to authenticate Web users based on their Microsoft
Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003
user account credentials. The ASP.NET execution engine can also be configured
to impersonate Web users, or to use its own Windows identity when it accesses
resources such as databases or files.
Back to the topRequirements
You need the following hardware, software, and network
infrastructure to perform the procedures in this article:
- Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 2
- IIS 5.0
Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.0
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
You also need experience with the following:
- ASP.NET development with Visual Basic .NET
- IIS administration
- Windows 2000 user account administration
Back to the topHow to Develop the Web Site
In this procedure, you will create a simple ASP.NET Web
application, which will be secured by using Windows authentication.
- Start Visual Studio .NET, and then create a new Visual
Basic ASP.NET Web application named "WindowsSite."
- Drag a label control from the toolbox onto the
WebForm1.aspx Web form, and then set its ID property to
- Drag a second label control from the toolbox onto the
WebForm1.aspx Web form, and then set its ID property to
- Double-click WebForm1.aspx to view the code window, and then add the following Imports statement above the class declaration:
Imports System.Security
Add the following code to the Page_Load event procedure:
Dim authUserName As String
Dim aspUserName As String
authUserName = User.Identity.Name
aspUserName = Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent.Name
authUserPrincipalLabel.Text = "You are: " & authUserName
aspPrincipalLabel.Text = "This page runs as: " & aspUserName
- View the project's Web.config file, and then locate the
authentication element. Verify that the mode
attribute has a value of Windows.
- Build and save the project.
- Run the project, and then confirm that the page is
displayed with the following message:
- In
Windows 2000
You are:
This page runs as: DomainOrServer\ASPNET
- In
Windows Server 2003
You are:
This page runs as: DomainOrServer\NETWORK SERVICE
Note Your user name is not displayed because you have not been
authenticated by IIS; anonymous access is still enabled. - Quit Internet Explorer to stop the project.
Back to the topHow to Disable Anonymous Access
In this procedure, you will configure IIS to require
Windows-integrated authentication for the WindowsSite site.
- Minimize Visual Studio, and then start Internet Services
Manager from the Administrative Tools program group.
- Expand your server and its default Web site, right-click
the WindowsSite site, and then click Properties.
- On the Directory Security tab in the WindowsSite Properties dialog box, click the Edit button in the "Anonymous access and authentication control"
- Click to clear the Anonymous access check
box, verify that the Integrated Windows authentication check
box is selected, and then click OK.
- Click OK to close the WindowsSite Properties dialog box.
- Switch back to Visual Studio, and then run the project.
Confirm that the page is displayed with the following message:
- In
Windows 2000
You are: Your Windows user name
This page runs as: DomainOrServer\ASPNET
- In
Windows Server 2003
You are: Your Windows user name
This page runs as: DomainOrServer\NETWORK SERVICE
Note You have been authenticated through your Windows account. If you
had not been logged on to Windows, you would have been prompted for a Windows
user name and password. - Quit Internet Explorer to stop the project.
Back to the topAuthorization
In ASP.NET, it is possible to allow authorization to the
application when you make additional settings available within the Web.config
file. You can allow certain users or certain groups access to these additional
settings. The following examples describe this capability. To allow access to
all users found in the Windows NT Group that is called "Managers," use the
following code:
<allow roles="domainname\Managers" />
<deny users="*" />
To allow access to only certain users, use the following code:
<allow users="domainname\user1,domainname\user2,domainname\user3" />
<deny users="*" />
Note You can reference multiple roles or users when you use a
comma-separated list.
Back to the topHow to Enable Impersonation
In this procedure, you will configure the WindowsSite application
to impersonate the Windows user who is accessing it.
- In Visual Studio, view the Web.config file for the
WindowsSite project.
- Add the following element after the
authentication element:
<identity impersonate = "true" />
- Save Web.config.
- Run the project. Confirm that the page is displayed with
the following message (note that the ASP.NET execution engine will use your
Windows credentials to access resources on your behalf):
You are: Your Windows user name
This page runs as: Your Windows user name
- Quit Internet Explorer to stop the project.
Back to the topHow to Assign a Custom Principal
In this procedure, you will configure the WindowsSite application
to use a custom security principal:
- Start the Computer Management feature from the
Administrative Tools program group. Create a new Windows 2000 user account
named "WindowsSite," with a password of "password" (note whether your server is
a domain controller, and then use the Active Directory Users and Computers
- Click to clear the User must change password at
next logon check box.Note The custom principal that you select must have the permissions
that are outlined in the following Knowledge Base article:
317012 INFO: Process and Request Identity in ASP.NET
- When the WindowsSite account has been created, close the
administrative tool that you used to create it.
- In Visual Studio, view the Web.config file for the
WindowsSite project.
- Edit the identity element to
read as follows:
identity impersonate = "true"
userName = "DomainOrServerName\WindowsSite"
password = "password"/>
where DomainOrServerName is either the name
of your Windows 2000 or Windows Server
2003 domain (in a domain environment) or of your computer (in
a workgroup environment). - Save Web.config.
- Run the project. Confirm that the page is displayed with
the following message:
You are: Your Windows user name
This page runs as: DomainOrServerName\WindowsSite
Note Aspnet_wp.exe will use the Windows credentials that you
specified to access resources on your behalf. - Quit Internet Explorer to stop the project.
Note The identity of the process that impersonates a specific user on
a thread must have the
Act as part of the operating system privilege.
- On Windows 2000, by
default, the Aspnet_wp.exe process runs under a computer account that is named
- On Windows Server 2003, by default, the Aspnet_wp.exe process runs under a
computer account that is named NetworkService.
However, this account does not have the correct privileges to impersonate a
specific user. You receive an error message if you try to impersonate a
specific user.
To work around this problem, use one of the following
- Grant the Act as part of the operating system
privilege to the ASPNET account (the least privileged account).
Note Although you can use this method to work around the problem,
Microsoft does not recommend this method. - Change the account that the Aspnet_wp.exe process runs
under to the System account in the <processModel> configuration section
of the Machine.config file.
For more information about the ASPNET process, visit the
following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:
Back to the topTroubleshooting
Windows security in an ASP.NET Web site can be further enhanced
(and complicated) by using NTFS file permissions. If your Windows account does
not have permissions to read an ASP.NET Web page, IIS will prompt you for
alternative Windows credentials. Similarly, if an ASP.NET page attempts to
access a file that the security principal used by the ASP.NET execution engine
does not have access to, you will be prompted for alternative credentials. NTFS
permissions are an effective way to control access to subsections of a Web
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