This step-by-step article describes how to delete user
profiles on Windows 2000-based computers by using the User Profile Deletion
Utility (Delprof.exe).
Delprof.exe is available in the Microsoft
Windows 2000 Resource Kit. It is a command-line utility that you can use to
delete user profiles on a local or remote Windows 2000-based computer. User
profiles can grow large and may take up considerable disk space, especially if
there are several users using one computer. Because of this, you may want to
use Delprof.exe to free disk space by deleting profiles that are no longer
required. However, because each profile on the computer is presented in order
when you run the utility, you may want to use the Graphical User Interface
(GUI) instead of the command-line tool whenever this is possible.
You must be logged on as administrator or as a member of the Administrators
group to delete user profiles.
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Overview of the Delprof.exe Tool
Delprof.exe uses the
delprof /q /i /p
/c:\\computer name
/d:days syntax. You can use the
following parameters with Delprof.exe:
- /q: This parameter runs Delprof.exe in quiet mode. When you use this
parameter, you are not prompted to confirm the deletion of each profile.
- /i: This parameter ignores any errors that may occur.
- /p: This parameter specifies that a message is displayed that
prompts you to confirm the deletion of each profile.
- /c:\\computer name: This parameter specifies the computer name on which to run
- /d:days: This parameter specifies the number of days after which
Delprof.exe considers the profiles as inactive. Profiles that have not been
used for a period of time that is longer than the specified value are
WARNING: Delprof.exe deletes all data that is stored in a user profile.
This includes desktop settings, favorites, program-specific data that is
contained in the Application Data folder, and the contents of the My Documents
folder. Please be aware of any user documents that may be deleted before you
use this tool.
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How to Use Delprof.exe to Delete User Profiles on a Remote Computer
The following example describes how to use Delprof.exe to delete
user profiles on a remote computer that is named Server1. Note that if you do
not specify a computer in the command, Delprof.exe defaults to the local
- Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
- At the command prompt, type delprof /p
/c:\\server1, and then press ENTER. For each cached user profile on
Server1, a message is displayed in the command prompt window that prompts you
to confirm its deletion. For example, you receive a message that is similar to
the following message:
Delete \\SERVER1\D$\Documents and Settings\User1? (Yes/No/All)
- Complete one of the following actions for each user profile
that you are prompted to delete:
- Type y, and then press ENTER if
you want to delete the profile.
- Type n, and then press ENTER if
you do not want to delete the profile.
- Type exit, and then press ENTER to
quit the command prompt.
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How to Use Delprof.exe to Delete User Profiles After a Specified Period of Inactivity
The following example describes how to use Delprof.exe to delete
user profiles on the local computer that have been inactive for 30 days:
- Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
- At the command prompt, type delprof /p
/d:30, and then press ENTER. For each user profile that has not
been used on the computer for 30 days, a message is displayed that prompts you
to confirm its deletion. For example, you receive a message that is similar to
the following message:
Delete \\MYCOMPUTER\D$\Documents and Settings\User2? (Yes/No/All)
- Complete one of the following actions for each user profile
that you are prompted to delete:
- Type y, and then press ENTER if
you want to delete the profile.
- Type n, and then press ENTER if
you do not want to delete the profile.
- Type exit, and then press ENTER to
quit the command prompt.
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You may receive the following message when you attempt to use
Delprof.exe to delete user profiles:
Failed to open list
of profiles.
Access is denied.
This behavior can occur if you
are not logged on to the computer as an administrator or as a member of the
Administrators group.
To resolve this behavior, log on to the
computer as an administrator or as a member of the administrators group, and
then use Delprof.exe to delete the appropriate user profiles.
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For more information about Delprof.exe, type
delprof /? at the command prompt, and then press ENTER.
For additional information about deletion of
user profiles in Windows 2000, click the article number below to view the
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
264735 Deleting a User Profile Removes the My Documents Folder
For more information about the Windows 2000
Resource Kit, view the following Microsoft Web site:
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