Creating Computer Accounts Using "NETDOM"
Note that you should use only the Windows XP version of
netdom, which is included with the Windows XP CD in the Support\Tools\ file. Previous versions do not work correctly for all features in Windows XP.
You can use
netdom from the command line (or call it optionally from a batch file) to script computer account creation. This sample creates only the computer account and displays how you can specify credentials of an authorized user who has permissions to create computer accounts in the domain. Follow this example of the syntax for the
netdom command
netdom join ComputerName /domain:DomainName /userd:User /passwordd:UserPassword
User is a user with permission to join the domain.
For more information about using NETDOM, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to join a domain from the command line
Scripting the Computer Account Using ADSI and Windows Script Host
Using Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) and Windows Script Host (WSH), an administrator can create a Visual Basic Script (VBScript) to automate the creation of computer accounts.
For more information about Visual Basic Scripting, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
To use this method, create a script as outlined in the following sample script, and then save the file with a .vbs extension. To run the file, double-click the file or type
cscript myscript.vbs at a command prompt.
Sample Script
'* Start Script
Dim sComputerName, sUserOrGroup, sPath, computerContainer, rootDSE, lFlag
Dim secDescriptor, dACL, ACE, oComputer, sPwd
'* Declare constants used in defining the default location for the
'* machine account, flags to identify the object as a machine account,
'* and security flags
Const ADS_GUID_COMPUTRS_CONTAINER = "aa312825768811d1aded00c04fd8d5cd"
'* Set the flags on this object to identify it as a machine account
'* and determine the name. The name is used statically here, but may
'* be determined by a command line parameter or by using an InputBox
sComputerName = "TestAccount"
'* Establish a path to the container in the Active Directory where
'* the machine account will be created. In this example, this will
'* automatically locate a domain controller for the domain, read the
'* domain name, and bind to the default "Computers" container
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
sPath = sPath + ","
sPath = sPath + rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
sPath = sPath + ">"
Set computerContainer = GetObject(sPath)
sPath = "LDAP://" & computerContainer.Get("distinguishedName")
Set computerContainer = GetObject(sPath)
'* Here, the computer account is created. Certain attributes must
'* have a value before calling .SetInfo to commit (write) the object
'* to the Active Directory
Set oComputer = computerContainer.Create("computer", "CN=" & sComputerName)
oComputer.Put "samAccountName", sComputerName + "$"
oComputer.Put "userAccountControl", lFlag
'* Establish a default password for the machine account
sPwd = sComputerName & "$"
sPwd = LCase(sPwd)
oComputer.SetPassword sPwd
'* Specify which user or group may activate/join this computer to the
'* domain. In this example, "MYDOMAIN" is the domain name and
'* "JoeSmith" is the account being given the permission. Note that
'* this is the downlevel naming convention used in this example.
sUserOrGroup = "MYDOMAIN\joesmith"
'* Bind to the Discretionary ACL on the newly created computer account
'* and create an Access Control Entry (ACE) that gives the specified
'* user or group full control on the machine account
Set secDescriptor = oComputer.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")
Set dACL = secDescriptor.DiscretionaryAcl
Set ACE = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")
'* An AccessMask of "-1" grants Full Control
ACE.AccessMask = -1
'* Grant this control to the user or group specified earlier.
ACE.Trustee = sUserOrGroup
'* Now, add this ACE to the DACL on the machine account
secDescriptor.DiscretionaryAcl = dACL
'* Commit (write) the security changes to the machine account
oComputer.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", Array(secDescriptor)
'* Once all parameters and permissions have been set, enable the
'* account.
oComputer.AccountDisabled = False
'* Create an Access Control Entry (ACE) that gives the specified user
'* or group full control on the machine account
wscript.echo "The command completed successfully."
'* End Script
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements.
For more information about UserAccountControl flags , click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to use the UserAccountControl flags to manipulate user account properties