This step-by-step article describes how to use the automatic wireless network configuration feature in Windows XP to set up your computer for wireless networking. You can use Windows XP to set up your computer for wireless networking on any 802.11b standard wireless network.
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The information in this article applies to 802.11b wireless adapters.
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Set up your computer for wireless networking
Wireless networking is integrated into Windows XP. You can use Windows XP automatic networking Setup to quickly set up a wireless network. You must have a 802.11b wireless adapter installed on the portable computer and you must have access to a 802.11b standard wireless network.
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Install the wireless adapter
To install the wireless adapter:
- Insert the 802.11b wireless adapter into the portable computer PCMCIA slot.
The Automatic Wireless Configuration wizard starts. - Follow the steps in the Automatic Wireless Configuration wizard.
After the wizard finishes, your computer is ready to connect to the network.
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Connect to the network
Windows XP automatically polls the area for available wireless access points. If one is present, Windows XP tries to connect to it. Sometimes, you find that even though there is a wireless network in the area, Windows XP cannot recognize it. If this situation occurs, you must manually add the wireless access point.
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Install a wireless access point manually
- Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click Network Connections.
- Right-click Wireless Network Connection, and then click Properties.
- Click the Wireless Networks tab.
A list of wireless access points appears in the Available networks box. - Under Preferred networks, click Add.
- In the Network Name (SSID) box, type the name of the access point and select the appropriate check boxes, according to your network requirements.
You may have to ask the LAN administrators for specific settings. If you are on a domain, you may have to request client certificates. - Click OK.
After you add the new access point, you can connect to the new network.
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Roam to another network
When you bring your portable computer into another wireless network area, Windows XP automatically tries to connect to that network. If Windows XP does not recognize the new network, follow the instructions in this article to manually install the wireless network.
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