HOW TO: Start Programs from Pocket Internet Explorer (314781)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Pocket PC 2002
- Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2.0
This article was previously published under Q314781 SUMMARY
This article describes how to configure Pocket Internet Explorer to start programs from links in Web pages.
You may want to start Pocket PC programs from Web pages. To make this possible, the Web page must download and install the program when you tap its link in a page. When the program is installed, the appropriate registry keys and values must be set. Pocket Internet Explorer cannot do this directly. However, you can use the installation process to handle this.
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Preparing the Program for Downloading- Insert a link to the program's .cab file in the Web page.
- Place the following registration keys in your installation script:
@="xxxfile" - Specifies the program file name extension. Substitute the program's data file name extension for xxx.
- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\xxxfile] @="XXX File" - Specifies the class entry. Substitute the program's data file name extension for xxx.
- "EditFlags"=dword:00010000 - Specifies that the file is safe to download. If you omit this, Pocket Internet Explorer displays a dialog box prompting the user to download the file and start it. If you include the key and the set the value, your program starts immediately after the user taps the link.
- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\xxxfile\DefaultIcon] @="\\Windows\\YourApp.exe,1" - Specifies the icon for the program. Substitute the program's data file name extension for xxx. Substitute your program's name for YourApp.
- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\YourAppfile\Shell\Open\Command] @="\\Windows\\YourApp.exe %1" - Specifies the command that the ShellExecute function uses to run your program. Substitute your program's name for YourApp.
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Handling Streams
If your program requires a file stream from the Internet, it must connect directly to the stream itself.
- Create a data file that contains the address of the stream.
- Use the procedure that is listed in the "Preparing the Program for Downloading" section of this article to associate your program with the data file.
- Place a link to the program's .cab file in a Web page that your Pocket PC users browse.
- Insert a link to the data file in a Web page.
- Publish the Web pages. When a user taps the link for the Setup program, the Setup program installs the program. It also configures the registry to recognize the extension for the data files.
NOTE: When a user then taps the link for the data file, Pocket Internet Explorer starts the program and loads the data file. The program uses the address that is contained in the data file to connect to the Internet-based stream.
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Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 10/20/2003 |
Keywords: | kbHOWTOmaster KB314781 kbAudDeveloper kbAudITPro |