Important This article contains information about running .chk files for development and testing purposes. Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) does not support production systems that have .chk files installed unless you were told by PSS to install the .chk files to isolate a problem. Before you install .chk files on a production system, make sure to back up the system, and make sure that you understand how to restore the replaced file if a problem occurs.
For more information about .chk files, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Setup hangs while inspecting hardware; how to use
320040 How to use Ntdetect.chk to identify hardware problems in Windows 2000
For information about how to back up and restore the system, view Windows 2000 Help and support.
For more information about NTbackups, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to use the Backup program to back up and restore the system state in Windows 2000
You can also contact your backup product provider for information about how to use their product.
Note The following debugging information is subject to change at any
time and is intended only for driver-debugging purposes. Also note that debug
information may not be particularly useful to anyone other than developers.
Video miniport debugging
Note the following about video miniport debugging:
- It requires checked build video port and miniport
- It does not use a debugger extension.
- It enables debug tracing by setting the global variable (or
- Variable names in Windows 2000 are different from those in
Windows XP.
- In Windows 2000, you can enable debug tracing either
through the registry or the debugger, as follows:
- Set the value of VideoDebugLevel (0-3) in the registry,
as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CCS\Services\DriverName\DeviceN
VideoDebugLevel:REG_DWORD: 2
- Or through the debugger, as follows:
ed videoprt!VideoDebugLevel 2
- The video port on a Windows XP-based computer uses the new DbgPrintEx function (see the "NOTES" section of this article).
following variables are defined for video drivers:
To set a mask, do the following:
- Add the mask that you want in the registry. For
example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CCS\Control\Session Manager\Debug Print Filter
"IHVVIDEO"=DWORD: 0xffffffff
- Or in the debugger, as follows:
ed Kd_IHVVIDEO_Mask 0xffffffff
1394 debugging
Note the following about 1394 debugging:
- It requires a checked build system or checked build 1394
- On both Windows 2000 and Windows XP-based systems, set the
corresponding global variable through the debugger. For example:
ed ohci1394!ohcidebuglevel 6
OHCI1394.SYS | ohcidebuglevel | 1-6 |
SBP2PORT.SYS | sbp2debuglevel | 1-4 |
1394BUS.SYS | busdebuglevel | 1-5 |
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to enable debug prints in IEEE 1394 drivers
USB debugging
Note the following about universal serial bus (USB) debugging:
- It requires a checked build system or checked build USB
- On a Windows 2000-based system, you need to set the
corresponding global variable through the debugger. For example:
ed USBD!USBD_Debug_Trace_Level 2
UHCD.SYS | UHCD_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-2 |
OPENHCI.SYS | OHCI_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-2 |
USBHUB.SYS | USBH_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-3 |
USBD.SYS | USBD_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-3 |
- Use the following parameters on a Windows XP-based system.
USBPORT.SYS | USBPORT_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-4 |
USBCCGP.SYS | DbgVerbose | 0 or 1 |
USBHUB.SYS | USBH_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-3 |
USBD.SYS | USBD_Debug_Trace_Level | 0-3 |
USBPORT.SYS | USBPORT_CatcTrapEnable | 0-1 |
- All USB miniport drivers use USBPORT for debug output.
PCI debugging
Note the following about Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
- It requires a checked build system or a checked build
PCI.SYS module.
- On both Windows 2000 and Windows XP-based systems, set the
corresponding global variable through the debugger. For example (with 0x3 being
the most verbose:
PCMCIA debugging
Note the following about PCMCIA debugging:
NDIS debugging
Note the following about network driver interface specification
(NDIS) debugging:
- NDIS debugging requires a checked build NDIS. For additional information about how
to enable
NDIS debug tracing on Windows 2000 and later versions, visit
the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:
Storage driver debugging
Note the following about storage driver debugging:
- It requires a checked build system or checked build storage
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to enable SCSIPORT debug logging
Printer driver debugging
Note the following about printer driver debugging.
User mode
- Requires a checked build system or checked build printer
driver components (unidrv or pscript).
- Attach to either the printing application or the spooler
process (spoolsv.exe), depending on whether you are debugging the user
interface (UI) module or the rendering module.
- For Unidrv debugging, use the following setting:
Kernel mode
- Run the gflags command, and then enable the following flag on spoolsv.exe:
- Windows 2000: "Place Heap Allocation at end of
- Windows XP: "enable page heap"
- Restart the spooler (net stop/start spooler).
- Run verifier.exe on Win32K.sys to debug your printer
Audio driver debugging
Note the following about audio driver debugging:
- It requires a checked build system or checked build audio
- On both Windows 2000 and Windows XP-based systems, set the
corresponding global variable through the debugger. For example:
ed USBAUDIO!USBAudioDebugLevel 3
USBAUDIO.SYS | USBAudioDebugLevel | 0-3 |
SYSAUDIO.SYS | SYSAUDIOTraceLevel | 0-100 |
HID driver debugging
Note the following about HID driver debugging:
- It requires a checked build system or checked build HID
- On both Windows 2000 and Windows XP-based systems, set the
corresponding global variable through the debugger. For example:
HIDUSB.SYS | HIDUSB_DebugLevel | 0-1 |
HIDCLASS.SYS | dbgverbose | 0-1 |
Serial driver debugging
Note the following about serial driver debugging:
- It requires a checked build system or checked build serial
- Serial.sys (on both Windows 2000 and Windows XP-based
- Set the DebugLevel value in the registry, as follows:
HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Serial "DebugLevel"= REG_DWORD:0xFFFFFFFF
Or set it through the debugger, as follows: ed Serial!SerialDebugLevel (0x00000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF)
- Mask values are defined in the following directory:
- Serenum.sys (on both Windows 2000 and Windows XP-based
- Set the DebugLevel value in the registry, as follows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CCS\Services\Serenum "DebugLevel"= REG_DWORD:1FF
- Mask values are defined in the following directory:
Modem driver debugging
To enable full unimodem verbose debugging on Windows 2000 and
Windows XP-based systems, you need to have a checked build, and then do the
- For everything except Mdminst.dll and Unimdm.tsp, add the
following registry keys:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Unimodem
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Modem
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Modemcsa
- For Mdminst.dll, copy Unimdm.ini into
%windir%. The following is an example of a
Unimdm.ini file:
; DumpFlags:
; 00000001 DCB
; 00000004 DEVCAPS
; TraceFlags:
; 00000001 Warnings
; 00000002 Errors
; 00000004 General
; 00000008 Function trace
; BreakFlags:
; 00000001 Break on validate
; 00000040 Break on process attach
; 00000100 Break on API enter
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; DumpFlags:
; TraceFlags:
; 00000001 Warnings
; 00000002 Errors
; 00000004 General
; 00000008 Function trace
; 00010000 Detection queries
; 00020000 Class installer trace
; BreakFlags:
; 00000001 Break on validate
; 00000040 Break on process attach
; 00000100 Break on API enter
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; DumpFlags:
; 00000001 DCB
; TraceFlags:
; 00000001 Warnings
; 00000002 Errors
; 00000004 General
; 00000008 Function trace
; BreakFlags:
; 00000001 Break on validate
; 00000040 Break on process attach
; 00000100 Break on API enter
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; DumpFlags:
; TraceFlags:
; 00000001 Warnings
; 00000002 Errors
; 00000004 General
; 00000008 Function trace
; 00010000 dwDeviceID related
; 00020000 hdLine related
; 00040000 hdCall related
; 00080000 pLineDev related
; 00100000 pModemInfo related
; BreakFlags:
; 00000001 Break on validate
; 00000040 Break on process attach
; 00000080 Break on process detach
; 00000100 Break on API enter
- For Unimdm.tsp debugging, add the following registry key:
Device installation debugging
receive a verbose trace from kernel and usermode PNP manager on Windows XP and
later versions, you have to obtain a checked build, and then run following
On Windows 2000, you can set global variable
PnpEnumDebugLevel to
1 or
2 in the kernel debugger as follows:
ed nt!PnpEnumDebugLevel 2
Some of the drivers and subsystems on Windows XP-based systems
use the new
DbgPrintEx function:
ULONG DbgPrintEx(IN ULONG ComponentID,
IN ULONG Level, IN PCHAR Format, . . . .
Microsoft has defined about 95 different component IDs (look for
DPFLTR_TYPE in the Ntddk.h file). For every component filter ID, there is a
global mask variable, for example,
You can set the value of the mask either through the registry, as
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CCS\Control\Session Manager\Debug Print Filter
"IHV_AUDIO"=REG_DWORD:0xFFFFFFFF or with a debugger, for example,
ed NT!Kd_IHVAUDIO_Mask 0xffffffff
Debug output is filtered based on the global mask
(Kd_Win2000_Mask) and the component level mask. The Windbg Help file documents
how the mask and level values are used in filtering the output.
enable debug tracing, use the following code to locate your component ID either
from the Ntddk.h file or from the debugger:
x NT!Kd_*_Mask
Then, set the value to the maximum for verbose output (0xffffffff).
Currently, only a few classes of drivers (described in the "More Information"
section of this article) use this new function.