The paging file (Pagefile.sys) is a hidden file on your
computer's hard disk that Windows XP uses as if it were random access memory
(RAM). The paging file and physical memory make up virtual memory. By default,
Windows stores the paging file on the boot partition (the partition that
contains the operating system and its support files). The default, or
recommended, paging file size is equal to 1.5 times the total RAM.
This article discusses how to configure the paging file for system
optimization and recovery.
To enhance performance, it is good practice to put the paging file on a different partition and on a different physical hard
disk drive. That way, Windows can handle multiple I/O requests more quickly.
When the paging file is on the boot partition, Windows must perform disk
reading and writing requests on both the system folder and the paging file.
When the paging file is moved to a different partition, there is less
competition between reading and writing requests.
However, if you remove the paging file from the boot partition, Windows cannot
create a dump file (Memory.dmp) in which to write debugging information in the
event that a kernel mode Stop Error message occurs. This could lead to extended
downtime if you must debug to troubleshoot the Stop error
The optimal solution is to create one paging file that is stored on the boot partition, and then create one paging file on
another partition that is less frequently accessed
on a different physical hard disk if a different physical hard disk is available.
Additionally, it is optimal to create the second paging file so that it exists
on its own partition, with no data or operating-system-specific files. By
design, Windows uses the paging file on the less frequently accessed partition
over the paging file on the more heavily accessed boot partition. An internal
algorithm is used to determine which paging file to use for virtual memory
When you put a paging file on its own partition, the
paging file does not become fragmented, and this counts as another definite
advantage. If a paging file resides on a partition that contains other data, it
may experience fragmentation as it expands to satisfy the extra virtual memory
that is required. An unfragmented paging file leads to faster virtual memory
access and to a greater chance of a dump-file capture that is free of
significant errors.
If you follow these recommendations, you
meet the following paging file configuration goals for optimization and
- The system is correctly configured to capture a Memory.dmp
file if the computer experiences a kernel mode Stop Error.
- The paging file on the less frequently accessed partition
is used most frequently because it is on a partition that is least busy.