This document provides late-breaking information about Microsoft Entourage X for Mac and is current as of the date above. After that date, you can find more current information and resources by visiting the Microsoft Mactopia Web site at
1 System Requirements and Installation
2 Importing Data from Another Program
2.1 Importing Data from Microsoft Entourage 2001
2.2 Importing Data from Microsoft Outlook Express 5
2.3 Importing Data from Microsoft Outlook Express 4.5
2.4 Importing Data from Apple Mail
2.5 Importing Data from Qualcomm Eudora (Any Version)
2.6 Importing Data from Netscape Communicator 4.0 or Later
2.7 Importing Data from Claris Emailer 2.0v3
2.8 Importing Data from Claris Organizer 2.0 or Palm Desktop 2.0 or Later
2.9 Importing Data from Now Contact or Now Up-To-Date 3.8 or Later
2.10 Importing Data from Other Programs, such as Microsoft Outlook 2000
3 Synchronizing with a Palm Handheld
4 Using Entourage X with a Microsoft Exchange Server
4.1 Authentication with a Microsoft Exchange Server using NTLM
5 New Keyboard Shortcuts in Entourage X
6 Maintaining Your Entourage X Data
6.1 Location of Your Entourage Data
6.2 Backing Up Your Entourage Data
6.3 Clearing the Cache of the Entourage Database
6.4 Compacting the Entourage Database
6.5 Rebuilding the Entourage Database
7 Using the Microsoft Language Register
8 Known Issues
8.1 Starting Entourage and Accessing the Database
8.2 Printing on Canon Printers
8.3 Sending Messages Containing Inline Multimedia Elements to Outlook 2000 Users
8.4 Office Assistant
9 More Help
1 System Requirements and Installation
For information about system requirements and installing Entourage X, open the Installation Read Me.html file in the Microsoft Office X/Read Me folder on the Microsoft Office X for Mac CD-ROM.
2 Importing Data from Another Program
The first time you start Entourage X, the Entourage Setup Assistant appears and asks you to enter some personal information, such as your name and address. (This information is used only for certain features in Office X, such as getting driving directions to a contact's address in the Entourage Address Book or adding a return address to a letter you create in Microsoft Word.) After you enter your personal information, the Entourage Setup Assistant asks what information you want to import. To import data from a program, click the option you want, and then follow the instructions in the assistant to specify which program you want to import data from as well as which data you want to import.
If you have already completed or dismissed the Entourage Setup Assistant and you would like to import data from another program, click Import on the File menu, and then select the program you want to import data from.
For more information about importing data from a specific program, refer to the appropriate section below and Entourage Help.
2.1 Importing Data from Microsoft Entourage 2001
Custom Views that filter on more than one area will be imported into the new Custom Views feature of Entourage X. Custom Views that filter on only one area will be imported into the Custom Views section of that feature. Also, folder synchronization settings for schedules that receive messages from IMAP and Hotmail accounts are not imported. You must re-enter folder synchronization settings for such schedules.
2.2 Importing Data from Microsoft Outlook Express 5
If you selected default fonts for displaying, creating, or printing items in Outlook Express, such as the default font for messages in HTML format, you must restart Entourage after the import process is complete to update these settings in Entourage.
If you selected an AppleScript to run as part of a rule, schedule, or action by the Junk Mail Filter in Outlook Express, you will need to update the script to work with Entourage. This can be as simple as opening the script in the Script Editor and replacing "Outlook Express" with "Microsoft Entourage" in any "tell application" statements in the script. After you have updated the script, you must open the rule, schedule, or Junk Mail Filter in Entourage, and then select the updated script.
2.3 Importing Data from Microsoft Outlook Express 4.5
Entourage X does not support importing data directly from Outlook Express 4.5 or earlier. To import your data, first upgrade to Outlook Express 5 and then import your data from Outlook Express 5 to Entourage.
2.4 Importing Data from Apple Mail
Entourage X does not support importing data directly from Apple Mail. However, an AppleScript script for importing messages in your Apple Mail Personal Mailboxes to Entourage is available in the Value Pack on the CD-ROM or the network from which you installed Entourage. To install the script, start the Value Pack Installer and then select the Import From Mail check box. The script is installed in the Microsoft Office X/Utilities/Import from Mail folder. Double-click the script to import messages to your Entourage Inbox.
2.5 Importing Data from Qualcomm Eudora (Any Version)
Known issues:
Because Entourage X does not import the "read" status of messages, the status of all imported messages will be "unread" in Entourage. After you have finished importing your messages, you can quickly mark all of the messages as "read." To do so, click the imported folder in the Folders list, and then click Mark All as Read on the Message menu. Additionally, although Entourage does not maintain links between imported messages and their attachments, the attachments are stored on your hard disk.
2.6 Importing Data from Netscape Communicator 4.0 or Later
During the import process, when you are asked to select the Netscape Users folder that contains the data you want to import, make sure you select the folder that contains your profile folder, not the profile folder itself. The folder to select is the Netscape Users folder, which is stored in the Preferences folder in the System folder. If you store your profile folder in a different location, select that folder instead. For example, if you store your profile folder in the Documents folder, select the Documents folder.
2.7 Importing Data from Claris Emailer 2.0v3
When you import data from Claris Emailer, Microsoft Entourage automatically starts Emailer; Emailer must be running for Entourage to import data from it.
If you have problems importing data from Claris Emailer, try assigning more memory to Emailer by using the Get Info dialog box in the Finder. For more information about assigning more memory to a program, see Mac OS Help. After you have assigned more memory to Emailer, start both Emailer and Entourage, and then begin the import process again.
Known issues:
Because account settings, priorities, rules, mail actions, and schedules cannot be imported from Claris Emailer, you will need to re-create these items in Entourage. Additionally, although Entourage does not maintain links between imported messages and their attachments, the attachments are stored on your hard disk.
2.8 Importing Data from Claris Organizer 2.0 or Palm Desktop 2.0 or Later
When you import from Palm Desktop, make sure your data file is named "User Data." This file is in your user folder, which is in the Users folder in the Palm folder.
Known Issues:
Entourage always imports the Primary address from the former program into the Work address tab in Entourage. If you have changed the labels so that the Primary address is "Home" and the Secondary address is "Work," you will need to swap addresses for your contacts. For tools and information that will help you with this process, visit the Downloads page of the Mactopia Web site at
2.9 Importing Data from Now Contact or Now Up-To-Date 3.8 or Later
When you import data from Now Contact or Now Up-To-Date, Entourage X automatically starts Contact or Up-To-Date and opens the default data file for the program. However, in some cases you should manually start Contact or Up-To-Date and open the data file that contains the data you want to import before you start the import process in Entourage. Start the program manually if:
- You created more than one data file for Contact or Up-To-Date.
- You try to import data and the import stalls, alerts you of an AppleEvent timeout, or does not import any data.
Similarly, if you are using a trial version of Now Contact or Now Up-To-Date, be sure to manually start the program and, before you start the import process in Entourage, dismiss the initial dialog box that prompts you to register the program.
Known issues:
Because categories cannot be imported from Now Contact and Now Up-To-Date, you will need to re-create your categories in Entourage. To do so, click Edit Categories on the Edit menu. Also, some types of attachments for contacts - calls, appointments, to-dos, undated and special events, holidays, URLs, and documents, for example - and events - contacts and URLs, for example - cannot be imported.
2.10 Importing Data from Other Programs, such as Microsoft Outlook 2000
You can directly import data only from the programs listed above. However, you can import contacts and messages from other programs by first exporting the contacts or messages from the other program in a format that Entourage understands, and then importing them to Entourage. For example, you can export contacts from Microsoft Outlook 2000 as a tab-delimited text file and then import the file to Entourage. For more information about exporting data from a specific program, see the documentation for the program. For more information about importing data from programs that are not listed above, visit the Microsoft Mactopia Web site at
3 Synchronizing with a Palm Handheld
Entourage X does not include synchronization with Palm handheld devices. Palm synchronization will be available at a later date. For more information about synchronization with handhelds, see
4 Using Entourage X with a Microsoft Exchange Server
Although Entourage was not specifically developed as a Microsoft Exchange client, it can be used with a Microsoft Exchange server that supports Internet standards. For example, you can use Entourage to receive messages that are stored on an Exchange server, if the server supports the POP or IMAP protocol. You can also use Entourage to access a Global Address List as a directory service, if the Exchange server supports the LDAP protocol. For information about setting up Entourage to work in any of these ways, contact your system administrator.
4.1 Authentication with a Microsoft Exchange Server using NTLM
If you are using Entourage X with a Microsoft Exchange server or you have upgraded an account from Entourage 2001 or Outlook Express 5 that was being used with a Microsoft Exchange server, you should change your username to avoid having your password sent as clear text. A clear text password is not encrypted.
Entourage X supports NTLM version 2 authentication, which provides security beyond the NTLM authentication supported by Entourage 2001 and Outlook Express 5. However, to avoid getting a failed-password message or having your password sent as clear text, you must ensure that NTLM 2 authentication is used. To do so, you must do the following:
Include your account domain in your account ID - On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
- Double-click your Microsoft Exchange IMAP or POP account.
- In the Account ID box, type your user name in the form of <domain\username>.
Your domain is either the name of your business network workgroup or the machine name of your Exchange server. You can get this information from your network administrator.
Your user name is the text in your e-mail address before the at sign (@).
For example, if your e-mail address is "," your account ID is "microsoft\someone."
Make sure Entourage always uses a secure password
To ensure that Entourage uses only the most secure authentication method do the following:
- On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
- Double-click your Microsoft Exchange IMAP or POP account.
- Click Click here for advanced receiving options.
- Select the Always use secure password check box.
- Click OK.
5 New Keyboard Shortcuts in Entourage X
Because of changes in the Macintosh operating system, a number of Entourage X keyboard shortcuts have been changed or added, as shown in the following list. For a comprehensive list of Entourage X keyboard shortcuts, visit the Mactopia Web site at
Redo the last action.
Minimize the active window.
Hide Entourage.
Open a new Entourage window.
Open the folder that is selected in the Folders list in a new window.
Display only unread messages in the Message list. Press again to see all messages.
Switch identities.
Go to the Message list. To open the Message list in a new window, press COMMAND+OPTION+1.
Go to the Address Book. To open the Address Book in a new window, press COMMAND+OPTION+2.
Go to the Calendar. Press again to cycle through Day, Work Week, Week, and Month views. To open the Calendar in a new window, press COMMAND+OPTION+3.
Go to the Notes list. To open the Notes list in a new window, press COMMAND+OPTION+4.
Go to the Tasks list. To open the Tasks list in a new window, press COMMAND+OPTION+5.
Go to the Custom Views list. To open the Custom Views list in a new window, press COMMAND+OPTION+6.
Open the Progress window or make it the active window.
Open the Link Maker or make it the active window.
Open the Error Log or make it the active window.
Flag a message or a contact.
Flag a message for follow up.
Send the open message.
Move the open message to the Outbox, so it will be sent the next time you connect to the server.
Send all messages in the Outbox and receive all incoming messages.
In the Calendar, switch the view to include today.
Paste a selection from the Clipboard as a quotation.
Paste as plain text.
6 Maintaining Your Entourage X Data
6.1 Location of Your Entourage Data
Entourage stores data such as preferences, rules, schedules, signatures, messages, contacts, and all other Entourage items in a database on your computer. The first time you start Entourage, a new folder, called Microsoft User Data, is created in the Documents folder. Within the Microsoft User Data folder, Entourage creates a folder called Office X Identities. This folder contains the Main Identity folder, which stores the data for the first identity. Each time you create a new identity, Entourage adds a folder for it to the Office X Identities folder.
You can move your Microsoft User Data folder to a different location, including an AppleShare server. To do so, place an alias to the Microsoft User Data folder in either of two places: the Documents folder in your Home folder, or the Preferences folder in the System Folder. We do not recommend that you store the data folder in the same folder as the Entourage program. Some users who have done this have accidentally deleted their data when they deleted the program folder.
6.2 Backing Up Your Entourage Data
We highly recommend that you make regular backup copies of your data so you can restore it in the unlikely event that your hard disk is damaged or your data becomes unreadable. To make a backup copy of your data, drag the identity folder you wish to back up to another volume, such as a different local or network hard drive or a high-capacity storage disk. To restore the data for an identity, drag the backup copy of the identity folder to the Office X Identities folder.
6.3 Clearing the Cache of the Entourage Database
Entourage X keeps a copy of an IMAP, Hotmail, or news message in the database until the original item is deleted from the server. If you want to delete the cached copy without deleting the corresponding item from the server, hold down CONTROL and click the mail or news server's icon or the IMAP folder in the Folders list. On the contextual menu that appears, click Empty Cache. After you clear the cache, you might want to compact the database to reclaim space on your disk. See the next section, Compacting the Entourage Database, for information on doing this.
If the number of messages in a specific IMAP folder does not match that on the IMAP server, you might need to refresh the Message list for that folder. To do so, open the folder, and then press COMMAND+OPTION+L. If this does not solve the problem, try emptying the cache.
6.4 Compacting the Entourage Database
Entourage X uses a single database to store data, including messages, contacts, calendar events, notes and tasks. When you delete an item, Entourage does not automatically reduce the size of the database. However, the corresponding space is free to be reused when new items are added to the database. You can manually compact the database to reduce its size by rebuilding the database. You might want to do this after deleting many items.
To compact and rebuild the database, hold down OPTION while you launch Entourage. When the message appears that asks you what type of rebuild you want to perform, make sure the Typical Rebuild option is selected, and then click Rebuild.
6.5 Rebuilding the Entourage Database
If you have trouble starting Entourage or opening and viewing Entourage items, you might need to rebuild the database. Rebuilding repairs errors and compacts the database. For more information about rebuilding the database, see section 8.1, Starting Entourage and Accessing the Database.
7 Using the Microsoft Language Register
If you want to enable Japanese features in Office X, you must use the Microsoft Language Register with each Office program separately. For more information about using the Microsoft Language Register, see the Guide to the Value Pack, located in the Value Pack folder on the CD-ROM you installed Entourage from.
8 Known Issues
8.1 Starting Entourage and Accessing the Database
If you have trouble starting Entourage or difficulty opening and viewing Entourage items, you might need to rebuild the database.
To rebuild the database, hold down OPTION while you start Microsoft Entourage. When the message appears that asks you what type of rebuild you want to perform, choose Typical Rebuild, which corrects most database problems. If you still have trouble following a typical rebuild, try an advanced rebuild.
Note Advanced Rebuild is a serious tool to be used only if all other data recovery methods have failed. When you perform an advanced rebuild, Entourage removes all IMAP, Hotmail, and news messages from the local cache. Therefore, you will have to do the following:
- Re-create links between items, if you previously linked items to one other.
- Re-download the messages from your IMAP, Hotmail, and news accounts.
- Reset column preferences in message folders for IMAP, Hotmail, and news accounts.
- Reenter settings for schedules that send or receive messages from IMAP, Hotmail, or news accounts.
- Reenter settings for rules that copy or move messages to folders on an IMAP or Hotmail server.
Also, during an advanced rebuild, pictures are removed from contacts in the Address Book. To restore a picture to a contact, locate and drag it to the contact again.
8.2 Printing on Canon Printers
To print on a Canon printer, click Print on the File menu or press COMMAND+P. You cannot print by clicking the Print button on the toolbar.
8.3 Sending Messages Containing Inline Multimedia Elements to Outlook 2000 Users
Recipients using Microsoft Outlook 2000 will be unable to recognize inline multimedia elements that you send in e-mail messages. This problem does not affect users of Outlook 2002 or apply to multimedia elements that you attach to a message.
8.4 Office Assistant
The first time that you display the Office Assistant, the window might be blank. If this occurs, click on the Desktop and then switch back to the program to use the Office Assistant.
9 More Help
For additional technical assistance, you can get support information on the Web at You can also contact Microsoft Product Support Services by phone at (425) 454-2030 in the United States and at (905) 568-2294 in Canada.