This step-by-step article shows you how to use Visual C# to return a strongly typed array from the
ToArray(type) method.
The parameter-less
ToArray method of the
ArrayList class returns an array of type
Object. You cannot use the parameter-less implementation of
ToArray to cast the
Object array to an array of your type. For example, if you add a number of Customer objects to an
ArrayList, the underlying list is not made a Customer array. This causes the following statement to fail with the System.InvalidCastException exception:
Customer [] customer = (Customer[])myArrayList.ToArray();
To return a strongly typed array, use the overloaded
ToArray method that accepts an object type as a parameter. For example, the following statement succeeds:
Customer [] customer = (Customer[])myArrayList.ToArray(typeof(Customer));
NOTE: C# disallows an implicit cast, so you must explicitly cast the result of the
ToArray method.
IMPORTANT: All elements of the
ArrayList must be of the same object type. The
ToArray method fails if you attempt to cast an
ArrayList of heterogeneous objects to a specific type.
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Step-by-Step Example
- Start a new Console Application project in Visual C# .NET or in Microsoft Visual C# 2005.
- Replace the code in Class1.cs with the following code.
Note In Visual Studio 2005, the default file is Program.cs.
using System;
using System.Collections;
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
customer c = new customer();
c.cname = "anonymous";
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
object[] cArray = al.ToArray();
//Display the type of the ArrayList.
//Uncomment the next line to reproduce the InvalidCastException.
//customer[] custArray = (customer[])(al.ToArray());
//Comment the next line to reproduce the InvalidCastException.
customer[] custArray = (customer[])al.ToArray(typeof(customer));
class customer
public string cname;
- Press the CTRL+F5 key combination to build and run the project. (CTRL+F5 allows the Console window to remain open.)
- To reproduce the InvalidCastException exception, follow the two commenting instructions in the sample code.
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