This article demonstrates how to copy specific
DataRow objects from one table to another by using the
ImportRow method of the
DataTable class.
back to the topHow to Copy DataRows Between DataTables
Before you use the
ImportRow method, you must ensure that the target table has the identical structure as the source table. This sample uses the
Clone method of
DataTable class to copy the structure of the
DataTable, including all
DataTable schemas, relations, and constraints.
This sample uses the Products table that is included with the Microsoft SQL Server Northwind database. The first five rows are copied from the Products table to another table that is created in memory.
- Create a new Visual C# Console Application project. Class1.cs is created by default.
- If the Code window is not open, right-click Class1.cs in Solution Explorer, and click View Code.
- Delete all of the code from the Code window.
- Copy the following code, and paste it in the Code window:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace ImportRowCS
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code to start application here.
DataTable tblProducts = new DataTable();
DataTable tblProductsCopy = new DataTable();
int tblProductsCount;
int tblProductsCopyCount;
int i;
// Change the connection string to your server.
SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection("Server=(local);
UID=<User ID>;PWD=<Password>");
// Create the DataAdapter.
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from products", Conn);
// Fill the DataSet with data.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill(ds, "products");
tblProducts = ds.Tables["products"];
tblProductsCount = tblProducts.Rows.Count;
// Write the number of rows in the Products table to the screen.
Console.WriteLine("Table tblProducts has " + tblProductsCount.ToString() + " Rows");
// Loop through the top five rows, and write the first column to the screen.
for (i=0; i<=4;++i)
Console.WriteLine("Row(" + i.ToString() + ") = " + tblProducts.Rows[i][1]);
// Use Clone method to copy the table structure (Schema).
tblProductsCopy = tblProducts.Clone();
// Use the ImportRow method to copy from Products table to its clone.
for (i=0; i<=4;++i)
tblProductsCopyCount = tblProductsCopy.Rows.Count;
// Write blank line.
// Write the number of rows in tblProductsCopy table to the screen.
Console.WriteLine("Table tblProductsCopy has " +
tblProductsCopyCount.ToString() + " Rows");
// Loop through the top five rows, and write the first column to the screen.
for(i = 0; i<=tblProductsCopyCount - 1;++i)
Console.WriteLine("Row(" + i.ToString() + ") = " + tblProductsCopy.Rows[i][1]);
// This line keeps the console open until you press ENTER.
- Modify the connection string as appropriate for your environment.
- Press the F5 key to build and run the project. Note that the program's output appears as follows in the Command window:
Table tblProducts has 77 Rows
Row(0) = Chai
Row(1) = Chang
Row(2) = Aniseed Syrup
Row(3) = Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning
Row(4) = Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix
Table tblProductsCopy has 5 Rows
Row(0) = Chai
Row(1) = Chang
Row(2) = Aniseed Syrup
Row(3) = Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning
Row(4) = Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix
- When you are finished, press ENTER to close the Command window.
back to the topAdditional Notes
You can use the
Copy method of a
DataTable object to copy the entire
DataTable DataTable1 = new DataTable();
DataTable DataTable2 = new DataTable();
DataView DataView1 = new DataView();
DataSet DataSet1 = new DataSet();
// Copy the entire DataTable.
DataTable2 = DataTable1.Copy();
You can also copy
DataRow objects from the results of a filtered
DataView class or from the results of a
Select method. For example:
// Copy from the results of a Select method.
foreach (DataRow MyDataRow in DataTable1.Select("Region = 'WA'"))
// Copy from the results of a DataView.
DataView1 = DataTable1.DefaultView;
DataView1.RowFilter = "Region = 'WA'";
for (int i = 0; i <= DataView1.Count - 1; ++i)
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