Use this step-by-step guide to create an Office Profile Settings (OPS) file. When you run the Office Profile Wizard to save a user profile, you create an Office Profile Settings file. Setup uses the OPS file to apply default settings when Office XP is installed.
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Save Settings to OPS File
Before you create an OPS file, start each Office program on a test computer and set all the options you want for your users. You can set most options by clicking
Options on the
Tools menu. To customize toolbars and menus, click
Customize on the
Tools menu. After you have customized the Office programs, run the Profile Wizard to save the settings to an OPS file. To do this, follow these steps:
- Run the Profile Wizard.
- On the Save or Restore Settings page, select Save the settings from this machine, and type the name and path for the OPS file.
- Click to select the check boxes for the Office XP programs whose settings you want to include in your OPS file.
- Click Finish.
The Profile Wizard saves the program settings to the OPS file on your computer.
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Settings that Are Not Saved in the OPS File
The Profile Wizard excludes some settings, including user-specific information, such as the user name and the Most Recently Used file list settings that appear on the
File menu. For example, the Profile Wizard does not capture the following Microsoft Outlook 2002 settings:
- Profile settings, including mail server configuration.
- Storage settings, such as default delivery location and personal folder files (PST files).
- The following setup options:
- Send Immediately when connected check box.
- E-mail accounts and directories.
- Send and Receive settings for messages and documents.
- The following e-mail preference options:
- When forwarding a message option.
- Mark my comments with option.
- Customized views, such as the fields that are displayed in the Inbox or another folder.
- Outlook shortcuts.
- Auto-archive options that you choose for a particular folder.
- Delegates.
- The Request secure receipt for all S/MIME signed messages security option.
- The Show an additional time zone option.
- The following Resource Scheduling options:
- Automatically decline recurring meeting requests check box.
- Automatically decline conflicting meeting requests check box.
- Automatically accept meeting requests and process cancellations check box.
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