This article discusses the Modem Troubleshooter that is included in the Microsoft Windows XP Help and Support Center. Additionally, it will give you a list of online support services.
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Problems addressed in the Modem Troubleshooter
The Modem Troubleshooter includes step-by-step instructions for these problems:
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Starting the Modem Troubleshooter
If you are already familiar with the Windows XP Help and Support Center Web site, we recommend that you start the Modem Troubleshooter automatically from the site. To access the Troubleshooter, visit:
If you do not have experience with the Windows XP Help and Support Center or the Modem Troubleshooter, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click Help and Support.
- Under Pick a Help Topic, click Fixing a problem.
- In the left pane, click Networking problems.
- In the right pane, click Modem Troubleshooter.
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Using the Modem Troubleshooter
- Click the option that describes the problem that is occurring, and then click Next.
- Repeat step 1 until your problem is resolved or you have reached the end of the troubleshooting path.
Note Click Back whenever you want to repeat the last step, or click Start Over to start the Modem Troubleshooter again.
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Recommended Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles
For additional information about troubleshooting modem issues in Windows XP, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Non-plug and play network device support in Windows XP
283412 COM port missing from list of available ports when you try to install a new modem
306478 Troubleshooting America Online in Windows XP
310089 Troubleshooting cable modems
262357 RAS clients cannot connect to Windows 2000 demand-dial router
305549 How to configure a connection to the Internet in Windows XP Professional
283070 How to create a PPPoE connection in Windows XP
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