This article is intended to assist you in using the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter that is included in Windows XP Help and Support Center, and to provide a list of online support services that may help you solve your problem.
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Problems Addressed in the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter
The Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter includes step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting the following Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) problems in Windows XP:
- You cannot receive e-mail messages on an Internet Connection Sharing client computer.
- Your Internet Connection Sharing client or host computer dials out without notifying you.
- Internet Connection Sharing does not automatically dial.
- You need Setup information for Internet Connection Sharing.
- Your digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable modem Internet connection is slow.
- You cannot browse the Internet from an Internet Connection Sharing host computer.
- You cannot browse the Internet from an Internet Connection Sharing client computer.
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Starting the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter
If you are already familiar with Windows XP Help and Support Center, you can start the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter automatically by
clicking here.
If you are not yet familiar with Windows XP Help and Support Center, we recommend that you start the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter by using these steps (to help you become familiar with this feature):
- Click Start, and then click Help and Support.
- Under Pick a Help Topic, click Fixing a problem.
- In the left pane, click Networking problems.
- In the right pane, click Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter.
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Using the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter
- Click the option that describes the problem that is occurring, and then click Next.
- Repeat step 1 until your problem is resolved or you have reached the end of the troubleshooting path. Note that you can click Back at any time to repeat the last step, or click Start Over to start the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter again.
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Recommended Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles
For additional information about troubleshooting Internet Connection issues in Windows XP, click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
308006 Troubleshooting Internet Connection Sharing in Windows XP
306102 Network Adapter Settings May Be Lost After You Upgrade to XP
304176 Prompted to Disconnect from the Internet During Every Shutdown
298757 An Uncontrolled Residential Gateway Device Is Displayed
306126 HOW TO: Configure Internet Connection Sharing
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Using the Microsoft Product Support Services Web Site to Find a Solution
If you cannot resolve the problem by using the Internet Connection Sharing Troubleshooter or by viewing the recommended Knowledge Base articles, you can use the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site to find a solution to your problem. Some of the services that the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site provides include:
- Searchable Knowledge Base
Search technical support information and self-help tools for Microsoft products at the following Microsoft Web site: - - Frequently Asked Questions - View product-specific frequently asked questions and support highlights.
- Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups - Consult with your counterparts, peers, and Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs).
- Software and Updates - Find software and updates on the Download Center.
- Other Support Options - Ask a support question using the Web, call Microsoft Product Support Services, or provide feedback.
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