When you attempt to install Commerce Server 2000 or Commerce Server 2002 in a single server configuration, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following if the server does not have a valid IP address (for example, 169.254.*.*):
Commerce Server 2000 WARNING: A failure occurred
in CA_PRED_InstantiateResource() on
The error code is -2147467259, and the description is:
Unspecified error
If you click
OK, the Setup program continues with an error message that is similar to the following:
Commerce Server 2000 WARNING: A failure occurred
in CA_DML_InstantiateResource() on
d:\cs40\private\cs40\setup\ca_dll\dml.cpp:156. The
error code is -2147467259, and the description is:
Unspecified error
If you click
OK, the Setup program appears to continue and complete.
The Microsoft Windows event logs may also report errors that are similar to the following in the application event log:
Event ID:1000
Source: MsiInstaller
Product: Commerce Server 2000 -- Commerce Server 2000 WARNING: A failure occurred in CA_PRED_InstantiateResource() on d:\cs40\private\cs40\setup\ca_dll\predictor.cpp:50. The error code is -2147467259, and the description is:
Unspecified error
Event ID:1000
Source: MsiInstaller
Product: Commerce Server 2000 -- Commerce Server 2000 WARNING: A failure occurred in CA_DML_InstantiateResource() on d:\cs40\private\cs40\setup\ca_dll\dml.cpp:156. The error code is -2147467259, and the description is:
Unspecified error
Event ID: 257
Source: Commerce Server Direct Mailer
Error opening or appending to the log file: Exception occurred.
Logging will be disabled at this time.
Event ID: 518
Source: Commerce Server Direct Mailer
The service was initialized but failed to connect to the database. Please fix the problem and restart the service.
An error message that that is similar to the following may appear in the system event log:
Event ID: 7023
Source: Service Control Manager
The Commerce Server Direct Mailer service terminated with the following error:
Catastrophic failure