The Archive Sink utility is available in Service Pack 2 (307798)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server SP2

This article was previously published under Q307798


Important This article pertains to Microsoft Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later.

The Archive Sink utility is a transport sink that archives all messages coming in to and moving out of an Exchange 2000 server in a specified folder on the server. Only use Archive Sink for troubleshooting purposes because archiving may affect server performance and possibly fill up disk space. You must manually delete archived messages.

Archive Sink files are included with the installation of Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2), but must be activated with an included script file. See the "More Information" section for setup details. Archive Sink is also included in the Exchange 2000 Resource Kit; however, setup procedures differ in the SP2 version.

Archive Sink is designed to hook onto two transport events: OnMessageSubmission, and OnPostCategorize.
  • OnMessageSubmission: All messages submitted to transport by SMTP, the information store, or any other sinks, trigger this event. Theoretically, this event can be raised only once for each message, so it can be archived only once. This event is raised before the routing or categorizer events. Therefore, these messages are referred to as "PreCat" messages, that is, messages submitted before categorization occurs.
  • OnPostCategorize: This event is designed to capture the message after the categorization of a message occurs. Messages can trigger this event more than once, but this can only occur when a message has been categorized, queued, and then enumerated again.


Setup details

There are three files included in the Setup\I386\Exchange\Bin folder of the SP2 files. These files are named Archivesink_readme.txt, Archivesink_setup.vbs, and Archivesink.dll. When you install SP2, these files are copied into the default Program Files\Exchsrvr\Bin folder of the Exchange 2000 server.

To install Archive Sink,
  1. At a command prompt, change directory to the Exchange 2000 Program Files\Exchsrvr\Bin folder.
  2. Type cscript archivesink_setup.vbs, and then press ENTER. You receive the following output:

    C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\BIN>cscript archivesink_setup.vbs
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
    Not enough command line arguments given.
    Syntax: archivesink_setup [install/uninstall/display] [Virtual Server ID] <archivelocation>
    Example: To install, cscript archivesink_setup.vbs install 1 d:\archivesink
    Example: To uninstall, cscript archivesink_setup.vbs uninstall 1
    Example:  To display bindings, cscript archivesink_setup.vbs display 1

With this setup script, you can install Archive Sink on a particular SMTP virtual server and indicate a path to the file system where the archiving must occur. To install Archive Sink on all virtual servers, run Setup.vbs for each of the virtual servers. To successfully uninstall Archive Sink completely from the Exchange 2000 system, run Setup.vbs to uninstall it from each of the virtual servers.

After a successful setup, the script automatically creates registry key settings for advanced archiving controls. The following example shows registry key default settings after Archive Sink is installed on virtual server number 1.


Value Name: Archive System Messages
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 0

Value Name: Dump P1
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 1

Value Name: Enable Mapi-Gateway Messages
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 1

Value Name: Enable PostCat
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 0

Value Name: Enable PreCat
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 1

Value Name: Enable Smtp Messages
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 1

Value Name: Mapi Gateway Messages
Data Type: REG_SZ
Value: d:\ArchiveSink\Mapi Outbound

Value Name: Smtp Messages
Data Type: REG_SZ
Radix: Binary
Value: d:\ArchiveSink\Smtp Messages

For the REG_DWORD values, 1 enables the setting, and 0 disables the setting. With these keys, you can turn archiving on or off for SMTP inbound messages, MAPI outbound messages, or both. When Archive Sink is installed on a virtual server, archiving is on by default. Archive Sink archives all messages to the archive location as specified by the registry. If this key is absent, archiving uses the system Temp folder by default. For most Microsoft Windows 2000-based computers, the default location is %windir%\Temp.

The following default settings also apply if none are set:
  • Only OnMessageSubmission (PreCat) messages are archived.
  • System messages, such as public folder, replication, and so on, are not archived.
  • The Dump P1 registry key is disabled.
Important Notes:
  • UNC paths are not supported; if you try to create a file, you cannot.
  • Dynamically changed registry settings are not picked up; you must restart the IIS Admin service.
  • For debugging purposes, you can enable the Dump P1 registry key to dump the P1 recipients in the message.
  • By default, Archive Sink does not archive public folder and system messages.
A key is missing in the registry (Enable Message Logging is set to 1). You can make Archive Sink work by adding this key, and then by restarting the SMTP service:

Value Name: Enable Message Logging
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Binary
Value: 0

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/25/2005
Keywords:kbinfo KB307798