ASP.NET gives you more control to implement security for
your application.
ASP.NET security works in conjunction with Microsoft Internet Information Services
(IIS) security and includes authentication and authorization services to
implement the ASP.NET security model. ASP.NET also includes a role-based
security feature that you can implement for both Microsoft Windows and
non-Windows user accounts.
This article is divided into the following
Flow of Security with a Request
The following steps outline the sequence of events when a client
makes a request:
- A client requests an .aspx page that resides on an IIS
- The client's credentials are passed to IIS.
- IIS authenticates the client and forwards the authenticated
token along with the client's request to the ASP.NET worker process.
- Based on the authenticated token from IIS and the
configuration settings for the Web application, ASP.NET decides whether to
impersonate a user on the thread that is processing the request. In a distinct
difference between Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) and ASP.NET, ASP.NET no
longer impersonates the authenticated user by default. To enable impersonation,
you must set the impersonate attribute of the identity section in the Web.config file to true.
For more information about the security flow, refer to the
following topic in the .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK)
For additional information about
impersonating in ASP.NET, click the article number below to view the article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
306158 INFO: Implementing Impersonation in an ASP.NET Application
back to the topRelated Configuration Settings
IIS maintains security-related configuration settings in the IIS
metabase. However, ASP.NET maintains security (and other) configuration
settings in Extensible Markup Language (XML) configuration files. Although this
generally simplifies the deployment of your application from a security
standpoint, the security model that your application adopts necessitates the
correct configuration of both the IIS metabase and your ASP.NET application
through its configuration file (Web.config).
The following
configuration sections are related to ASP.NET security:
back to the topAuthentication
Authentication is the process by which you obtain identification
credentials such as the user's name and password and validate those credentials
against some authority.
ASP.NET provides four authentication
Forms Authentication
Forms authentication refers to a system in which unauthenticated
requests are redirected to a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) form in which
users type their credentials. After the user provides credentials and submits
the form, the application authenticates the request, and the system issues an
authorization ticket in the form of a cookie. This cookie contains the
credentials or a key to reacquire the identity. Subsequent requests from the
browser automatically include the cookie.
For more information about
Forms authentication, refer to the following topic in the .NET Framework SDK
additional information Forms authentication in ASP.NET, click the article
number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
301240 HOW TO: Implement Forms-Based Authentication in Your ASP.NET Application by Using C# .NET
Windows Authentication
In Windows authentication, IIS performs the authentication, and
the authenticated token is forwarded to the ASP.NET worker process.
The advantage of using Windows
authentication is that it requires minimal coding. You may want to use Windows
authentication to impersonate the Windows user account that IIS authenticates
before you hand off the request to ASP.NET.
For more information
about Windows authentication, refer to the following topic in the .NET
Framework SDK documentation:
Passport Authentication
Passport authentication is a centralized authentication service,
which Microsoft provides, that offers a single log on and core profile services
for member sites. Typically, Passport authentication is used when you need
single log on capability across multiple domains.
For more
information about Passport authentication, refer to the following topic in the
.NET Framework SDK documentation:
Default Authentication
Default authentication is used when you do not want any security
on your Web application; anonymous access is required for this security
provider. Among all authentication providers, Default authentication provides
maximum performance for your application. This authentication provider is also
used when you use your own custom security module.
back to the topAuthorization
Authorization is the process that verifies if the authenticated
user has access to the requested resources.
ASP.NET offers the
following authorization providers:
FileAuthorizationModule class performs file authorization and is active when you use
Windows authentication.
FileAuthorizationModule is responsible for performing checks on Windows Access Control
Lists (ACLs) to determine whether a user should have access.
UrlAuthorizationModule class performs Uniform Resource Locator (URL) authorization,
which controls authorization based on the URI namespace. URI namespaces can be
quite different from the physical folder and file paths that NTFS permissions
UrlAuthorizationModule implements both positive and negative authorization assertions;
that is, you can use the module to selectively allow or deny access to
arbitrary parts of the URI namespace for users, roles (such as manager,
testers, and administrators), and verbs (such as GET and POST).
more information about authorization in ASP.NET, refer to the following topic
in the .NET Framework SDK documentation:
back to the topRole-Based Security
Role-based security in ASP.NET is similar to the role-based
security that Microsoft COM+ and Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) use,
although there are important differences. Role-based security in ASP.NET is not
limited to Windows accounts and groups. For example, if Windows authentication
and impersonation is enabled, the identity of the user is a Windows identity
(User.Identity.Name = "Domain\username"). You can check identities for
membership in specific roles and restrict access accordingly. For
Visual Basic .NET Code
If User.IsInRole("BUILTIN\Administrators") Then
Response.Write("You are an Admin")
Else If User.IsInRole("BUILTIN\Users") then
Response.Write("You are a User")
Response.Write("Invalid user")
End if
Visual C# .NET Code
if ( User.IsInRole("BUILTIN\\Administrators"))
Response.Write("You are an Admin");
else if (User.IsInRole("BUILTIN\\Users"))
Response.Write("You are a User");
Response.Write("Invalid user");
If you are using Forms authentication, roles are not assigned to the
authenticated user; you must do this programmatically. To assign roles to the
authenticated user, use the
OnAuthenticate event of the authentication module (which is the Forms
authentication module in this example) to create a new
GenericPrincipal object and assign it to the
User property of the HttpContext. The following code illustrates
Visual Basic .NET Code
Public Sub Application_AuthenticateRequest(s As Object, e As EventArgs)
If (Not(HttpContext.Current.User Is Nothing)) Then
If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.AuthenticationType = "Forms" Then
Dim id as System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity
Dim myRoles(3) As String
myRoles(0)= "managers"
myRoles(1)= "testers"
myRoles(2)= "developers"
HttpContext.Current.User = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(id,myRoles)
End If
End If
End Sub
Visual C# .NET Code
public void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object s, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.User != null)
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.AuthenticationType == "Forms" )
System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity id = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
String[] myRoles = new String[3];
myRoles[0]= "managers";
myRoles[1]= "testers";
myRoles[2]= "developers";
HttpContext.Current.User = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(id,myRoles);
To check if the user is in a specific role and restrict access
accordingly, use the following code (or similar) in your .aspx pages:
Visual Basic .NET Code
If User.IsInRole("managers") Then
Response.Write("You are a Manager")
Else If User.IsInRole("testers") Then
Response.Write("You are a Tester")
Else If User.IsInRole("developers") Then
Response.Write("You are a Developer")
End if
Visual C# .NET Code
if (User.IsInRole("managers"))
Response.Write("You are a Manager");
else if (User.IsInRole("testers"))
Response.Write("You are a Tester");
else if (User.IsInRole("developers"))
Response.Write("You are a Developer");
For additional information, click the article
number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
306238 HOW TO: Implement Role-Based Security with Forms-Based Authentication in Your ASP.NET Application by Using Visual Basic .NET
For more information on role-based security, refer
to the following topic in the .NET Framework SDK documentation: