When you start the MSSQLSERVER service, you may receive the errors 3437 and 3414:
Error 3437: Error recovering database '%.*ls'. Could not connect to MSDTC to check the completion status of transaction %S_XID.
Error 3414: Database '%.*ls' (database ID %d) could not recover. Contact Technical Support for further instructions.
Additionally, you may receive a message that states that one or more databases are marked suspect:
"Could not connect to the DTC to check completion status of xact: Rid pageid is 0xeb8a and row num is 0x15"
In the current SQL Server error log, you see messages that are similar to the following messages:
Recovery dbid 7 ckpt (59952,20) oldest tran=(60298,21) Error : 3437, Severity: 21, State: 3 Error recovering database 'database1' - could not connect to the DTC to check completion status of xact: Rid pageid is 0xeb8a and row num is 0x15
Error : 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1 Database 'database1' (dbid 7): Recovery failed. Please contact Technical Support for further instructions.
The SQL Server error log may contain "Unit of Work" (UOW) messages that are similar to the following messages.
NOTE: You see these messages approximately once per minute until the problem is resolved.
Awaiting DTC message. UOW:e3c4fd53-efe1-11d1-9840-0004acfddd1a State: PREPARED
Resource Manager Creation Failed: XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) is a transaction manager that permits client applications, such as Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), to include several different sources of data in one transaction. MS DTC coordinates committing the distributed transaction across all the servers that are enlisted in the transaction.
When you are using MS DTC to manage a distributed transaction across multiple servers and a loss of connectivity occurs, the distributed transaction is left in an unknown state. Common causes of this unknown or "in doubt" state are
- Network errors.
- Stopping other involved services.
on one or more computers that are involved in the distributed transaction. After the connection is disrupted, MS DTC leaves all the transactions in progress at that stage in an inconsistent state. The "in doubt" transactions cause these symptoms because SQL Server cannot determine whether to commit or to roll back the transactions, and SQL Server needs MS DTC to tell it how to proceed.