This article refers to the following Microsoft .NET
Framework Class Library namespace:
This step-by-step article describes how to locate a
specified DataRow object by using the Find method of the DataRowCollection.back to the topAdditional Information About the Find Method
Find method queries the primary key column of the DataTable, and
locates the record that exactly matches the value that is passed in the search
criteria. If the DataTable does not have a primary key, a
MissingPrimaryKeyException is raised. The
Find method has the following limitations:
Find method returns a
DataRow that matches the search criteria. When no match is found, an
DataRow object is returned. Using
Is Nothing, you can detect the results of the
Find method.
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topSample Code
- Create a new Visual Basic .NET Console Application project.
By default, Module1.vb is created.
- Replace the existing code in Module1.vb with the following
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Open connection.
Dim cn As SqlConnection
cn = New SqlConnection("User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=pubs;Data Source=mySQLServerName")
' Create DataAdaptor.
Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
da = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Employee", cn)
' Create a Dataset.
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = New DataSet()
' Get Schema such as primary key from the database.
da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Mapped, "Employee")
'Get the data from database.
da.Fill(ds, "Employee")
' DataRow to collect result of Find method.
Dim dr As DataRow
' Find Employee with specified ID.
Console.WriteLine("Searching for Employee ID = KFJ64308F")
dr = ds.Tables("Employee").Rows.Find("KFJ64308F")
' Check whether the search returned any result.
If Not (dr Is Nothing) Then
Console.WriteLine("First Name is : {0}", dr("fname"))
Console.WriteLine("No Matching Rows Found.")
End If
' Try to use wildcard character.
Console.WriteLine("Searching for all Employees with Employee ID starting with K (Wildcard K%)")
dr = ds.Tables("Employee").Rows.Find("K%")
' Check whether the search returned any result.
If Not (dr Is Nothing) Then
Console.WriteLine("First Name is : {0}", dr("fname"))
Console.WriteLine("No Matching Rows found with specified search criteria.")
End If
End Sub
End Module
- Modify the connection string as appropriate for your
- On the Debug menu, click
Start to run the application.
back to the topTroubleshoot
The MissingPrimaryKeyException exception is thrown when you try
to access a row in a table that does not have a primary key column.
For more information about MissingPrimaryKeyException, see the
following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:
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