Keywords to search .NET-related Knowledge Base articles (303992)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2003), Academic Edition
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2003)
  • Microsoft Visual C# .NET (2003)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2003), Enterprise Architect Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2003), Enterprise Developer Edition
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2003)
  • Microsoft ADO.NET (included with the .NET Framework 1.1)
  • Microsoft ASP.NET (included with the .NET Framework 1.1)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Academic Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Enterprise Architect Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Enterprise Developer Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Professional Edition
  • Microsoft ADO.NET (included with the .NET Framework) 1.0
  • Microsoft ASP.NET (included with the .NET Framework) 1.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2002)
  • Microsoft Visual C# .NET (2002)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2002)
  • Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit (MMIT)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
  • Microsoft Visual C# 2005
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 2005
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

This article was previously published under Q303992


The Microsoft Knowledge Base is categorized by keywords. The keywords help to refine the search criteria. This article lists the keywords that are used as metadata for .NET related Knowledge Base articles. The following .NET-related areas are included in this article:
  • Assemblies
  • BCL (Base Class Libraries)
  • C#
  • C++
  • COM Interop
  • Common Language Runtime
  • Debugging
  • Deployment
  • Enterprise Services
  • GDI+
  • Localization
  • Mobile Controls
  • .NET Classes
  • P-Invoke (Platform Invoke)
  • Remoting
  • Security
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • Visual Studio .NET
  • Windows Forms
  • Web Services
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Each Knowledge Base article may contain one or more product-specific keywords (named KBKeyword) that put the article in the appropriate category. Some of the Knowledge Base keywords are composed of the resulting concatenation of keywords. For example, you can find all the ASP.NET and Data Binding issue articles by using the kbASPNET kbDataBinding keyword combination in your search criteria. The following tables list the topics that are related to .NET in the Knowledge Base, including a link to the related support centers (where available) where you can browse the Microsoft Knowledge base by topic, and the corresponding Knowledge Base keywords:


ADO.NET Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All ADO.NET related articles     | kbADONET                                 |
| Connection Pooling               | kbADONET kbConnectionPooling             |
| DataBinding                      | kbADONET kbDataBinding                   |
| DataSet issues                   | kbADONET kbSystemData kbDataSet          |
| EvaluateExpression issue         | kbADONET kbSystemData                    |
| Interop with native ADO          | kbADONET kbInterop kbADO                 |
| OleDb issues                     | kbADONET kbOleDb                         |
| Oracle                           | kbADONET kbOracle                        |
| Performance                      | kbADONET kbPerformance                   |
| SqlClient issues                 | kbADONET kbSqlClient                     |
| SqlDataAdapter issues            | kbADONET kbSystemData kbSqlClient        |
|                                  | kbSqlDataAdapter                         |
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ASP.NET Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All ASP.NET related articles     | kbASPNET                                 |
| All ASP.NET Enterprise Services  | kbASPNET kbEntServices                   |
| articles                         |                                          |
| All ASP.NET Data access related  | kbASPNET kbADONET                        |
| articles                         |                                          |
| Caching                          | kbASPNET kbCaching                       |
| Configuration                    | kbASPNET kbConfig                        |
| Connectivity                     | kbASPNET kbConnectivity                  |
| Cookieless Sessions              | kbState kbCookie                         |
| DataBinding                      | kbASPNET kbDataBinding                   |
| Debugging                        | kbASPNET kbDebug                         |
| Deployment                       | kbASPNET kbDeployment                    |
| HttpRuntime                      | kbASPNET kbHttpRuntime                   |
| Migration                        | kbASPNET kbMigration                     |
| Navigation                       | kbASPNET kbNavigation                    |
| Page/Web Form                    | kbWebForms                               |
| Server Controls                  | kbASPNET kbServerControls                |
| State Management                 | kbASPNET kbState                         |
| Validation                       | kbASPNET kbValidation                    |
| Web Form                         | kbASPNET kbWebForm                       |
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.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Assemblies related articles  | kbAssemblies                             |
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BCL (Base Class Libraries)

Class Libraries in the .NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Base Class Library related   | kbBCL                                    |
| articles                         |                                          |
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Visual C# .NET Supoprt Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| Compiler related issues          | kbCompiler                               |
| Language related issues          | kbLangC                                  |
| Documentation/Samples            | kbDoc or kbSample                        |
| Project/Build System             | kbBuilder                                |
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Visual C++ .NET Supoprt Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| ATL                              | kbATL                                    |
| ATL Server                       | kbATLServer                              |
| Attributes                       | kbNativeAttributes                       |
| Compiler                         | kbCompiler                               |
| CRT                              | kbCRT                                    |
| Designers                        | kbDesigner                               |
| Documentation/Samples            | kbDocs or kbSample                       |
| Linker                           | kbLinker                                 |
| MFC                              | kbMFC                                    |
| Project/Build System             | kbBuilder                                |
| STL                              | kbSTL                                    |
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COM Interop

Common Language Runtime in the .NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All COM Interop related articles | kbCOMInterop                             |
| Data Marshaling                  | kbCOMInterop kbMarshal                   |
| Events                           | kbCOMInterop kbEvent                     |
| Threading                        | kbCOMInterop kbThread                    |
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Common Language Runtime

Common Language Runtime in the .NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All common language runtime      | kbCLR                                    |
| related articles                 |                                          |
| Component Model                  | kbCLR kbCompModel                        |
| Garbage Collector                | kbCLR kbGarbageCollect                   |
| JIT Compiler/IL                  | kbCLR kbJIT                              |
| Profiling                        | kbCLR kbPerformanceTool                  |
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Debugging in the .NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Debugging related articles   | kbDebug                                  |
| common language runtime          | kbDebug kbCLR                            |
| Configuration                    | kbDebug kbConfig                         |
| Mixed (Native/Managed)           | kbDebug kbNativeAttributes kbManaged     |
| Native                           | kbDebug kbNativeAttributes               |
| Remote                           | kbDebug kbRemoteProg                     |
| Script                           | kbDebug kbScript                         |
| T-SQL                            | kbDebug kbTSQL                           |
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.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Deployment related articles  | kbDeployment                             |
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Enterprise Services

Enterprise Services in the .NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Enterprise Services related  | kbEntServices                            |
| articles                         |                                          |
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.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Drawing related articles     | kbDrawing                                |
| Design                           | kbDrawing kbDesign                       |
| Imaging                          | kbDrawing kbgdiimaging                   |
| Metafiles                        | kbDrawing kbMetafile                     |
| Performance                      | kbDrawing kbPerformance                  |
| Printing                         | kbDrawing kbPrint                        |
| Text/Fonts                       | kbDrawing kbgditext or kbDrawing kbFont  |
| Transforms/Coordinate Spaces     | kbDrawing kbgdiptransform                |
| Vector Graphics                  | kbDrawing kbgdivector                    |
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|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Localization related         | kbLocalization                           |
| articles                         |                                          |
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Mobile Controls

.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Mobile Controls related      | kbCtrl                                   |
| articles                         |                                          |
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.NET Classes

.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All .NET Class related articles  | kbNETClasses                             |
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P-Invoke (Platform Invoke)

.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All P-Invoke related articles    | kbPInvoke                                |
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Remoting in the .NET Framework Web Services Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Remoting related articles    | kbRemoting                               |
| Channels                         | kbRemoting kbChannels                    |
| HTTP                             | kbRemoting kbHttp                        |
| TCP                              | kbRemoting kbTunneling                   |
| Connectivity                     | kbRemoting kbConnectivity                |
| Delegates/Events                 | kbRemoting kbEvent                       |
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Security in the .NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD                                   |
| All Security related articles    | kbSecurity                               |
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Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Visual Basic .NET related    | kbVBNET                                  |
| articles                         |                                          |
| Compiler                         | kbVBNET kbCompiler                       |
| Documentation Bugs               | kbVBNET kbDocumentation                  |
| Migration                        | kbVBNET kbMigration                      |
| Performance                      | kbVBNET kbPerformance                    |
| (language, not related to IDE)   |                                          |
| Samples                          | kbVBNET kbSamples                        |
| Language (including inheritance, | kbVBNET kbLanguage                       |
| syntax, and others)              |                                          |
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Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Visual Studio .NET related   | kbVSSearch                               |
| articles                         |                                          |
| Admin                            | kbVSSearch kbAdmin                       |
| Deployment                       | kbVSSearch kbDeployment                  |
| Performance                      |kbVSSearch kbPerformance                  |
| (IDE including project/build)    |                                          |
| Project (including build,        | kbVSSearch kbProject                     |
| References, and others)          |                                          |
| IDE                              | kbVSSearch kbIDE                         |
| (such as windows and wizards)    |                                          |
| Documentation Bugs               | kbVSSearch kbDocumentation               |
| Setup Specific                   | kbVSSearch kbSetup                       |
| Setup Bug                        | kbVSSearch kbSetup kbBug                 |
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Windows Forms

Windows Forms Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Windows Forms related        | kbWindowsForms                           |
| articles                         |                                          |
| Controls                         | kbWindowsForms kbCtrl                    |
| Designer                         | kbWindowsForms kbDesigner                |
| Events                           | kbWindowsForms kbEvent                   |
| Forms                            | kbWindowsForms kbForms                   |
| MDI                              | kbWindowsForms kbForms kbMDI             |
| Menus                            | kbWindowsForms kbForms kbMenu            |
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Web Services

.NET Framework Support Center
|FOCUS                             |KEYWORD COMBINATIONS                      |
| All Web Service related articles | kbNetFrameWebServ                        |
| Client Proxies                   | kbNetFrameWebServ kbClient               |
| Discovery                        | kbNetFrameWebServ kbDiscovery            |
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For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

242971 How to use the Developer Support Microsoft Knowledge Base

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Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/4/2006
Keywords:kbvs2005applies kbvs2005swept kbhowto kbinfo KB303992 kbAudDeveloper kbAudEndUser kbAudITPRO