The following information describes how you can use the Bootcfg tool: It gives the (command) syntax as well as examples of how to use the syntax.
bootcfg /copy [/d description] /id bootid
This command (syntax) makes a copy of an existing boot entry for which you can add the operating system configuration options.
/d description:
The description for the operating system entry.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry identification (ID) from which a copy needs to be made.
For example:
bootcfg /copy /d "Windows XP with Debug" /id 1
bootcfg /copy /id 3
bootcfg /copy /d "Windows XP /Crashdebug" /id 2
bootcfg /delete /id bootid
This command deletes an existing boot entry from the NVRAM. You must specify the entry number (#) to delete.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID that needs to be deleted.
For example:
bootcfg /delete /id 1
bootcfg /delete /id 3
bootcfg /query
This command displays the boot entries and their settings for the local computer. The boot entries and their settings are read from the NVRAM.
For example:
bootcfg /query
Sample Output:
Boot Options
Timeout = 30
CurrentBootEntryID = 1
Boot Entries
Boot entry ID = 1
Friendly Name = Microsoft Windows 2002 Advanced Server
OsLoadOptions = N/A
BootFilePath = \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Efi\Microsoft\Winnt50\Ia64ldr.efi
OsFilePath = \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows
Boot entry ID = 2
Friendly Name = EFI
Boot entry ID = 3
Friendly Name = CD-ROM
bootcfg /raw osoptions [/a] /id bootid
This command enables the user to specify any switch options to be added for a specified boot entry.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID to add the operating system (os) options to.
/raw osoptions:
Specifies the operating system options for a boot entry. The previous operating system options are overwritten.
Specifies that the operating system options that are entered with the /raw switch are attached to the existing operating system options.
For example:
bootcfg /raw "/debug /sos" /id 2
bootcfg /raw "/3gb" /a /id 2
bootcfg /raw "/debug /debugport=com2 /baudrate=19200" /id 2
bootcfg /timeout [value]
This command enables the user to change the Timeout value.
/timeout [value]:
Specifies the time in seconds after which the default operating system is loaded.
For example:
bootcfg /timeout 10
bootcfg /default /id bootid
This command enables the user to change the default boot entry.
/id bootid
Specifies the boot entry ID that needs to be made default.
For example:
bootcfg /default /id 2
bootcfg /ems value /id bootid
This command enables the user to configure the
/redirect switch for headless support for a specified boot entry.
value default:
Specifies the valid set of values for Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) redirection: Either on or off.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID in the NVRAM file to add the operating system options to.
For example:
bootcfg /ems on /id 2
bootcfg /ems off /id 3
bootcfg /debug value [/portport [/baud baudrate]] /id bootid
This command specifies the port and baudrate for debugging purposes.
value default:
Specifies the valid set of debugging values: On, off, or edit.
/port port:
Specifies the command (COM) port to connect to the remote computer that is used for debugging. The valid ports are: COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4.
/baud baudrate:
Specifies the baud rate to be used for debugging. The valid baud rates are: 9600; 19,200; 38,400; 57,600; and 115,200.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID in the NVRAM to add the operating system options to.
For example:
bootcfg /debug on /port com1 /baud 19200 /id 2
bootcfg /debug on /port com4 /id 3
bootcfg /debug off /id 2
bootcfg /debug edit /port com2 /baud 38400 /id 2
bootcfg /addsw {[/mm val] [/bv] [/so] [/ng]} /id bootid
This command enables the user to add predefined switches for a specified boot entry.
/mm value:
Specifies to add the /maxmem switch that directs the maximum amount of RAM (in megabytes [MB]) that the operating system can use.
Specifies to add the /basevideo switch that directs the operating system to use standard video graphics adapter (VGA) mode for the installed video driver.
Specifies to add the /sos switch that is used to display the names of each device driver while loading.
Specifies to add the /noguiboot switch that disables the Windows XP progress bar that appears before the CTRL+ALT+DEL logon prompt.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID in the NVRAM file to add the operating system options to.
For example:
bootcfg /addsw /mm 64 /id 2
bootcfg /addsw /so /ng /id 2
bootcfg /addsw /bv /id 2
bootcfg /addsw /mm 96 /ng /id 2
bootcfg /rmsw {[/mm ] [/bv] [/so] [/ng]} /id bootid
This command enables the user to remove predefined switches for a specified boot entry.
Specifies the maximum amount of RAM that Windows XP can use.
Specifies to remove the /basevideo switch that directs the operating system to use standard VGA mode for the installed video driver.
Specifies to remove the /sos switch that is used to display the names of each device driver while loading.
Specifies to remove the /noguiboot switch that disables the Windows XP progress bar that is displayed before the CTRL+ALT+DEL logon prompt is displayed.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID in the NVRAM file to remove the operating system options from.
For example:
bootcfg /rmsw /mm /id 2
bootcfg /rmsw /so /ng /id 2
bootcfg /rmsw /bv /id 2
bootcfg /rmsw /mm /ng /id 2
bootcfg /dbg1394
This command enables the user to configure the 1394 port debugging for a specified boot entry.
value default:
Specifies the valid set of values for the Dbg1394 switch. The valid values are: On or off.
/ch channel:
Specifies the 1394 channel. The valid values are from 1 through 64.
/id bootid:
Specifies the boot entry ID in the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) NVRAM file to change the operating system options to.
For example:
bootcfg /dbg1394 on /id 2
bootcfg /dbg1394 on /ch 30 /ID 3
bootcfg /dbg1394 on /ch 20 /ID 2
bootcfg /dbg1394 off /id 2
You can also modify the NVRAM Boot menu by using the EFI Boot Manager menu, or the Nvrboot.efi utility. Users can change the boot order and timeout values by using the
Startup and Recovery settings button in the Windows graphical user interface (GUI).