This step-by-step article describes how to add a user to the Windows 2000 DNS Administrators group. Members of the DNS Administrators group can view and modify all DNS data, settings, and configurations (members of this group cannot manage all of the aspects of the server).
The DNS services run on a domain controller. You must be a domain administrator to complete the procedure that is described in this article.
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How to Add a User to the DNS Administrators Group
- Click Start, click Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.
- In console tree, click the server name, and then click Users.
- In the details pane, right-click DnsAdmins (the DNS Administrators group), and then click Properties.
- Click the Members tab, and then click Add.
- Double-click the user that you added, and then click OK.
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If you add a user to the DNS Administrators group, this user has access to your network DNS information. Please confer with your security administrator before you add users to this group.
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