If you use Response.Redirect to redirect browsers, do not specify a relative URL. Instead, specify the full path, such as "/files/recent/headline.html".
Redirecting to relative URLs will lock the Site Stager in an infinite loop. If redirecting to URLs returned by Resolution properties, such as Posting.URL, you must manually modify the URL before redirecting to it. This is necessary because in the Staging Autosession mode, Resolution 4.0 wraps staging tags (<NCOMPASSSTAGINGSERVER>...</NCOMPASSSTAGINGSERVER>) around all URLs that it generates.
The files included with the Resolution server include a VBScript function to strip off staging tags. The
StripOffStagingTags function in the Server/httpexec/shared/ file can be used to make generated URLs compatible with Redirects. The following example shows how to do this:
'Removes <NCOMPASSSTAGINGSERVER>tags from urls.These tags appear
'in staging mode.This function is most commonly used to remove
'staging tags from redirection URLs in Staging mode.
'(this function is from the file)
Function StripOffStagingTags(strUrl)
StripOffStagingTags =Replace(Replace(strUrl,"<NCOMPASSSTAGINGSERVER>",""),"</
End Function
'check mode -if Autosession.IsModeStaging is true,you must
'modify header response redirects in the following manner:
If Autosession.IsModeStaging Then
Dim pPosting
Dim strURLWithStagingTags
Dim strURLNoStagingTags
'set pPosting to the posting you want to redirect to
'get URL -in Autosession staging mode,generated
'URLs are wrapped in staging tags
strURLWithStagingTags =pPosting.URL
strURLNoStagingTags =StripOffStagingTags(strURLWithStagingTags)
'redirect to cleaned-up URL
Call Response.Redirect(strURLNoStagingTags)
End If