This article describes how to stop an Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server service by using a command-line prompt.
You may have many reasons to use the following method to stop an ISA Server Service, for example, when you troubleshoot a local address table (LAT) configuration issue, or an automated scripting issue.
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Use the Net Stop Command to Stop an ISA Server
You can use the
net stop command to manually stop an ISA Server service by using the ISA Server Packet Filter Extension Driver service:
- Click Start, and then click Run.
- In the Open box, type: cmd.
- At the command prompt, type: net stop mspfltex. A message is displayed to inform you that the command can also stop several other services depending upon what you installed during the ISA Server installation.
- Type: Y to answer yes to stop the services.
- To restart these services, restart the computer.
The following is a list of services (with long and short names) that you can use to restart the services manually from a command-line prompt:
- ISA Server Packet Filter Extension Driver (Mspfltex)
- Microsoft Web Proxy (W3proxy)
- Microsoft Firewall (Fwsrv)
- Microsoft ISA Server Control (Isactrl)
To stop the services or start them from a command-line prompt by using the long name version, refer to the following example (place all entries in quotes).
An example of commands that use the long name version of the Microsoft Firewall service:
net stop "microsoft firewall" (use quotes around the service name).
net start "microsoft firewall".
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When you use an array-mode installation of an Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA) Enterprise Edition-based computer, and you accidentally configure the local address table (LAT) so that only the external interfaces are included, the internal network becomes the external side of ISA. When this occurs, it is impossible for the array to query Active Directory for the array configuration, and the ISA Server Control service (ISACTRL) does not start.
For information on how to resolve this problem, see the following article"
Unable to Control ISA If LAT Configuration Prevents Access to DC (Q282035)
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