OFFXP: Overview of the Office XP Web Components Update: August 9, 2001 (300552)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office XP Web Components

This article was previously published under Q300552


Microsoft has released an update to Microsoft Office XP Web Components.

This article describes how to download and install the Office XP Web Components Public Update: August 9, 2001.

Note This Public Update is part of the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1), but for your convenience the Public Update also is available individually, as described in the "More Information" section of this article. If you already applied Office XP SP-1, you do not need to apply this Public Update. For additional information about the latest service pack for Microsoft Office XP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

307841 OFFXP: How to obtain the latest Office XP service pack


How to Download and Install the Update

Client Update

If you installed Office XP from a CD-ROM, follow these steps to download and install the client update:
  1. With your Web browser, locate the following Microsoft Web site:
  2. Click Download Now. Click Save this program to disk, and then click OK.
  3. Click Save to save the OxpSp2.exefile file to the selected folder.
  4. In Microsoft Windows Explorer, double-click OxpSp2.exefile.
  5. If you are prompted to install the update, click Yes.
  6. Click Yes to accept the License Agreement.
  7. Insert your Office XP CD-ROM when you are prompted to do so, and then click OK.
  8. When you receive a message that indicates that the installation was successful, click OK.
Note After you install the public update, you cannot uninstall it.

Administrative Update

If you installed Office XP from a server location, the server administrator must update the server location with the administrative public update and deploy that update to the client workstations.

If you are the server administrator, follow these steps to download the administrative update:
  1. Click the following link to the Microsoft Download Center:
  2. Click Save this program to disk.
  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the owc1001a.exe file.
  4. Click Yes to accept the License Agreement.
  5. In the Please type the location where you want to place the extracted files box, type C:\owc1001a, and then click OK.
  6. Click Yes when you are prompted to create the folder.
  7. Click Start and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box:

    msiexec /a admin path\MSI file /p C:\owc1001a\owc10_admin.msp SHORTFILENAMES=1

    where admin path is the path to your administrative installation point for Office XP (for example, C:\OfficeXP), and

    where MSI file is the MSI database package for the Office XP product (for example, ProPlus.msi).
  8. Click OK.
  9. To deploy the update to the client workstations, click Start and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box:

    msiexec /i admin path\MSI file REINSTALL=list of features REINSTALLMODE=vomus

    where admin path is the path to your administrative installation point for Office XP (for example, C:\OfficeXP),

    where MSI file is the MSI database package for the Office XP product (for example, ProPlus.msi), and
    where List of Features is as shown in the following table.
Warning The List of Features is case-sensitive.
Product is:MSI file is:Use this List of Features:
Access stand-aloneACCESS.MSIACCESSNonBootFiles,OfficeWebComponents10
Office Professional
with FrontPage
Office Professional PRO.MSIACCESSNonBootFiles,OfficeWebComponents10
FrontPage stand-aloneFP.MSIOfficeWebComponents10
Office StandardSTD.MSIOfficeWebComponents10
Excel stand-aloneEXCEL.MSIOfficeWebComponents10

For additional information about how to update your administrative installation and deploy to client workstations, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

301348 OFFXP: How to install a public update to an administrative installation

This article contains standard instructions for installing an administrative public update.

Or, you can see the following article in the Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit:

Updating Microsoft Office XP Web Components on Admin Install

On an Office XP administrative installation, you must also update the Microsoft Office XP Web Components (OWC). To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box:

    msiexec /a admin path\OWC10.MSI /p C:\owc1001a\owc10_admin.msp SHORTFILENAMES=1

    where admin path is the path to your administrative installation point for Office XP (for example, C:\OfficeXP).
  2. Click OK.

Updating Workstations with Microsoft Office XP Web Components Installed

For workstations with the "Microsoft Office XP Web Components" product installed, you must update the Microsoft Office XP Web Components (OWC). To determine if the Microsoft Office XP Web Components are installed, open the Add/Remove Programs item in Control Panel and look for Microsoft Office XP Web Components in the list of installed programs.

Note It is possible to have the Microsoft Office Web Components installed without having other Microsoft Office XP programs installed. To update the workstation, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box:

    msiexec /i admin path\OWC10.MSI REINSTALL= ProductFiles REINSTALLMODE=vomus

    where admin path is the path to your administrative installation point for Office XP (for example, C:\OfficeXP).

    Note The feature name specified, ProductFiles, is case-sensitive.
  2. Click OK.
For additional information about installing Office Web Components, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

288729 OFFXP: Licensing and using Office XP Web Components

288732 OFFXP: How to deploy the Office Web Components

How to Determine Whether the Public Update Is Installed

The Office XP Web Components Update makes changes to the OWC10.dll. The version of the product does not change when you apply the patch and remains 10.0.2627.01.

To verify whether the installation of the update was successful, check that the version of the Owc10.dll file on your system is equal to 10.0.2922.0. By default, the file Owc10.dll is in the following location on your computer: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Components\10 To check the last four digits, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Windows Explorer.
  2. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
  3. Click the Version tab.

Issues Fixed by the Update

The update fixes the issues described as follows:

Security Fixes in Office Web Components: This update includes fixes to the Web Chart component and OWC10.DLL to improve the security of these features.

When you use the PERSIST SECURITY INFO property using all upper case, you receive an ADO error in a Turkish version of the Office XP Web Components: When you open an Access Data Project (ADP) in a Turkish version of Office XP, and execute code similar to the following in the debug window
you receive an ADO error.

If you execute code similar to the following in the debug window
?"Persist Security Info").name
the error does not occur.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/28/2005
Keywords:ATdownload kbdownload kbinfo kbOfficeXPsp1Fix KB300552