HOW TO: Send a Dynamic Text Document to the Client by Using Active Server Pages (300108)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Active Server Pages
This article was previously published under Q300108 SUMMARY
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use Active Server Pages (ASP) to send a dynamic text document to the client. This is useful when you have string data that is stored on a database and want to send the data to the client browser without creating the actual files on the Web server.
This sample consists of a form that posts to itself. When you click the submit button, the server-side script code writes out the data (text) in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) header to the client.
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Building the page- Create a new Web project in Visual InterDev 6.0. For detailed instructions, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
301184 HOW TO: Create a Visual InterDev Project
- From the Project Explorer in Visual InterDev, right-click <MyWebServer>/<projectname>, point to Add, and then click Active Server Page. Name the new ASP page DynamicText.asp.
- In the Source window, delete all of the code that Visual InterDev generates. Highlight the following code, right-click the code, and then click Copy. In Source window of Visual InterDev, click Paste as HTML on the Edit menu to paste the following code:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
if Request.Form("buttonSubmit") <> "" then
Dim fileName
Dim str1
Dim str2
fileName = "DynamicText.txt"
'These are the strings that are used to build the text file.
str1 = "<-- Hello -->"
str2 = "This is a demo on creating dynamic text file"
'ContentType specifies the MIME type of this header.
Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
'The AddHeader method adds an HTML header with a specified value.
'Content-disposition forces the browser to download.
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & fileName & """"
Response.Write str1 & vbnewline
Response.Write str2
End if
<TITLE> Demo on Creating Dynamic Text File </TITLE>
<h4> This is a demo on creating a dynamic text file </h4>
<FORM action="dynamicText.asp" method=POST id=form1 name=form1>
<INPUT type="submit" value="Download TextFile" id=buttonSubmit name=buttonSubmit>
- You can also use Notepad to create this ASP page. From Notepad, paste the preceding code into a new document. From the File menu, click Save. In the Save As dialog box, in the Save In drop-down list box, browse to the root location of your Web server (which is typically C:\InetPub\Wwwroot). In the File name drop-down list box, type DynamicText.asp. In the Save as type drop-down list box, click All Files. Finally, click Save.
- To view the page, in Visual InterDev, right-click in the ASP page, and then click View In Browser. Alternately, you can open your browser and type the following address in the Address bar:
http://<servername>/DynamicText.asp - When the ASP page is loaded, click Download TextFile. The file is then sent to the browser.
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Code Explanation- The following code specifies the ContentType property of the HTTP header:
Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
This informs the browser what type of data is being sent to the browser. The code sample in this article sets the content type to "text/plain" because the header contains text data. If you do not specify the content type, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) defaults the content type to "application/octlet-stream".
For more information about the ContentType property, see Request for Comments (RFC) 1341 at the following World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web site: - The "content-disposition" header forces the client browser to prompt the file download:
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & fileName & """"
If you want the browser to handle the text content instead of prompting the user to download, you can remove the "content-disposition" line of code.
You can also specify content-disposition on the IIS server. To apply the header statically, right-click the document in the Internet Service Manager, and then click Properties. On the HTTP Headers tab, type the "content-disposition" header. This works best when you want to apply content-disposition to only a few files on your system and do not require the overhead of ASP.
For more information about content-disposition, see RFC 1806 at the following Ohio State University Web site: - The following code writes the text content (the "str1" and "str2" strings) by Response.Write:
Response.Write str1 & vbnewline
Response.Write str2
"vbnewline" is a constant from Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) that contains the character values of carriage return/line feed (CR/LF). When str1 and str2 are written out to the HTTP header, a CR/LF is written out between the two strings. The sample code in this article uses Response.End to ensure that no content is sent to the client after this line.
NOTE: You may modify this code to write out a binary file instead of text content. If you do so, you must change the ContentType property. For example, if you write out a Microsoft Excel file, set ContentType to "application/msexcel". In addition, you must use Response.BinaryWrite instead of Response.Write.For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
276488 How To Use the ADODB.Stream Object to Send Binary Files to the Browser through ASP
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TroubleshootingFor additional information about the potential pitfalls when you use content-disposition, click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
182315 FIX: Content-Disposition: Does Not Force File Download Dialog
279667 BUG: Content-Disposition Attachment Headers Does Not Save File
In other browsers, you may want to set the content-disposition to "application/octet-stream" because some Web browsers handle the "text/plain" type instead of prompting for file download.
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REFERENCESFor additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
260519 How To Raise a "File Download" Dialog Box for a Known MIME Type
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Modification Type: | Minor | Last Reviewed: | 6/29/2004 |
Keywords: | kbhowto kbHOWTOmaster KB300108 kbAudDeveloper |