For a Web browser control host or an application that is
automating Internet Explorer, you may want to programmatically find the
src attribute of an
IHTMLFrameElement. The following code samples provide a way to accomplish this in
both Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) and Microsoft Visual C++ (VC).
Visual Basic: Assuming that you have an instance of a WebBrowser
control named WebBrowser1 and you have already browsed to a frameset page, you
can use the following code to print out the
src attribute of the frames.
NOTE: You must set a reference to the Microsoft HTML Object Library
(Mshtml.tlb) and both Microsoft Internet controls (Shdocvw.oca and
Dim fDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim fra As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim x As Integer
Set fDoc = WebBrowser1.Document
For x = 0 To fDoc.All.length - 1
If TypeName(fDoc.All(x)) = "HTMLFrameElement" Then
Set fra = fDoc.All(x)
Debug.Print fra.Document.location.href
End If
Set fDoc = Nothing
Set fra = Nothing
In VB, you can also use the
HTMLWindow object. This object exposes the
frameElement property, which you can then use to get the
src attribute. However, this method only works with Internet Explorer
versions 5.5 and later, and no cross frame scripting exists.
Dim fDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim fra As HTMLFrameElement
Dim frawnd As HTMLWindow2
Dim x As Integer
Set fDoc = WebBrowser1.Document
' Loop through the frames.
If fDoc.frames.length <> 0 Then
For x = 0 To fDoc.frames.length - 1
Set frawnd = fDoc.frames.Item(x)
Set fra = frawnd.frameElement
Debug.Print fra.src
Next x
End If
Set fDoc = Nothing
Set frawnd = Nothing
Set fra = Nothing
Visual C++: In VC++, you can
QueryInterface for the
IHTMLDocument2 interface with an
IWebBrowser2 interface. After you have a pointer to the document, you can loop
through the ALL collection. For each element in the collection you can get the
IHTMLFrameBase interface, and then call the
get_src() method to ask for the
src attribute.
IDispatch* pDisp = NULL;
IHTMLDocument2* pDoc = NULL;
pDisp = m_webOC.GetDocument();
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,(void**)&pDoc)) &&
IHTMLElementCollection* pColl = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pDoc->get_all( &pColl )))
long length = 0;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pColl->get_length(&length)) && (length))
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++ )
IDispatch* pDisp2 = NULL;
Index.vt = VT_UINT;
Index.lVal = x;
VariantInit( &var2 );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pColl->item (Index, var2, &pDisp2)))
IHTMLFrameBase* pBase = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLFrameBase,(void**)&pBase)) && (pBase))
BSTR src = NULL;
In VC++, you can also loop through the ALL collection. For each element
in the collection you can get the
IHTMLElement interface and then call the
getAttribute() method to ask for the
src attribute. However, this is not efficient because you can get a
src attribute for many other elements (such as IMG, IFRAME, FRAME,
XML DOC, and so on). If you use this method, you must determine whether the
element is a frame by checking the
IID_IHTMLFrameBase interface.
For a Microsoft Visual Basic .NET version of this
article, see
additional information, click the article number below to view the article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
167796 PRB: Permission Denied Error Message When Scripting Across Frames
For more information about developing Web-based solutions for Microsoft Internet Explorer, visit the following Microsoft Web sites: