How to troubleshoot fatal system errors in Access 2002 running on Microsoft Windows 2000 (294301)
The information in this article applies to:
This article was previously published under Q294301 Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability
skills. For a Microsoft Access 2003 version of this article,
825444. This article applies to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) and to a
Microsoft Access project (.adp). SUMMARY
This article discusses the causes of fatal system errors in Microsoft Access 2002 when Access 2002 is running on Microsoft Windows 2000. This article first discusses a new error reporting tool in Microsoft Office XP that you can use to report errors that you experience in Access 2002 to Microsoft. Then, this article discusses the types of fatal errors that you may experience in Access 2002. You can use the steps that are discussed in this article to troubleshoot these errors.
Note This is a general article. The Microsoft Knowledge Base may have
a specific article that addresses the exact error that you are experiencing. To
see if a specific article exists, search the Microsoft Knowledge Base on the
exact text of the error message. To search the Microsoft Knowledge Base, visit
the following Microsoft Web site: For more
information about how to troubleshoot fatal system errors on Microsoft Windows
Millennium Edition, click the following article number to view the article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 284152
How to troubleshoot fatal system errors in Access 2002 running on Windows Millennium
INTRODUCTIONNew Error Reporting tool Most fatal errors that involve Access 2002 result in the
following error message: Microsoft Access has
encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the
If you were in the middle of something, the
information you were working on might be lost.
Please tell Microsoft about this problem.
We have created an error report that you can send to
help us improve Microsoft Access. We will treat this report as confidential and
To see what data this error report contains, click here.
When you receive this error message, Access 2002 allows you to
collect and send the error information to Microsoft. The error
message contains an error signature that records such information as the
program name, the error name, and the module name. Microsoft uses this
information to further develop and improve Microsoft products. If you
have an Internet connection that is active when you receive this error message,
you can send this information directly to Microsoft by using the Office
Application Error Reporting tool. If you choose to report this information, the
tool verifies whether a solution to the problem is available. If a solution is
available, Microsoft sends the solution information back to you. If
you choose not to use the Office Application Error Reporting tool, you can use
the information in the error signature to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base
For more information about how to use the error reporting
dialog box, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base: 289508
How to view error signatures if an Office program experiences a serious error and quits
For more information about end-user reporting and privacy,
click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base: 283768
Description of the end user privacy policy in application error reporting when you are using Office
This rest of this article describes how you can
determine the exact problem description when you receive this error message.
This article also discusses how to troubleshoot the error. Additionally, this
article discusses some instances where a fatal error may not result in this
message. Fatal system errors Usually, a fatal system error, which may be an invalid page
fault, a STOP error, a fatal exception error, or an application exception
error, will cause a Windows-based application such as Access 2002 to stop
responding or to fail. This article focuses on such errors in Windows 2000. In
some rare cases, such an error may cause your operating system to stop
responding. Overall, there are two basic causes for fatal errors:
- Something unexpected has happened within the Windows
environment, typically an improper memory address. For example, an application
or a Windows component might read or write to a memory location that has not
been allocated to it (memory that it does not own), potentially overwriting and
corrupting other program code in that area of memory.
- Parameters that are not valid have been passed between
applications and the Windows environment. Invalid parameters can cause
execution of invalid instructions, resulting in page faults. This is usually
the result of the application's internal program code incorrectly passing
specific data that could not be correctly interpreted by Windows or a
Windows-based application.
Because these causes are general, you may have to try several
troubleshooting steps to find the specific cause of such an error in Access
2002. You can begin by investigating the following application-related
- A confirmed bug in Access 2002
- A damaged database or fragmented database
- A corrupted database
- Incorrect registry settings
- Mismatched dynamic link libraries (*.dll files)
If you determine that the cause is none of these, you can
investigate the following system-related problems:
- A memory conflict
- An incorrect or a crowded Temp folder
- An incompatible or a corrupted video driver
- A printer driver or printer settings problem
- Incorrect virtual memory settings
- Incorrect file-system settings
- Hard disk fragmentation or disk errors
These application-related and system-related problems and the
steps to troubleshoot them are discussed in the following sections.
MORE INFORMATIONApplication-related problemsConfirmed bug in Access 2002 Sometimes, a fatal system error can be caused a bug in an
application. When this problem occurs, you may receive an error message that is
similar to the following: Microsoft Access has
encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
You can view details about the error by clicking the text
click here. When you do this, you will see information such as
what file was involved in the error and the memory offset at which the error
occurred. You can find more information about any known Microsoft
Access problems that may cause fatal system errors by searching on the
following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: For additional information about
examining error messages in Windows 2000, click the article numbers below to
view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 228753 Troubleshooting 'Stop 0x00000077' or 'KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR'
256004 How to troubleshoot "STOP 0x0000003F" and "STOP 0x000000D8" error messages in Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000
137539 General causes of STOP 0x0000007F errors
Note You can paste most Windows 2000 error messages to the Clipboard
in a text format by pressing CTRL+C. Pressing CTRL+C converts the error message
to text and copies it to the Clipboard. You can then paste the message into
another program, such as Notepad. Note that you may not be able to capture all
error messages. Also, you may not be able to capture dialog boxes that contain
graphics. Damaged or fragmented database If the fatal system error occurs only when you open or use a
particular database file (*.mdb), try to use the Compact and Repair Database command in Access 2002 to correct any potential problems that
have been caused by damage to the database or by excessive fragmentation of the
database structure. To do this, follow these steps:
- Close the database. If you are in a multiuser environment,
confirm that all users have also closed the database.
- Make a backup copy of the database. You can use Windows
Explorer to do this. However, we recommend that you routinely copy the database
to another medium, such as to another drive, to backup tape, to a removable
hard disk, or to a network drive for safe keeping. It is also a good idea to
create a backup of the workgroup information file (*.mdw file). Access 2002
stores each user's preferences and security account information in this file.
If you have implemented Access security, and this file is lost or damaged, you
may not be able to start Access 2002 until you restore or rebuild this
Note You can also back up individual database objects by creating a
blank database and then importing the objects that you want from the original
database. - On the Tools menu, point to
Database Utilities, and then click Compact and Repair
- Specify the name and the location of the database that you
want to repair.
Note It is a good idea to regularly run the Compact and Repair Database command. If the database still behaves unpredictably
after you run the Compact and Repair Database command, or if you receive a fatal system error, either
immediately or after continued use, try the additional troubleshooting steps
that are described in this article to find the cause of the page fault. Corrupted database If the Compact and Repair Database command does not solve unpredictable behavior or
application-related fatal system errors, try to create a new database. Import
objects from the old database into the new database. Then, compile all the
modules in the new database. Note This method is not recommended if your database is a replica in a
replica set. If your replica is corrupted, you should create a new replica from
the Design Master. To create a new database and to import objects
from the old database, follow these steps:
- Create a new Access 2002 database.
- On the File menu, point to Get
External Data, and then click Import.
- In the Import dialog box, click
Microsoft Access (*.mdb) in the Files of type
- In the Look in box, select the drive and
the folder that stores the old Microsoft Access database that you want to
- Click the file, and then click
- Click one or more objects to import. You may want to select
only one or a few objects at a time to make it easier to identify any corrupted
- Click OK to import the selected objects.
If an object generates an error while the object is being imported, the object
is probably damaged beyond repair. At that point, you should import the object
from a backup database or re-create the whole object. The error may have kept
other objects from being imported. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until you have
imported all the other objects into the new database. One method is to import
all tables, then all forms, then reports, and so on. If an error occurs within
a group of objects, try to import smaller blocks of objects or try to import
one object at a time, depending on how many object you have, from that group
until you find the object or the objects that cause an error.
- Compile all the imported modules in the new database. To do
this, follow these steps:
- In the Database window, click
- Select a module, and then click
- On the Debug menu, click
Compile <database name>.
- Close Access 2002.
Note If your original database contains references to libraries or to
projects, you should make a note of the references. Then, open an existing
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module or a new VBA module in your new
database and click References on the Tools
menu to add the same references to your new database. If a damaged,
fragmented, or corrupted database was the cause of the unpredictable behavior
or of the application-related fatal error, you should not see these problems
the next time that you run Access 2002 and you open the new database. If you
see the same problems in the new database, try the additional troubleshooting
steps that are described in this article to determine the cause of the problem.
For more information about how to repair Access 2002
databases, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base: 283849
How to troubleshoot and to repair a damaged Access 2002 or later database
Damaged installation The problems that you are seeing may be related to the way that
Access 2002 is installed on your computer. If you have another computer
available that has Access 2002 installed, try your database there. If you
suspect that the cause of a fatal system error or of unpredictable behavior in
Microsoft Access is related to the application and not to any particular
database, the problems may result from such things as incorrect settings in the
registry or from one or more missing or corrupted Microsoft Office XP files. To
see if this is the case, try to repair your installation. If repairing the
installation does not solve the problem, try to remove and then reinstall your
installation. Repair the installation - Start Access 2002.
- On the Help menu, click Detect
and Repair.
- If you are prompted, insert the CD for Access 2002 or for
Office XP. You may not be prompted if you installed Access 2002 from a network.
- Continue through the Setup process until the repair is
- When the Setup process is finished, start Access 2002
again. Then, perform the same steps that you performed earlier to cause the
error. If you still receive a fatal system error or if Access 2002 behaves
unpredictably, either immediately or after continued use, you should try the
additional troubleshooting steps that are described in this article to
determine the cause of the problem.
System-related problems This section discusses system-related causes for fatal system
errors in Windows 2000. Memory conflict A common cause of fatal system errors is a memory conflict that
involves a device driver, a system component, or some other loaded file. To
troubleshoot a memory conflict, the first step is to restart the computer in
Safe Mode. Safe Mode bypasses startup files, including the registry,
the Config.sys file, the Autoexec.bat file, and the [Boot] and [386Enh]
sections of the System.ini file. Additionally, Safe Mode provides you with
access to the configuration files. Only essential system files and device
drivers, such as the mouse pointing device driver, the keyboard driver, and the
standard VGA driver, are loaded. Therefore, Safe Mode is useful for isolating
and solving memory conflicts. To start Windows in Safe Mode, follow
these steps:
- Multiple Boot:
If your Windows 2000-based
computer is set up for multiple boot, the boot-up process stops at the
Please Select the Operating System to start menu. Press
Non-multiple Boot:
If your Windows 2000-based computer
is not set up for multiple boot, press F8 when the Starting
Windows... progress bar appears on the bottom of the screen.
Note You may only have a few seconds to press F8. - By default, Safe Mode is selected. Press
ENTER. You then see the words "Safe Mode" appear in the four corners of your
- After Windows 2000 is finished loading in Safe Mode, start
Microsoft Access. Then, try to reproduce the fatal error.
For more information about running Windows 2000 in
Safe Mode, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base: 202485
Description of Safe Boot Mode in Windows 2000
If you cannot reproduce the fatal error in Safe
Mode, the cause is most likely system-related. It is not a problem with your
installation of Access.
Note Windows 2000 does not provide step-by-step confirmation. If you
are troubleshooting fatal system errors with Access in Windows 2000, and this
article does not resolve the issue, contact Microsoft Product Support Services.
For more information about support options, visit the following Microsoft Web
Temp folder issues You can sometimes experience unpredictable behavior in Microsoft
Access when you do not have enough disk space for temporary files. You should
periodically remove any leftover temporary files on your system. Also, make
sure that you have at least 8 to 10 megabytes (MB) of free space on the hard
disk that is available to your temporary (Temp) folder. You must first
determine the location of your Windows Temp folder as well as verify the
validity or your TMP and TEMP environment variables. To do this, follow these
- Click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Control
- In Control Panel, double-click
- Click the Advanced tab, and then click
Environment Variables. Note the box called User
Variables for UserName with the columns
Variable and Value, respectively. These are
the TMP and TEMP environmental settings. Examples of valid settings are the
TMP = C:\TEMP If these entries are not there, follow these steps:
- Click New. In the Variable
Name box, type TEMP.
- Press TAB to move to the Variable
Value box, and then type C:\Temp (or any other
valid path and folder name).
- Click Set or OK to
add these values to the User Variables for
UserName box.
- To create the TMP environment variable, repeat steps a
through c.
- Click OK to close the Environment
Variables dialog box, click OK to close the
System Properties dialog box, and then close Control
- Start Windows Explorer and look for a folder with the same
name and location as was listed in the User Variables for
UserName box. If the folder does not exist,
create it. An invalid temp setting can have serious effects on Microsoft
Access. If you find that the folder indicated by the environment variable does
not actually exist, either open Windows Explorer and create a new temp folder
in that location, or repeat steps 1 through 3 to update the TEMP environment
variable to a valid location.
- Verify that the drive containing the TEMP folder has
sufficient free disk space. Generally, you should make sure that the amount of
available free space on the drive where the TEMP folder is located is at least
twice the size of the largest database that you may open on this computer. For
example, if your largest Access database file is 7 megabytes in size, make sure
the drive on which the TEMP folder resides has at least 14 megabytes of free
disk space.
- Verify that the TEMP folder is empty. If files exist, you
can delete any *.tmp files that are not currently in use. These files usually
have a modified date earlier than the current session of Windows.
Note It is recommended that you quit all Windows programs before
deleting any *.tmp files.
Disk Cleanup utilityIn Windows 2000, you can delete many unused or temporary files
with the Disk Cleanup utility. Disk Cleanup searches your hard disk, and then
shows you temporary files, Internet cache files, and unnecessary program files
that you can safely delete. You can direct Disk Cleanup to delete some or all
of those files. To open the utility, click Start, point to
Programs, point to Accessories, point to
System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. Video problem Occasionally in Microsoft Access, you can experience page faults
or unpredictable screen behavior because of a video driver conflict or an
incorrect graphics hardware setting for your system. Video driver conflict To troubleshoot a video driver conflict, change your system's
video adapter to Standard VGA, which should work with most monitors. To do
this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Control
- Double-click Display.
- Click the Settings tab, and then click
- On the Troubleshooting tab, move the
Hardware Acceleration slider to the None
setting (all the way to the left), and then click
- Click OK again to close the
Display Properties dialog box, and then close Control
Printer driver problem If you receive a fatal error or experience printing problems when
you try to print in Microsoft Access, try to use the Generic/Text Only driver.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Printers.
- Double-click Add Printer, and then follow
the instructions in the Add Printer Wizard to install the Generic/Text Only
printer driver.
- Try to print from Microsoft Access with this
Note If the printing problems exist for Generic/Text Only driver as
well as another driver, the problem is most likely not driver-specific.
However, if the printing problem seems to be corrected by using a different
printer driver, follow these steps to remove and reinstall the first printer
- Click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Printers.
- Right-click the printer that you want to remove, and then
click Delete on the menu that appears.
- If you are prompted to remove all the files associated with
the printer, click Yes.
- Click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Printers.
- Double-click Add Printer, and then follow
the instructions in the Add Printer Wizard to reinstall the original printer
Note If reinstalling the printer driver does not solve the printing
problems, you can try using a different driver or the Generic/Text Only driver
again. Also, you should contact the printer driver manufacturer to report the
problem and find out if an updated driver is available.
Incorrect virtual memory settings You can occasionally receive unexpected behavior in Microsoft
Access when the virtual memory setting is too low for your system. Windows uses
a dynamic virtual memory manager to handle swap file duties. You should use the
default virtual memory settings whenever possible. However, if you
suspect that the unexpected behavior in Microsoft Access is caused by low
virtual memory, you can try to manually change the virtual memory settings. If
the maximum setting for virtual memory is already set, you may need to choose a
different hard disk or remove files from the current hard disk to increase the
amount of disk space reserved for extra memory. To increase the amount of hard
disk space reserved for virtual memory, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Control
- Double-click System.
- Click the Advanced tab, and then click
Performance Options.
- Click Change, select a hard disk, and then
adjust the Initial Size and Maximum Size
settings as necessary. For information about these settings, click the question
mark button ?, and then click the option about which you want
- Click Set, and then click
Hard disk fragmentation or errors A fatal system error may be the result of disk fragmentation or
hard disk errors. If this is the case, try to run one of the following tools to
correct the problem.The Disk Error-Checking toolThis tool checks for file system errors and bad sectors on your
hard disk. To run the tool, follow these steps:
- On the desktop, open My Computer, and
then select the local disk that you want to check.
- On the File menu, click
- Click the Tools tab.
- Under Error-checking, click Check
- Under Check disk options, click the
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box, and
then click Start.
The Disk DefragmenterThis tool analyzes your disk to determine the level of
defragmentation, and can also defragment it. To use this tool, follow these
- Click Start, point to
Programs, point to Accessories, point to
System Tools, and then click Disk
- Select the drive that contains your Microsoft Access
folder, and then click Analyze or
REFERENCES For more information about fatal exception errors, click the
following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 150314
What are fatal exception errors
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 9/15/2006 |
Keywords: | kbhowto KB294301 |