Graphics is selected for installation with Visual Basic or Visual Studio, the default location is the following path:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Graphics\
The following lists the contents of the Icons subfolders. Each subfolder is listed followed by the files it contains. If no color is noted, the image is monochrome.
ARW01DN.ico Square, gray button with downward-pointing gray triangle
ARW01LT.ico Square, gray button with left-pointing gray triangle
ARW01RT.ico Square, gray button with right-pointing gray triangle
ARW01UP.ico Square, gray button with upward-pointing gray triangle
ARW02DN.ico Downward-pointing arrow with 3-D chisel effect
ARW02LT.ico Left-pointing arrow with 3-D chisel effect
ARW02RT.ico Right-pointing arrow with 3-D chisel effect
ARW02UP.ico Upward-pointing arrow with 3-D chisel effect
ARW03DN.ico Downward-pointing triangle with 3-D chisel effect
ARW03LT.ico Left-pointing triangle with 3-D chisel effect
ARW03RT.ico Right-pointing triangle with 3-D chisel effect
ARW03UP.ico Upward-pointing triangle with 3-D chisel effect
ARW04DN.ico Downward-pointing thick, black arrow. Highlights simulate movement or stacking.
ARW04LT.ico Left-pointing thick, black arrow. Highlights simulate movement or stacking.
ARW04RT.ico Right-pointing thick, black arrow. Highlights simulate movement or stacking.
ARW04UP.ico Upward-pointing thick, black arrow. Highlights simulate movement or stacking.
ARW05DN.ico Downward-pointing dark blue arrow with 3-D effect
ARW05LT.ico Left-pointing dark blue arrow with 3-D effect
ARW05RT.ico Right-pointing dark blue arrow with 3-D effect
ARW05UP.ico Upward-pointing dark blue arrow with 3-D effect
ARW06DN.ico Downward-pointing gray arrow with blue highlights for tall 3-D effect
ARW06LT.ico Left-pointing gray arrow with blue highlights for tall 3-D effect
ARW06RT.ico Right-pointing gray arrow with blue highlights for tall 3-D effect
ARW06UP.ico Upward-pointing gray arrow with blue highlights for tall 3-D effect
ARW07DN.ico Downward-pointing thick black arrow with 3-D highlights
ARW07LT.ico Left-pointing thick black arrow with 3-D highlights
ARW07RT.ico Right-pointing thick black arrow with 3-D highlights
ARW07UP.ico Upward-pointing thick black arrow with 3-D highlights
ARW08DN.ico Downward-pointing black, barbed arrow with rounded back
ARW08LT.ico Left-pointing black, barbed arrow with rounded back
ARW08RT.ico Right-pointing black, barbed arrow with rounded back
ARW08UP.ico Upward-pointing black, barbed arrow with rounded back
ARW09DN.ico Downward-pointing arrow with shadow. Tail narrows and fades.
ARW09LT.ico Left-pointing arrow with shadow. Tail narrows, fades, and curves up.
ARW09RT.ico Right-pointing arrow with shadow. Tail narrows and curves down.
ARW09UP.ico Upward-pointing arrow with shadow and fading tail
ARW10NE.ico Thick gray 3-D arrow-pointing to upper right (NE)
ARW10NW.ico Thick gray 3-D arrow-pointing to upper left (NW)
ARW10SE.ico Thick gray 3-D arrow-pointing to lower right (SE)
ARW10SW.ico Thick gray 3-D arrow-pointing to lower left (SW)
ARW11NE.ico Thick black arrow with crumbling effect-pointing to upper right (NE)
ARW11NW.ico Thick black arrow with crumbling effect-pointing to upper left (NW)
ARW11SE.ico Thick black arrow with crumbling effect-pointing to lower right (SE)
ARW11SW.ico Thick black arrow with crumbling effect-pointing to lower left (SW)
POINT01.ico Right hand pointing a wand to upper left (NW)
POINT02.ico Right hand pointing index finger to the left
POINT03.ico Right hand pointing index finger down
POINT04.ico Left hand pointing index finger to the right
POINT05.ico Right hand pointing index finger up
POINT06.ico Human male silhouette with arm-pointing to upper left (NW)
POINT07.ico Human female silhouette with arm-pointing to upper left (NW)
POINT08.ico Dog with left front leg bent, facing left
POINT09.ico Yellow pencil pointing to upper left (NW)
POINT10.ico Red dart with yellow fins pointing to upper left (NW)
POINT11.ico Yellow banana curving from upper left to lower right
POINT12.ico Superman flying to the left
POINT13.ico Black arrow with slight 3-D effect pointing to upper left (NW)
POINT14.ico Blue, barbed arrowhead with shadow pointing to upper left (NW)
POINT15.ico Gray swordfish pointing to the left
HANDSHAK.ico Two hands clasped in a handshake
NET01.ico Five workstations connected by straight blue lines
NET02.ico Three 3-D terminals connected by lines
NET03.ico Two 3-D terminals and a 3-D workstation connected by lines
NET04.ico A 3-D terminal and a 3-D workstation connected by a line
NET05.ico Two 3-D workstations connected by a line with a third, empty connection
NET06.ico 3-D workstation connected by a line to a 3-D printer
NET07.ico 3-D terminal connected by a line to a 3-D printer
NET08.ico Two coaxial cable splitters with one cable connecting the two
NET09A.ico "T" connector, red arrow indicates connected
NET09B.ico "T" connector, red arrow indicates disconnected
NET10A.ico Cable plugged into wall outlet
NET10B.ico Cable near wall outlet with colored wires sticking out
NET11.ico Cleaver cutting cable with two blue sparks
NET12.ico Personal computer with halo setting on cloud, blue background
NET13.ico Hand holding tray with folders, one is open with yellow page showing
NET14.ico Man with bow tie holding tray in one hand, towel over the other
PHONE01.ico Frontal view of push-button telephone
PHONE02.ico Frontal view of push-button telephone setting on a modem
PHONE03.ico Oblique view of gray push-button telephone
PHONE04.ico Oblique view of black push-button phone with receiver off hook
PHONE05.ico Side view of gray push-button telephone
PHONE06.ico Side view of black push-button telephone
PHONE07.ico Frontal view of red push-button telephone
PHONE08.ico Frontal view of black push-button telephone
PHONE09.ico Bird's eye view of gray push-button telephone
PHONE10.ico Gray wall phone
PHONE11.ico Gary button with telephone receiver
PHONE12.ico Black telephone receiver at 45 degree angle
PHONE13.ico Black telephone receiver at 45 degree angle held in a hand
PHONE14.ico Phone handset with wire connecting to sparking antennae
PHONE15.ico Bird's eye view of gray fax machine/phone
PHONE16.ico Violet rotary phone with emphasis lines on handset
CDROM01.ico Large shiny compact disk (CD)
CDROM02.ico Small shiny compact disk (CD)
DISK01.ico Oblique view of labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk
DISK02.ico Oblique view of labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk
DISK03.ico Frontal view of labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk with shadow
DISK04.ico Frontal view of labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk with shadow
DISK05.ico Frontal view of labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk
DISK06.ico Frontal view of labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk
DISK07.ico Frontal view of unlabeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk with shadow
DISK08.ico Frontal view of unlabeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk with shadow
DISK09.ico Frontal view of unlabeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk
DISK10.ico Frontal view of unlabeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk
DISK11.ico Frontal view of labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk titled 45 degrees
DISK12.ico Frontal view of labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk titled 45 degrees
DISK13.ico Gray button with labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk
DISK14.ico Gray button with labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disk
DISK15.ico Foreshortened view of labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disk
DISKS01.ico Stack of labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disks
DISKS02.ico Stack of labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disks
DISKS03.ico Three labeled 3 1/2-inch floppy disks cascaded
DISKS04.ico Three labeled 5 1/4-inch floppy disks cascaded
DRIVE01.ico Front of a 3 1/2-inch floppy drive
DRIVE02.ico Front of a 5 1/4-inch floppy drive
FORM.ico Oblique view of white rectangle with blue strip across top with shadow
INFO.ico Blue disk with large white lower case "i"
KEY01.ico Gray "F1" function key
KEY02.ico Blank gray key surrounded by edges of other keys
KEY03.ico Gray question mark (?) key surrounded by edges of other keys
KEY04.ico Hand with red sleeve pressing down on a computer key
KEY05.ico Black arrow, shaft moves down then far left (like on ENTER key)
KEY06.ico Arrow pointing left to vertical line over arrow pointing right to vertical line
KEY07.ico Left-pointing arrow (like left arrow key)
KEYBRD01.ico Foreshortened view of a keyboard
KEYBRD02.ico Bird's eye view of keyboard with cable
KEYBRD03.ico Bird's eye view of keyboard with cable, at 45 degree angle
KEYS01.ico Cascaded function keys, "F1" and "F9"
KEYS02.ico Group of arithmetic keys
KEYS03.ico Group of alpha keys
MAC01.ico Gray button with classic Macintosh computer
MAC02.ico Frontal view of gray computer with monitor
MAC03.ico Frontal view of classic Macintosh with keyboard
MAC04.ico Frontal view of classic Macintosh with mouse
MDICHILD.ico Large faded FORM icon behind small FORM icon
MDIPARNT.ico Large FORM icon behind small faded FORM icon
MONITR01.ico Frontal view of tan monitor with gray screen
MOUSE01.ico White two-button mouse with wire at top
MOUSE02.ico Gray two-button mouse with wire, pointing to upper left
MOUSE03.ico Gray one-button mouse with wire, pointing to upper left
MOUSE04.ico Gray mouse profile facing right with tail curled underneath
MSGBOX01.ico Red octagonal "STOP" traffic sign
MSGBOX02.ico Green disk with large white question mark (?)
MSGBOX03.ico Yellow disk with large bold exclamation mark (!)
MSGBOX04.ico Blue disk with large white lower case "i" (like INFO.ico)
PC01.ico Gray button with personal computer, monitor, and keyboard
PC02.ico Oblique bird's eye view of 3-D personal computer with monitor, keyboard, and mouse
PC03.ico Frontal view of large gray personal computer with monitor and keyboard
PC04.ico Frontal view of small gray personal computer with monitor and keyboard
TRASH01.ico Gray trash can with lid closed and short shadow
TRASH02A.ico Open green barrel with toxic waste emblem
TRASH02B.ico Burning green barrel with toxic waste emblem
TRASH03.ico Frontal view of white toilet with tank
TRASH04A.ico Gray 3-D waste basket with crumpled paper showing at top
TRASH04B.ico Gray 3-D waste basket appears empty
W95MBX01.ico Shadowed red disk with large white "X"
W95MBX02.ico Shadowed cartoon bubble with blue question mark (?)
W95MBX03.ico Shadowed yellow triangle with black exclamation mark (!)
W95MBX04.ico Shadowed cartoon bubble with blue exclamation mark (?)
DRAG1PG.ico Hand holding a piece of paper covered with writing
DRAG2PG.ico Hand holding several pieces of paper covered with writing
DRAG3PG.ico White arrow pointing at several blank pages of paper
DRAGFLDR.ico White arrow pointing at a white folder
DROP1PG.ico Open hand dropping a piece of paper
DROPFLDR.ico White folder, dashed vertical lines indicate it is dropping
CLOUD.ico White cloud with gray highlights
EARTH.ico Green and blue Earth showing Western Hemisphere
FIRE.ico Burning match head
LITENING.ico Yellow lightning bolt pointing downward
MOON01.ico Black disk indicating a new moon<BR/>
MOON02.ico Black disk with yellow crescent moon on right
MOON03.ico Black disk with yellow right half indicating a half moon
MOON04.ico Black disk covered by yellow except for left side
MOON05.ico Black circle filled with yellow indicating a full moon
MOON06.ico Black disk covered by yellow except for right side
MOON07.ico Black disk with yellow left half indicating a half moon
MOON08.ico Black disk with yellow crescent moon on left
RAIN.ico Cloud with dashed, near-vertical lines indicating rain
SNOW.ico Light blue snowflake
SUN.ico Yellow disk surrounded by eight outward-pointing triangles
WATER.ico Faucet with red handle, has blue and gray water flowing out
CTRCAN.ico Flag of Canada shaped like Canada
CTRFRAN.ico Flag of France shaped like France
CTRGERM.ico Flag of Germany shaped like Germany
CTRITALY.ico Flag of Italy shaped like Italy
CTRJAPAN.ico Flag of Japan shaped like Japan
CTRMEX.ico Flag of Mexico shaped like Mexico
CTRSKOR.ico Flag of Korea shaped like Korea
CTRSPAIN.ico Flag of Spain shaped like Spain
CTRUK.ico Flag of the United Kingdom shaped like Great Britain
CTRUSA.ico Flag of the United States shaped like the continental US
FLGASTRL.ico Flag of Australia
FLGAUSTA.ico Flag of Austria
FLGBELG.ico Flag of Belgium
FLGBRAZL.ico Flag of Brazil
FLGCAN.ico Flag of Canada
FLGDEN.ico Flag of Denmark
FLGFIN.ico Flag of Finland
FLGFRAN.ico Flag of France
FLGGERM.ico Flag of Germany
FLGIREL.ico Flag of Ireland
FLGITALY.ico Flag of Italy
FLGJAPAN.ico Flag of Japan
FLGMEX.ico Flag of Mexico
FLGNETH.ico Flag of the Netherlands
FLGNORW.ico Flag of Norway
FLGNZ.ico Flag of New Zealand
FLGPORT.ico Flag of Portugal
FLGRSA.ico Flag of South Africa
FLGRUS.ico Flag of Russia
FLGSKOR.ico Flag of South Korea
FLGSPAIN.ico Flag of Spain
FLGSWED.ico Flag of Sweden
FLGSWITZ.ico Flag of Switzerland
FLGTURK.ico Flag of Turkey
FLGUK.ico Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
FLGUSA01.ico U.S. flag on pole, waving in wind
FLGUSA02.ico Flag of the United States of America
BICYCLE.ico Oblique view of a red bicycle
CARS.ico Two cars, one red and one green
FACTORY.ico Gray button with factory with two smoke stacks
GASPUMP.ico Gas pump with black hose and red handle
HAMMER.ico Gray button with carpenter's hammer
PLANE.ico Airplane pointing to lower right
ROCKET.ico Space shuttle with large reddish fuel tank and two booster rockets
SINEWAVE.ico Sine wave on green screen with grid lines
WRENCH.ico Head of a crescent wrench pointing to upper right
MAIL01A.ico Yellow envelope with three horizontal lines and a red "stamp" in the upper right
MAIL01B.ico Same as MAIL01A but with triangle on top indicating an open flap
MAIL02A.ico Same as MAIL01A but higher in field
MAIL02B.ico Same as MAIL02A with a vertical tear near right end
MAIL03.ico White envelop with red stamp, lines on left indicate movement to right
MAIL04.ico White envelope torn in half
MAIL05A.ico Closed manila envelope with red string tie
MAIL05B.ico Open manila envelope with red string tie
MAIL06.ico Open envelop with flap up in front of a letter
MAIL07.ico Open envelop with flap up in front of a photo of a man
MAIL08.ico Open envelop with flap up in front of a photo of a woman
MAIL09.ico Open envelop with flap up and vibrating speaker above right
MAIL10.ico Closed envelope in front of letter tilted to the right
MAIL11.ico White envelope with green triangles along edges, hand with red sleeve inserting paper
MAIL12.ico White envelope with green triangles along edges, hand with red sleeve writing on front
MAIL13.ico Two open white envelopes with green triangles along edges
MAIL14.ico Open interoffice manila envelop with grid and red string tie
MAIL15.ico Gray button with image of closed envelope
MAIL16A.ico Open long, domed mailbox, red flag down, facing slightly left
MAIL16B.ico Open long, domed mailbox, red flag up, facing slightly left with envelop inside
MAIL17.ico Red metered stamp
MAIL18.ico Stamp with woman's head/shoulders facing left, scalloped edges, purple background
MAIL19A.ico Image of brass mail slot
MAIL19B.ico Image of brass mail slot with letters coming through
MAIL20.ico Same as MAIL14
MAIL21A.ico Closed long, domed mailbox on post, red flag down, facing slightly right
MAIL21B.ico Closed long, domed mailbox on post, red flag up, facing slightly right
BINOCULR.ico Binoculars
BRIDGE.ico Bridge with red supports
BULLSEYE.ico Target; red center and ring on yellow disk
CAMERA.ico Hand with blue sleeve holding camcorder pointed right
CHECKMRK.ico Large checkmark
CIRC1.ico Circle surrounding a numeral 1
CIRC2.ico Circle surrounding a numeral 2
CIRC3.ico Circle surrounding a numeral 3
CLOCK01.ico Analog clock with red border indicating 1:50
CLOCK02.ico Analog clock with black border, red second hand indicating 4:50:07
CLOCK03.ico Red alarm clock with white face indicating 1:50:25
CLOCK04.ico Red wall clock with pendulum indicating 1:50
CLOCK05.ico Square analog clock with red border indicating 3:00:40
CLOCK06.ico Analog clock with gray face indicating 3:00
EAR.ico Left human ear
EXCLEM.ico Yellow disk with large bold exclamation mark
EYE.ico Open, blue eye with lids and eye brow
FACE01.ico Yellow disk with two black ovals over straight horizontal line (expressionless)
FACE02.ico Yellow disk with two black ovals over upward curved line (happy face)
FACE03.ico Yellow "happy face" with red tongue visible (very happy face)
FACE04.ico Yellow disk with two black ovals over downward curved line (unhappy face)
FACE05.ico Yellow "very happy face" with black "nose"
HOUSE.ico 3-D house with red car in front
LIGHTOFF.ico White light bulb
LIGHTON.ico Yellow light bulb, emphasis lines indicate "on"
MIKE.ico Gray microphone with wire, musical notes
MISC01.ico Disk with alternating yellow and black triangles (radiation symbol)
MISC02.ico Red triangle containing white exclamation mark
MISC03.ico Blue triangle containing white lightening bolt pointing down
MISC04.ico Blue square with white person sitting on circle (handicap symbol)
MISC05.ico Blue disk containing white plus sign
MISC06.ico Small red disk containing white minus sign
MISC07.ico Gray bell with clacker
MISC08.ico Red horseshoe magnet-pointing down, emphasis lines on tips
MISC09.ico Gray button with triangle containing exclamation mark
MISC10.ico Gray button with triangle containing lightening bolt-pointing down
MISC11.ico Gray button with handicap symbol
MISC12.ico Gray button with large plus sign
MISC13.ico Small white, empty circle
MISC14.ico Small circle containing black disk
MISC15.ico Small circle containing red disk surrounded by red emphasis lines
MISC16A.ico Gray button with small circle containing black disk
MISC16B.ico Gray button with circle surrounded by emphasis lines
MISC17A.ico Gray button with circle, right half is black
MISC17B.ico Gray button with circle containing black disk
MISC18.ico Large plus sign
MISC19.ico Large minus sign
MISC20.ico Large multiplication sign
MISC21.ico Large division sign
MISC22.ico Large equal sign
MISC23.ico Cigarette in red circle and red line crossing (no smoking sign)
MISC24.ico Cylinder with pipe on top and flame at end (butane torch)
MISC25.ico Bar code
MISC26.ico Female silhouette
MISC27.ico Male silhouette
MISC28.ico Vertical line with male silhouette on left, female silhouette on right
MISC29.ico Six people sitting at long table
MISC30.ico Black, open umbrella with handle curving to right
MISC31.ico Five horizontal line with musical notes
MISC32.ico Reddish square containing white sail boat
MISC33.ico Vertical black fork, knife, and spoon
MISC34.ico Red heart shape like on playing cards (hearts)
MISC35.ico Black clover shape like on playing cards (clubs)
MISC36.ico Red diamond shape like on playing cards (diamonds)
MISC37.ico Black spade shape like on playing cards (spades)
MISC38.ico Light blue square containing balloons and streamers
MISC39A.ico Red cylinder with red/yellow sparks at end (firecracker or dynamite)
MISC39B.ico Broken red cylinder with red/yellow sparks at break (exploding firecracker or dynamite)
MISC40.ico Yellow birthday cake with 6 lit candles, blue background
MISC41.ico Sun rise/set over blue sparkling water, violet and pink sky
MISC42.ico Tiny island with single palm tree, blue sparkling water, light blue sky with yellow sun
MISC43.ico Blue skier against white mountains, light blue sky with yellow sun
MISC44.ico Christmas tree with red and yellow lights
QUESTION.ico Green disk with large white question mark (?)
SECUR01A.ico Open (unlocked) combination lock
SECUR01B.ico Closed (locked) combination lock
SECUR02A.ico Open (unlocked) 3-D padlock
SECUR02B.ico Closed (locked) 3-D padlock
SECUR03.ico Blue personal computer behind grid of bars
SECUR04.ico Gray button with closed pad lock
SECUR05.ico Key in oval slot, small red square over key, green square to left
SECUR06.ico Gray key with rounded back
SECUR07.ico Gray key with rounded back over shadow
SECUR08.ico Brass key with rounded back over shadow
TIMER01.ico Stop watch with three buttons around top, red second hand
VOLUME01.ico Yellow speaker facing right with arcs representing sound waves
VOLUME02.ico Vertical gray slider control with yellow speaker in lower left
WATCH01.ico Wrist watch with brown band, red second hand
WATCH02.ico Small wrist watch with segmented band
CLIP01.ico Vertical 3-D paper clip
CLIP02.ico 3-D paper clip turned 45 degrees
CLIP03.ico Vertical paper clip
CLIP04.ico Gray button with vertical paper clip
CLIP05.ico Large paper clamp
CLIP06.ico Corner of white pages with blue lines held by paper clip
CLIP07.ico Corner of yellow lined paper held by paper clip
CLIP08.ico Corner of white lined paper held by paper clip
CRDFLE01.ico 3-D blue index card tray
CRDFLE02.ico 3-D gray index card tray
CRDFLE03.ico 3-D blue index card file
CRDFLE04.ico 3-D red index card tray with one card sticking up
CRDFLE05.ico 3-D gray index card tray with one card in front of tray
CRDFLE06.ico 3-D short gray card tray
CRDFLE07.ico Pale yellow index card with tab at top and two notches at bottom
CRDFLE08.ico Pale yellow index card with two notches at bottom
CRDFLE09.ico 3-D gray cylindrical address card holder
CRDFLE10.ico 3-D red cylindrical address card holder
CRDFLE11.ico 3-D red cylindrical address card holder with right hand touching top card
CRDFLE12.ico 3-D red card file with left hand adding/removing a card
CRDFLE13.ico Hand with red sleeve writing on an index card in red ink
FILES01A.ico Dark gray two-drawer file cabinet
FILES01B.ico Gray two-drawer file cabinet, bottom drawer is larger and lighter
FILES02A.ico Wide yellow two-drawer file cabinet
FILES02B.ico Wide yellow two-drawer file cabinet, bottom drawer is larger and lighter
FILES03A.ico Gray 3-D two-drawer file cabinet
FILES03B.ico Gray 3-D two-drawer file cabinet, bottom drawer open
FILES04.ico 3-D 2-drawer file cabinet, hand reaching into bottom drawer
FILES05A.ico Wide gray 3-D two-drawer file cabinet
FILES05B.ico Wide gray 3-D two-drawer file cabinet, bottom drawer open
FILES06.ico Shiny open file cabinet drawer with folder tabs visible
FILES07.ico Shiny file cabinet drawer with hand grabbing a folder
FILES08.ico Side view of 3-D cabinet drawer with yellow folders
FILES09.ico Hand touching yellow folders in side view of 3-D cabinet drawer
FILES10.ico Hand holding paper over blue paper tray
FOLDER01.ico Oblique view of yellow 3-D file folder
FOLDER02.ico Oblique view of open yellow 3-D file folder with paper inside
FOLDER03.ico Open yellow file folder
FOLDER04.ico Open yellow file folder with pages inside
FOLDER05.ico Hand holding page with blue lines inside of yellow file folder
FOLDER06.ico Gray button with outline of a file folder
FOLDRS01.ico Oblique view of yellow 3-D file folders
FOLDRS02.ico Oblique view of yellow 3-D file folders, front folder is open
GRAPH01.ico Line graph with one red and one blue line connecting points over gray lines
GRAPH02.ico Line graph with one red and one blue line connecting white points on gray grid
GRAPH03.ico Purple square with gray and black zigzag lines
GRAPH04.ico Red and black zigzag lines over gray grid
GRAPH05.ico Gray button with line connecting points, dots along left and bottom
GRAPH06.ico Gray button with vertical bar graph
GRAPH07.ico Red, blue, purple and green vertical bars on grid
GRAPH08.ico Vertical graph with four blue bars of different heights
GRAPH09.ico Graph with four red vertical bars and yellow zigzagging line
GRAPH10.ico Gray button has circle with upper left quarter separated
GRAPH11.ico Flat colorful pie chart with labels
GRAPH12.ico 3-D pie chat with three sections of different color and height
GRAPH13.ico 3-D pie chart with legend and one of three sections slightly separated
GRAPH14.ico Yellow square with flow chart with red rectangles connected by lines
GRAPH15.ico Page of ruled notebook paper with green zigzag line
GRAPH16.ico Graph plots 1 black and 2 red squares with short vertical lines. Bottom says "ChartDem."
LABELS.ico Continuous-feed standard mailing labels
RULERS.ico Two yellow rulers cross at right angle near upper left on gray square
TRFFC01.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points up
TRFFC02.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points right
TRFFC03.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points down
TRFFC04.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points left
TRFFC05.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points up then right
TRFFC06.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points up, right, then up
TRFFC07.ico Yellow square rotated 45 degrees, black car sliding
TRFFC08.ico Yellow square with black and yellow border rotated 45 degrees, black arrow points right
TRFFC09.ico Traffic light with red, yellow, and green "lights"
TRFFC10A.ico Traffic light with bright green light, other lights dim
TRFFC10B.ico Traffic light with bright yellow light, other lights dim
TRFFC10C.ico Traffic light with bright red light, other lights dim
TRFFC11.ico Divided road sign. Vertical white rectangle, black arrow bends to continue by triangle in upper left.
TRFFC12.ico Vertical white rectangle, short black arrow points up above number 50
TRFFC13.ico Red disk with large white horizontal bar across center
TRFFC14.ico Red octagon with "STOP" in tall white letters
TRFFC15.ico Red cone on square base (traffic cone)
TRFFC16.ico Purple skidding car leaving jagged tracks
TRFFC17.ico Road with centered yellow dashes, white left arrow over white right arrow
TRFFC18A.ico Black square, Green "WALK" under gray "DONT"
TRFFC18B.ico Black square, Red "DONT" over Red "WALK"
TRFFC19A.ico Black square, white walking human silhouette to right
TRFFC19B.ico Black square, vertical red hand on left
TRFFC20.ico Dark blue square with personal computer on yellow square rotated 45 degrees
35FLOPPY.ico Gray 3 1/2-inch floppy drive with floppy to upper right
525FLOP1.ico Gray 5 1/4-inch floppy drive with floppy to upper right
AUDIO.ico Round shiny CD with musical note
CDDRIVE.ico Round shiny CD with gray CD-ROM drive
CLSDFOLD.ico Yellow file folder
CTRPANEL.ico Yellow file folder with hammer and screwdriver on front
DESKTOP.ico Tilted drawing desk with paper, pencil, and blue swivel lamp
DRIVE.ico Gray hard drive with small green "light" in corner
DRIVEDSC.ico Gray hard drive above cable with red "X" over connection
DRIVENET.ico Gray hard drive above connected cable
ENTIRNET.ico Blue Earth globe in yellow swivel mount
EXPLORER.ico Yellow file folder with blue magnifying glass on front
MYCOMP.ico 3-D personal computer with keyboard and monitor running Microsoft Windows
NETHOOD.ico Two 3-D personal computers connected by cable, one has blue screen, other is green
OPENFOLD.ico Open yellow file folder
PRINTFLD.ico Yellow file folder, printer with paper coming out on front
RECYFULL.ico Full 3-D gray waste paper basket, three green "chasing" arrows in circle on side
REMTEACC.ico Yellow file folder, two personal computers connected to a phone on front
WASTE.ico Empty 3-D gray waste paper basket, three green arrows in circle on side
BOOK01A.ico 3-D closed red book, turned 45 degrees
BOOK01B.ico 3-D open book turned 45 degrees
BOOK02.ico 3-D open book, pages facing viewer
BOOK03.ico 3-D open book, one page turning
BOOK04.ico 3-D open book, held at lower right by hand with red sleeve
BOOK05.ico Gray button with closed book turned 45 degrees
BOOK06.ico 3-D open book with shiny CD at lower left
BOOKS01.ico three stacked books, violet book on red book on blue book
BOOKS02.ico Open book on closed blue book
BOOKS03.ico Book bindings of different colors and sizes, one leaning
BOOKS04.ico 3-D standing books of different colors and sizes
BOOKS05.ico 3-D standing books of different colors and sizes, one leaning
ERASE01.ico Pink eraser on end of yellow pencil
ERASE02.ico Pink eraser on end of yellow pencil, squiggly line being erased
FONT01.ico Wide white rectangle with large letter "A", upper right corner bent down
FONT02.ico Fancy blue letter "B" over red "A" and gray "C"
LANDSCAP.ico Wide white rectangle with large letter "A", upper-right corner bent down
NOTE01.ico Gray button with spiral-bound note pad
NOTE02.ico Yellow notepad partly open, spiral binding at top
NOTE03.ico Red notepad partly open, spiral binding at top
NOTE04.ico Red notepad partly open, spiral binding at left side
NOTE05.ico Vertical gray composition notebook
NOTE06.ico Page with blue lines from notebook, holes on left
NOTE07.ico Yellow page with blue lines, bottom is jagged (torn)
NOTE08.ico White page with lines, bottom is jagged (torn), red "MEMO" at top
NOTE09.ico White page with lines, bottom is jagged (torn), red "NOTE" at top
NOTE10.ico White page with lines, bottom is jagged (torn), red "NOTIZ" at top
NOTE10B.ico White page with lines, bottom is jagged (torn), red "NOTA" at top
NOTE10C.ico White page with lines, bottom is jagged (torn), two red Japanese characters at top
NOTE11.ico Stack of paper, lower-right corner of top sheet bent up
NOTE12.ico Stack of lined paper, lower-right corner of top sheet bent up
NOTE13.ico Open spiral notebook with pencil on top, pages have blue lines
NOTE14.ico Open red spiral notebook, hand with red sleeve writing with red pen
NOTE15.ico Hand with red sleeve tearing page from wide spiral notebook
NOTE16.ico Hand with blue sleeve writing with pencil on desk calendar
NOTE17.ico Open red spiral notebook, hand with red sleeve writing with pencil
NOTE18.ico Hand with wrist watch tearing page from narrow spiral notebook
PEN01.ico Tip of light blue pen pointing to lower left, starting a mark
PEN02.ico Tip of light blue pen drawing blue letter "C"
PEN03.ico Tip of red pen pointing to lower left, starting a red mark
PEN04.ico Tip of red pen pointing to lower left
PEN05.ico Tip of gray and black pen-pointing to lower left
PEN06.ico Tip of green marker pointing to lower left, starting a green mark
PEN07.ico Tip of green marker pointing to upper left, starting a green mark
PENCIL01.ico Short yellow pencil pointing to lower left
PENCIL02.ico End of light brown pencil pointing to upper left
PENCIL03.ico Gray button with pencil pointing to lower left
PENCIL04.ico Pencil tip drawing cursive lower case "e"
PENCIL05.ico Hand drawing with yellow pencil
PENCIL06.ico End of gray pencil with gray tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL07.ico End of black pencil with black tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL08.ico End of red pencil with red tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL09.ico End of blue pencil with blue tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL10.ico End of green pencil with green tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL11.ico End of violet pencil with violet tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL12.ico End of light blue pencil with light blue tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL13.ico End of brown pencil with brown tip pointing to upper left
PENCIL14.ico Blue coffee cup with shadow holding four pencils
PENS01.ico Violet marker with gray cap and green marker without cap
PENS02.ico Red pen with red cap and green marker without cap
PENS03.ico Pencil tip, green marker without cap, red pen with red cap
PENS04.ico White pocket protector holding three pens and a pencil
PORTRAIT.ico Tall white rectangle with large letter "A", upper right corner bent down