Many database-oriented programs, such as Microsoft Access, provide a way
to create uniquely numbered items (or records). In database terminology,
this is typically referred to as a primary key.
There are several situations where you might want Outlook to sequentially
number items. A form that a helpdesk uses to track task requests is one
such example. Each task in a folder would have a unique task number for
tracking purposes.
Outlook does not provide a way of manually indexing fields in folders like
most database management systems (DBMS). Outlook stores items in folders, and because these folders are designed to be flexible in terms of what can be placed in them, they are "less structured" than a typical DBMS.
The folders are "self-indexing" based on various criteria, such as how
often a folder is accessed, and therefore do not have a primary key that
you can manually set.
Implementation Strategies
In all of the following scenarios, you have to create Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) code with event procedures for the form,
typically Item_Open(). VBScript code in the Item_Open() event keeps track of the auto-incrementing number, or ID, for the items. You then store the
number assigned to the last form item in some designated location. Choosing
the storage location is the main difference between the following strategies.
Examples below auto-increment the ID number in the Mileage field, because
the Mileage field is available in all types of Outlook forms. In general,
the code placed in the Item_Open() event needs to determine if the form is a new form or whether the form is an existing form. If it is a new form,
VBScript code needs to retrieve, increment, and store the ID in the Mileage
field. Then the code needs to update the number wherever the "last used" ID
is stored so that it is ready for the next new form. If the form is an
existing form, the VBScript code typically does nothing related to the ID
Increment Number and Republish the Form
This approach uses a published form to keep track of the ID number. Because
the Item_Open event executes when a new item is created, or when an existing item is opened, the VBScript code has to test to see whether the index needs to be incremented.
If you use this approach in a public folder, be aware that all the users who use the custom form must have owner rights to the folder (to enable them to re-publish the form). This does pose a security problem, and in this case, you may want to try another method.
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes
that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the
tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can
help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not
modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to
meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may
want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or the Microsoft fee-based
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For more information about the support options that are available and about how to contact Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
The following is sample code to provide a starting point for implementing
this type of solution. Because VBScript cannot use Outlook constants, the
constants are explicitly defined at the beginning of the code.
To implement this solution, follow these steps:
- Open a new contact form and enter the following code in the VBScript editor.
olFolderRegistry = 3
olFolderContacts = 10
myFormName = "FormName"
Sub Item_Open()
' Set the Outlook NameSpace.
Set olns = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
' Set the folder to the Contacts folder
Set myFolder = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
' #1/1/4501# is the internal representation of an
' empty data value in Outlook.
If Item.LastModificationTime = #1/1/4501# Then
' Item is a brand new item.
MsgBox "New Item"
If Item.Mileage = "" Then
' Create the first item in the folder.
Item.Mileage = 1
' Increment the index in the Mileage field.
Item.Mileage = CStr(CInt(Item.Mileage) + 1)
End If
' The following three lines republish the form to
' the Contacts folder with the new index number
' in the Mileage field.
Set myForm = Item.FormDescription
myForm.Name = myFormName
myForm.PublishForm olFolderRegistry, myFolder
' Item is an existing item.
MsgBox "Existing item, doing nothing."
End If
End Sub
- Publish the form to the Contact folder, being sure to use the name in the third line of VBScript code above (myFormName = "FormName").
- Right-click the Contact folder, and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
- In the "When posting to this folder, use" list, click the name of the published form so that the form is the default form for the folder. Click OK.
- Optionally, set the view to one of the "table" views, such as Phone List. Using the Field Chooser, drag the Mileage field to the column heading so you can easily see the values in that field.
Use Microsoft Access to Generate the Unique ID
You can use this method as part of a larger data-synchronizing
solution between Outlook and Microsoft Access. For example, you store a
master copy of contact data in Microsoft Access. In this case, you match
the Mileage field to a primary key field in Microsoft Access.
A custom Outlook contact form can have an Item_Open event in VBScript that
checks the Mileage field and then uses Data Access Objects (DAO) to
retrieve the information for the contact. If the Mileage field is empty,
this means the user created a new contact item and DAO code is used to
create a new contact record in the Microsoft Access database. This
automatically generates a unique ID for the record, and code can retrieve
and store this ID in the Outlook Mileage field.
There is an example of this at the following non-Microsoft site:
If you have difficulty finding this page, use the following URL and search the site for code examples:
Use an Item in a Folder
Instead of using a published form, an Outlook item can store the last-used
ID number. If you place the item in the same folder as the other numbered
items, one issue to consider is that someone might accidentally delete the
item storing the last-used number. To safeguard this, you can store the
item in a different folder.
Use a Text File
Store the last-used number in a separate text file on the hard disk using
the FileSystemObject that is available with VBScript versions later than