To work around this behavior, use any of the following methods to hide the frames from view.
- These methods do not disable the frameset; they just hide the frames from view.
- You can only use methods 1 and 2 when you publish your Web presentation in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (high fidelity) format.
Method 1: Bypass the Frames
Create a hyperlink to the Fullscreen.htm file. This file opens the saved presentation so that it fills the entire browser window.
This file is located in the
PresentationName_files folder, where
PresentationName refers to the file name of your presentation. When linked this way, the browser is closed when the full-screen show ends. To prevent this from happening, specify that the hyperlink to the Fullscreen.htm file should open in a new window. The HTML code to invoke that behavior resembles the following:
<a href="presentation_files/fullscreen.htm" target="_blank"> Click to
start slide show </a>
Method 2: Disable Navigation Controls
NOTE: If you disable slide navigation controls, you cannot navigate your presentation in a Web browser unless you use Action Settings on your slides.
You can disable slide navigation controls in your Web presentation, which forces your Web presentation to open in full-screen mode. This does not disable frames however; it simply reduces them to 0 points in height and width. To disable slide navigation controls, follow these steps:
- With your presentation open, click Save as Web Page on the File menu.
- In the Save As dialog box, click Web Options on the Tools menu.
- On the General tab, click to clear the Add slide navigation controls check box, and click OK.
- Click Save.
Method 3: Disable the Outline Frame
NOTE: Method 3 publishes your Web presentation in the
Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later format, and uses a
Screen size setting for the target monitor of
544 x 376.
- On the Tools menu, click Options.
- On the General tab of the Options dialog box, click Web Options.
- On the General tab of the Web Options dialog box, click to clear the Resize graphics to fit browser window check box.
- On the Pictures tab, click 544 x 376 in the Screen size list.
- Click OK, and then click OK again.
- On the File menu, click Save as Web Page.
- Click Publish.
- Under Browser support, click Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, Netscape Navigator 3.0, or later, and then click Publish.
The Web presentation now has only the slide frame and navigation bar frame visible.
For additional information about the limitations of saving in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, Netscape Navigator 3.0, or later format, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
291889 PPT2002: Cannot View Web Page Using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer 3.x