CD ROM: Question 70- Answer Is A And C
For question 70-210.02.004, the exam simulation only allows you to select one response. However, two responses are correct for this question: Administrators and Power Users. This error only occurs in the simulation; the Readiness Review text, on pages 56 and 57, correctly reflects the answer.
Page 30: Incorrect Statement About Windows 2000 Service Pack
On page 30, change:
"If, after applying the service pack, you add any services or drivers to the local installation, you must reapply the service pack. To avoid manual service pack reapplication, type update -s: distribution_folder (where distribution_folder is the location containing the operating system files) to slipstream a distribution point. Then use the distribution point rather than the Windows 2000 Professional installation CD-ROM to add services or drivers to the local installation."
"In earlier versions of Windows, if you applied a service pack to your computer, each time you changed the system state by adding or removing components, you had to reapply any service packs. Windows 2000 automatically recognizes that a service pack has been applied to the system and which files have been replaced or updated. Whenever you add or remove components from a computer running Windows 2000, the system copies the required files from either the Windows 2000 installation files or from the service pack install location, so you don't have to reapply the service pack."
Page 32: Incorrect Statement About Windows 2000 Service Pack
On page 32, in the first paragraph, change:
"If new services or drivers are installed, reapply the service pack."
"If new services or drivers are installed, you don't have to reapply the service pack, as the system copies the required files from either the Windows 2000 installation files or from the service pack install location automatically."
Page 33: Correct Answer Should Be A, Not D
On page 33, the correct answer to question 70- should be A, not D.
Please change answers A and D to be the following:
"A. Correct: In earlier versions of Windows, if you applied a service pack to your computer, each time you changed the system state by adding or removing components, you had to reapply any service packs. Windows 2000 automatically recognizes that a service pack has been applied to the system and which files have been replaced or updated. Whenever you add or remove components from a computer running Windows 2000, the system copies the required files from either the Windows 2000 installation files or from the service pack install location, so you don't have to reapply the service pack."
D. Incorrect: See answer A's explanation"
Page 55: Incomplete Condition In Question 70-
On page 55, in question 70-, change:
"You share the \Reports folder, assign the Read share permission to user TonyV, and assign the Change share permission to the Developers group."
"You share the \Reports folder, remove the Everyone group from the share permission, assign the Read share permission to user TonyV, and assign the Change share permission to the Developers group."
Page 75: Disk Administrator Should Be Disk Management
Page 75, in the second paragraph, change:
"Disk Administrator"
"Disk Management"
Pages 136-137: Disk Defragmenter Cannot Be Scheduled
Questions 70- and 70-, on pages 136-137, propose using Scheduled Tasks to schedule the running of Disk Defragmenter. Disk Defragmenter cannot be scheduled.
On page 137, change answer D of both questions to:
"D. Disk defragmentation does not occur at all."
Pages 139-140: Disk Defragmenter Cannot Be Scheduled
Questions 70- and 70-, on pages 139-140, propose using Scheduled Tasks to schedule the running of Disk Defragmenter. Disk Defragmenter cannot be scheduled.
On pages 139-140, change the explanation for question both questions to:
"Correct Answer: D
A. Incorrect: see explanation for D.
B. Incorrect: see explanation for D.
C. Incorrect: see explanation for D.
D. Correct: Windows 2000 Disk Defragmenter cannot be scheduled."
For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
227463 Windows 2000 Disk Defragmenter Limitations
Page 164: Correction To Question 70-
On page 164, in question 70-, change:
"Using Windows Backup, which backup plan should you choose to both minimize the time needed to back up data and restore data?"
"Using Windows Backup, which backup plan should you choose to minimize the time needed to restore data?"
Page 229: Incorrect IP Address In Diagram For Question 70-
On page 229, under question 70-, the "Command Prompt" diagram displays the wrong IP address.
"IP Address...:"
"IP Address...:"
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.