WD2002: Limitations of Converting WordPerfect 5.x Documents (291312)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2002

This article was previously published under Q291312
For a Microsoft Word 2000 version of this article, see 240854.
For a Microsoft Word 97 version of this article, see 157085.


The WordPerfect 5.x converter included with Microsoft Word 2002 is designed to take advantage of features and conversion capabilities specifically available in Word 2002. For best results converting to and from Word 2002, use the WordPerfect 5.x converter shipped with Word 2002.

Converting a file from Word format to WordPerfect format and back again may cause the loss of some formatting (for example, fonts, justification, styles, and mail merge) unless you load, paginate, and save the converted file in WordPerfect before converting it back to Word.


The following table lists features that are not completely converted, that are not supported on one product or the other, or that require some comment.

The key is as follows:
   Yes   The feature is converted from one product to the other.

   N/S   The feature is not supported in one of the products or not 
         completely converted from one product to the other. See the 
         Comment for more information.

                     Word 2002       WordPerfect
                         to            5.x to
   Features       WordPerfect 5.x     Word 2002    Comments
   All caps             Yes              N/S       All caps formatting
                                                   becomes all capital
   Hidden               Yes              N/S       Hidden text in Word
                                                   becomes WordPerfect
                                                   comment text.
   Strikethrough        Yes              Yes       WordPerfect strikeout
                                                   becomes strikethrough
                                                   formatting in Word and
                                                   vice versa; WordPerfect
                                                   redlining becomes
                                                   tracked changes in Word
                                                   and vice versa.
   Underlining          Yes              Yes       Underlining format is
                                                   preserved, but the type
                                                   of underlining may be
   Spacing              N/S              N/S
   Kerning              Yes              Yes
   Alignment            Yes              Yes       Centering codes may have
                                                   to be individually
                                                   repositioned in
                                                   WordPerfect after
   First-line           Yes              Yes       First-line indents are
   Indents                                         created with tabs in
   Page Break           Yes              N/S       Approximated with a page
   Before                                          break in WordPerfect.
   Space before         Yes              N/S       Approximated with blank
   /after paragraphs                               lines in WordPerfect.
   Tab leaders          Yes              Yes       From WordPerfect to
                                                   Word, the dot, dash, and
                                                   underscore tab leaders
                                                   convert to the same in
                                                   Word. All other
                                                   WordPerfect tab leaders
                                                   convert to dot leaders
                                                   in Word.
   Leading/baselines     N/S              N/S
   [Center]/[Flsh Rgt]   N/S              Yes      From WordPerfect to
   codes                                           Word, Center and Flush
                                                   Right codes convert to
                                                   center- and right-
                                                   aligned tab stops.
   Widow control         Yes             Yes
   Margins               Yes             Yes       Word margins are
                                                   measured from paper's
                                                   edge to body text;
                                                   WordPerfect margins are
                                                   measured from the edge
                                                   to the header. The
                                                   conversion adjusts the
                                                   margins as needed to
                                                   preserve page layout.
   Newspaper columns     Yes             Yes
   Parallel columns      N/S             Yes       From WordPerfect to
                                                   Word, parallel columns
                                                   convert to tables. If a
                                                   parallel column layout
                                                   contains a page-anchored
                                                   box, the entire parallel
                                                   column layout is
                                                   converted to newspaper

   Tables                Yes             Yes       Vertical merging of
                                                   cells is not converted.
   Table formulas        N/S             N/S
   Decimal table         N/S             Yes       From WordPerfect to
   cell alignment                                  Word, decimal table
                                                   cell alignment is
                                                   converted to right
                                                   paragraph alignment.
   Default tab stops     N/S             Yes
   Footnotes             Yes             Yes       Endnotes placed at the
                                                   end of sections in Word
                                                   are placed at the end of
                                                   the document in
                                                   WordPerfect because
                                                   WordPerfect doesn't have
                                                   sections. Restarted
                                                   numbers and separators
                                                   are not converted.
                                                   Custom footnote marks
                                                   in Word are added to
                                                   automatic numbering in
   Gutter margins,       Yes             Yes
   paper size
   Comments              Yes             N/S       Word comments become
                                                   WordPerfect comment
   Outline, paragraph    Yes             Yes       WordPerfect paragraph
   numbers, Word 7.0                               numbers convert to 
   Lists                                           Word sequence fields 
                                                   by default.
                                                   In Word, automatically
                                                   numbered lists convert
                                                   to paragraph numbers.

                                                   To convert WordPerfect
                                                   paragraph numbers to
                                                   plain text, set this
                                                   option in the registry
                                                   using the
   Print merge commands  Yes             Yes       Word data source
                                                   documents can be either
                                                   tab- or comma-delimited
                                                   or in table format to
                                                   convert to WordPerfect.
                                                   Word automatically
                                                   converts WordPerfect
                                                   secondary files to Word
                                                   data source document
                                                   format. Conditional
                                                   print merge constructs
                                                   and macros are lost when
                                                   converting to Word.
   Date/time stamps      Yes             Yes       Default formats only.
   Subdocuments          Yes             Yes
   (INCLUDE field)
   Equations             N/S             No
   Extended characters   Yes             Yes       From WordPerfect to
                                                   Word, not all extended
                                                   characters are
   Text boxes, lines     Yes             Yes       Some text boxes and
                                                   lines convert to Word
                                                   drawing layer objects.
                                                   Drawing layer objects
                                                   are visible only in page
                                                   layout view, in print
                                                   preview, and when
                                                   printed. Drawing layer
                                                   objects do not appear in
                                                   normal view.
   Line draw             Yes             Yes       WordPerfect line draw
                                                   characters are
                                                   converted; however, Word
                                                   line spacing causes gaps
                                                   to appear between line
                                                   draw characters on
                                                   successive lines. To
                                                   correct this problem for
                                                   printing, set line
                                                   spacing to equal the
                                                   current font point size.
   Macros                N/S              No
   PRIVATE field codes   N/S              Yes      From WordPerfect to
                                                   Word, PRIVATE fields
                                                   are inserted by the
                                                   converter to preserve
                                                   information needed to
                                                   accurately save the file
                                                   back to WordPerfect
                                                   format. These fields
                                                   should not be edited and
                                                   have no effect on the
   Styles                Yes               Yes     From WordPerfect to 
                                                   Word, styles containing
                                                   paragraph formatting
                                                   codes convert to
                                                   paragraph styles.
                                                   WordPerfect styles
                                                   containing only
                                                   character formatting
                                                   convert to character
                                                   styles in Word. Text
                                                   contained in a style is
                                                   converted as normal
                                                   text. Other features,
                                                   such as tables,
                                                   graphics, and so on, are
                                                   retained in documents
                                                   but are not given Word
   Document Titles     See Comment    See Comment  WordPerfect can assign
   \Descriptive                                    a Descriptive Name to a
   Names                                           file; much like Word
                                                   can assign a Title. Word
                                                   imports the Descriptive
                                                   Name into the document
                                                   Title property and
                                                   exports the document
                                                   Title property into a
                                                   Descriptive Name.


For more information about converting WordPerfect files, click Microsoft Word Help on the Help menu, type convert between Word and WordPerfect in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topic.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/27/2006
Keywords:kbhowto kbinterop KB291312