Event ID: 4137
Source: Application Center
Description: Name Resolution Service failed to start
Event Type: Error
The Application Center Name Resolution Service failed to start.
Meaning: The Application Center Name Resolution Service failed to start.
Effect: Name resolution might fail, causing intracluster communication problems. Cluster actions might fail.
Possible Causes and SolutionsMisconfigured service: The service is misconfigured. Check the configuration by using the
Services utility in
Control Panel. The service should be configured as:
Application Center Name Resolution:- General - Startup type: Automatic.
- Log On - Log on as: Local system account; Allow service to interact with desktop = Yes.
- Recovery - Restart the service (all occurrences); Reset fail count after [49710] days; Restart service after [0] minutes.
Configuration store (metabase) corrupt: The store Application Center uses for configuration data is corrupted or unavailable. Restart the Internet Information Server (IIS) Admin service by using the
Services utility in
Administrative Tools. If this problem persists, contact your support personnel.
Other Solutions (listed in order of preference):- Restart the computer.
- Restart the cluster controller.
- Contact Microsoft Product Support Services: