This step-by-step article tells you how to use the
Find and Replace dialog box in Microsoft Excel 2002 or in Microsoft Office Excel 2003. In Excel 2002 or in Excel 2003, the separate
Find and
Replace dialog boxes are replaced by a single
Find and Replace dialog box with new search and replace options. This article explains the new options.
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Find and Replace in One Dialog Box
Find and
Replace dialog boxes of earlier versions of Excel are replaced by a single dialog box. The default tab selection depends on which of the two commands you use to open the dialog box. You can switch between the Find feature and the Replace feature as needed.
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Additional searching options are now available in the
Find and Replace dialog box, including searching by formats, replacing formats, and searching the current workbook or worksheet. All of these options are hidden by default. These new features are displayed when you click the
Options button.
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Find by Format
You can now search based on cell formatting. If you select a format, Excel 2002 or Excel 2003 searches only those cells that have the same format. For example, if you select bold, italics, and currency format with two decimal places, only cells with all of those attributes will be searched for a match.
You can specify the format in the
Find Format dialog box (click
Format in the
Find and Replace dialog box), which is exactly the same as the
Format Cells dialog box (click
Cells on the
Format menu). Alternatively, you can click
Choose Format From Cell in the
Format drop-down list, and then click any cell in any open workbook to specify that cell's format.
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Replace with Formatting
You can change the format in cells that match your search. For example, you can apply bold formatting to all cells with the SUM function. You can specify the format in the same way as you find (or search) by format, either by specifying the format in the
Replace Format dialog box or by selecting a cell with the appropriate format.
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Find Where
You can specify to search the entire workbook or the current worksheet. In earlier versions of Excel, your searching ability was limited to the current worksheet. If you have more than one worksheet selected, Excel 2002 or Excel 2003 now searches all selected worksheets in the workbook.
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Find All and the Results List
When you click
Find All, all matching cells are displayed in the
Results list. Any item in the list is a hyperlink; therefore, by clicking any of the results on the results list, you activate that cell.
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You can format cells, run macros, and save and edit your workbook while the
Find and Replace dialog box is open. You can use this feature with the
Results list to edit cells that match your search. For example, you can search for
# to fix any errors in your workbook.
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Excel 2002
For more information about Find and Replace functionality, click
Microsoft Excel Help on the
Help menu, type
find and replace in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click
Search to view the topics returned.
Excel 2003
For more information about Find and Replace functionality, click
Microsoft Excel Help on the
Help menu, type
find and replace in the
Search for box in the Assistance pane, and then click
Start searching to view the topic.
For additional information, click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
282151 XL2002: Macro That Uses FindNext to Search for Specific Format Finds Wrong Cell
282153 XL2002: Run-Time Error 91 with Macro That Searches for Fill Color
284881 XL2002: "Replace All" Command Replaces Cells in Unselected Worksheets
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